Major Mysteries
The Sacred Sexuality Taught and Lived by Jesus
A Book by Samael Aun Weor
For two thousand years, the teachings of Christianity have changed dramatically, especially regarding its founder and inspiration, Jesus. A master of Kabbalah and Hebrew, Jesus brought the secret teachings out of hiding, and was killed for it. Since then, his true teachings have not been heard by the public, until now.
The story of Adam and Eve written by Moses is the basis of the Western religions. It says that originally, humanity knew divinity face to face, and was pure, innocent, and happy, symbolized by living in Eden, a Hebrew word that literally means “bliss, pleasure.” But Moses says when they ate the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge (Da’ath), humanity lost its place in Eden, and suffering began. Unfortunately, people read this story literally, and do not understand what it represents. Jesus came to explain it, and lead the way back to Eden.
The whole purpose of religion is to guide us back to Eden, happiness. That is what Jesus taught in the streets to suffering humanity, and why his first miracle was at a wedding: we can return to Eden only when man and woman unite to undo the mistake of Adam and Eve. The forbidden fruit is related to sex. To return to We can only return to Eden through the same door we used to leave it: sex. The return to Eden is the “narrow, straight gate,” the way to be “born again.” Any birth, whether of the flesh or the spirit, is sexual; Jesus pointed this out, too.
“Except one be born again, one cannot see the kingdom of God... Except one be born of water and of the Spirit, one cannot enter into the kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.” —Jesus, John 3: How to Be Born Again
Yet the sexuality of Eden is divine, pure, clean, without the blemish of lust or animal desire. That is what we need to escape suffering: to be pure again.
To explain the process of returning to Eden, Samael Aun Weor illustrates it with the initiations and trials Jesus passed through in Asia and Egypt, including descriptions of his wife, his personal life, and many details never before revealed publicly.
- How Sex is Related to the Return to Eden
- The Initiations and Training of Jesus
- Magical Works of the Priesthood
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More Information:
- New edition! Features many corrections and improvements, such as improved legibility, an updated cover, 140 footnotes, updated illustrations
- Paperback 5.5 x 8.5
- 382 pages
- Glossary and index
Originally published in Spanish as "Los Misterios Mayores" (1956).
Sample Chapters:
The Labarum of the Temple
The Swans of Paradise
The Sexual Act in Eden
Jehovah, Lucifer, Christ
The Tree of Life
Ages of the Consciousness
Astral Traveling
The Hill of Chapultepec
Clue for the Awakening of the Consciousness during Normal Sleep
The 22 Major Arcana and Astral Projections
Jinn States
Clue in order to Invoke the Physical Body from a Distance
The Tenebrous Ones Disagree
The Tenebrous Ones Close the Doors of Eden
The Two Closed Doors
Practice and Not Theories
Preparation for Initiation 1
Preparation for Initiation 2
Preparation for Initiation 3
Preparation for Initiation 4
Preparation for Initiation 5
Preparation for Initiation 6
Preparation for Initiation 7
Preparation for Initiation 8
Preparation for Initiation 9
Preparation for Initiation 10
Preparation for Initiation 11
Preparation for Initiation 12
Preparation for Initiation 13
Preparation for Initiation 14
Preparation for Initiation 15
Preparation for Initiation 16
Preparation for Initiation 17
Preparation for Initiation 18
Preparation for Initiation 19
Preparation for Initiation 20
The Two Witnesses
The Sexual Problem
The Seven Churches
Personages Who Do Harm
Fear Mongers
The Church of the Holy Spirit
The Seven Temples
The Seven Serpents
The Birth of Jesus
Spiritual Birth
Origins of the Human “I”
The Guardian of the Threshold
The First Great Birth of the Christ Jesus
The Ceremony in the Temple
The Sacred Family Flee to Egypt
Jesus in Egypt
The Thirty-three Chambers of the Temple
The Third Serpent
The Fourth Serpent
Jesus’ Fifth Serpent
The Last Moments of Jesus in Egypt
Jesus in the Holy Land
The Baptism of Jesus
The Three Aspects of the Crown
The Ancient of Days
The First Divine Couple
The Seven Double Columns of the Temple
The Wedding of Cana
The Greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven
The Elixir of Long Life
The Bat God
The Supper at Bethany
Jesus and the Angel Ehecatl, the God of the Wind
The Gnostic Movement
Gnostic Tradition
Practice, Not Theories
Jinn State
Imagination, Inspiration, Intuition
Gnostic Sanctuaries
The Apostolate
Meetings’ Regulations
Selection of Personnel
World Karma
How to Charge Talismans and Cleanse Our Sanctuaries
Ceremonial Procedures of High Magic
Sexual Transmutation for Singles
Esoteric Vocalization for Singles