Christ is the Basis of Every Religion
Although most people associate the word Christ with Jesus and assume it is part of his name, the word Christ is actually an honorific term, not a personal name. The word Christ is derived from the Greek Χριστός Christos, “Anointed,” and Krestos, whose esoteric meaning is “fire.”
In fact, the word Jesus is also not a personal name, but is Yeshua (יהשוה or ישוע), "savior," which was derived from the Holy Name of God יהוה filled with fire ש. So, "Jesus Christ" is a title that reflects his level of development as an incarnation of Christ. His actual name was recorded in the Pistis Sophia as Aberamentho. And, he was not the only person to incarnate Christ. To understand that, let us first understand what Christ is.
What is Christ?
The teachings of the Zend Avesta contain the Christ-principle and are in accordance with the doctrinal principles contained in the Egyptian Book of the Dead. The Iliad of Homer, the Hebrew Bible, the Germanic Edda and the Sibylline Books of the Romans contain the same Christ-principle. All these are sufficient in order to demonstrate that Christ precedes Jesus of Nazareth. Christ is not one individual alone. Christ is a cosmic principle... —Samael Aun Weor, The Perfect Matrimony
"The Cosmic Christ is a force, as electricity is a force, or as gravity is a force, etc. The Cosmic Christ is beyond the personality, individuality, and the “I.” Christ expresses himself through any human being who is perfectly prepared." —Samael Aun Weor, The Gnostic Bible, The Pistis Sophia Unveiled
Christ is the same wisdom, the Solar Logos, whose physical body is the sun. Christ walks with his sun just in the same way that the human soul walks with its body of flesh and bones.
Christ is the light of the sun. The light of the sun is the light of Christ. The light of the sun is a Christonic substance which causes the plant to be created and the seed to be sprouted. This substance of the Solar Logos remains enclosed within the dark hardness of the grain and permits the plant to incessantly reproduce itself with a glorious, vigorous, and active life.
The energy detached from the solar fire is fixed within the heart of the earth, and it is the vibrating nuclear energy of the cells within all living beings. This energy is the Astral Light, the Azoth and the Magnesia of the ancient alchemists. The Astral Light interpenetrates the entire atmosphere; it is the source of all the marvellous powers within the human being, and is the sacred fire of all life.
This world has consciousness thanks to the help of the Second Logos. Likewise, we can also awaken and have consciousness.
Christ is that terribly divine, ineffable and most pure ray which shone like lightning on the face of Moses, there within the solemn mystery of Mount Nebo. Christ is not the Monad, Christ is not the Theosophical septenary; Christ is not the Jivan-Atman. Christ is the Central Sun. Christ is the ray that unites us to the Absolute. — Samael Aun Weor, Tarot and Kabbalah
Christ is in All Religions
There is only one cosmic religion. Periodically, it is brought to us to help us out of the darkness; that is how each religion began. Since all religions are manifestataions of the one root religion, Christ is the basis of every religion. Each religion has their own symbols and names for Christ.
- In Hinduism, Christ is symbolized as Vishnu, who sends his Avatars (incarnations, bodhisattvas) to the world to establish dharma. Krishna, Babaji, Rama, Sri Shankaracharya, and many others incarnated Christ.
- In Buddhism, Christ is Avalokitesvara, Chenresig, 觀世音 Guānshìyīn ("who perceives the world's lamentations"), the power of compassion and sacrifice for others, which manifests as Tara, and is harnessed within us by means of bodhichitta.
- Among the Persians, Christ is Ormuz, Ahura Mazda, the terrible enemy of Ahriman (Satan), which we carry within us.
- Among the Egyptians, Christ is Osiris and whosoever incarnated him was Osirified.
- Among the Chinese, the Cosmic Christ is Fu Xi (伏羲), who composed the I-Ching (The Book of Laws).
- Among the Greeks, Christ is symbolized in many ways: Zeus (Jupiter, the Father of the Gods), Apollo, Heracles, etc.
- Among the Aztecs, Christ is Quetzalcoatl.
- In the Germanic Edda, Baldur is the Christ who was assassinated by Hodur, God of War, with an arrow made from a twig of mistletoe, etc.
Incarnations of Christ
"The Gnostic Church adores the Saviour of the World, Jesus. The Gnostic Church knows that Jesus incarnated Christ, and that is why they adore him. Christ is not a human nor a divine individual. Christ is a title given to all fully self-realised Masters. Christ is the Army of the Voice. Christ is the Verb. The Verb is far beyond the body, the soul and the Spirit. Everyone who is able to incarnate the Verb receives in fact the title of Christ. Christ is the Verb itself. It is necessary for everyone of us to incarnate the Verb (Word). When the Verb becomes flesh in us we speak with the verb of light. In actuality, several Masters have incarnated the Christ. In secret India, the Christ Yogi Babaji has lived for millions of years; Babaji is immortal. The Great Master of Wisdom Kout Humi also incarnated the Christ. Sanat Kumara, the founder of the Great College of Initiates of the White Lodge, is another living Christ. In the past, many incarnated the Christ. In the present, some have incarnated the Christ. In the future many will incarnate the Christ. John the Baptist also incarnated the Christ. John the Baptist is a living Christ. The difference between Jesus and the other Masters that also incarnated the Christ has to do with Hierarchy. Jesus is the highest Solar Initiate of the Cosmos..." —Samael Aun Weor, The Perfect Matrimony
Learn More About Christ
- Christ and the Virgin
- Christ's Will
- The Gnostic Bible: The Pistis Sophia Unveiled
- Light from Darkness
- The Major Mysteries