Revolution of the Dialectic
The Meditation Method That Destroys the Causes of Suffering
A Book by Samael Aun Weor
“The daily practice of meditation transforms us radically.” —Samael Aun Weor
The world is in crisis, and everywhere there are wars and rumors of wars, promises and mockeries, bombardments and political parties that fight each other.
It is absurd to suppose that we can depart from this social chaos with all of its fights and miseries, if indeed, individually, we do not resolve ourselves to perform a radical and definitive change.
The legal or illegal changes of governments, the bloody dictatorships, the revolutions of blood and alcohol are all useless. If we truly want an absolutely radical change, then first of all, we need to change ourselves individually.
What we are as individuals is what the world is. Indeed, the world is the individual, because the world is nothing more than the sum of all individuals. The problem of the world is the problem of the individual. Thus, if the individual does not internally change, then the world will never change either, even when many want to change it based on extremist doctrines, bloody revolutions, abominable dictatorships, etc.
If we study our intimate problems in detail, then we have to arrive at the logical conclusion that no leader can resolve these problems for us. What I am is in fact the party, the group, the family, the society, the nation.
The individual is the beginning and the ending of every order of things. Thus, if we want a radical transformation of this bitter and suffering world, then we need each of us to individually transform ourselves in a true and very intimate way...
If we truly want to transform ourselves intimately for the good of the world, then we need to liberate the mind and heart from any type of evilness.
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More Information:
- Paperback 5.5 x 8.5 inches
- 274 Pages
- Illustrated
- Glossary
- Index
- ISBN 9781934206423
Published posthumously in Spanish as "La Revolucion de la Dialectica" (1983).
What's new in this edition:
- Added 89 footnotes to aid the reader with difficult and obscure terminology
- Extensive corrections and improvements, including correctly identifying technical terminology and attributing lengthy quotations
The Revolution of the Dialectic
The Teachings
The Didactic for the Dissolution of the “I”
The Struggle of the Opposites
The K-H
The Requisite
The Rhetoric of the Ego
The Permanent Center of Consciousness
1. Integral Well-being
2. Self-reflection
3. Psychoanalysis
4. Mental Dynamics
5. The Laconic Action of the Being
Ahimsa: Nonviolence
Gregarious Conduct
Deformation of the Word
Knowing How to Listen
The Exactness of the Term
The Psychological Robot
The Personality
Mystical Death
Dissolving the Loose Cathexis
The Particular Characteristic Psychological Feature
Methodology of the Work
Sophisms of Distraction
The Fallacy of the Ego
Psychological Slavery
The Kalkian Personality
The States of the Ego
Blue Time or Rest Therapeutics
The Corpses of the Ego
The Transformation of Impressions
Mental Stomach
The System for the Transformation of the Impressions of the Day
Image, Values, and Identity
The Auto-idea
Dispersed Mind and Integral Mind
The Revolution of Meditation
Mechanical Association
The Dominion of the Mind
The Intellect
Enlightened Intellection
Human Problems
A Bet with the Devil
Sexual Super-dynamics
The Mercury
Fundamental Education
The Press
Ultramodern Music
Religious Principles
The Fourth Unit of Reasoning
Materialistic Science
The Ex-personality and the Quantum Theory
The Mystery
The Avatar
The Individual and Society