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Samael Aun Weor on Retreat
Samael Aun Weor on Retreat

How the Sun-Christ Enlightens by Dissolving the Clouds of Suffering

“The Sun of Midnight guides the initiates in the Superior Worlds. The initiates must know the symbolic movements of the Sun of Midnight.

Sunrise is equivalent to the birth, to the rising, and to the manifestation of Him, etc.

Sunset allegorizes the death of something, the descent of something, etc.

The Sun, with complete splendor in midday, allegorizes complete plenitude, complete triumph, success of such or such initiation, etc.

We are emphatically referring to the Sun-Christ, the Logos, the Astral Sun.

The mystics see the Astral Sun. He guides them along the path of the razor’s edge.

When the clouds of the sky are covering the Astral Sun, this signifies that the animal ego is still very strong within the initiate.

It is necessary, it is urgent, to dissolve the animal ego, to reduce it to cosmic dust.” - The Pistis Sophia Unveiled by Samael Aun Weor

The precise moment has come, then, when we have all met here, in this forest, for a mutual exchange of impressions. Really, we are a great family called to transform the world. First of all, it is convenient for each one of us to worry about transforming ourselves. If we were to transform ourselves, we would transform the world; and since that is our desire, we need to work on ourselves...

[The master gets up on a little hill to continue talking].

Here I am a little higher!...

We are, as you can see, in a very beautiful place, surrounded by very precious trees, there is an ancient monastery here, which is before the eyes of each one of us...

The Sun Christ

Unquestionably, the mystical part is fundamental; the intimate Christ is what counts... This monastery, these trees, have a certain delicious Christic flavor that invites us to spiritual transformation...

Much has been said about the historical Christ. Much has been said about Jesus of Nazareth as the great messenger, but the time has come to think about the intimate Christ: Christ is a reality from instant to instant, from moment to moment; the intimate Christ is what counts, he can totally transform us, he manifests in us when the ego has died. We must work intensively on ourselves dissolving (clouds, symbol of) the undesirable elements that we carry within us, so that (the sun) Christ will manifest through us...

Brothers and sisters, the time has come for humanity to learn to better understand the Christic solar esotericism; The moment has come for us to seek the Christ within ourselves, here and now.

Christ gives us power over all that is, over all that has been, over all that will be. Whosoever incarnates the (solar) Christ acquires power over fire, over air, over water, over earth.

Samael 2

Now, I want to demonstrate to you practically, the power of the Sun-Christ; and I'm going to prove it to you by dissolving a little cloud that's there. Do you see it, that cloud over there? I'm going to disintegrate it in 4 minutes. Sit down please...

The cloud is there; it is before your eyes, disintegrating, look at it!...

There I disintegrated it so that you can see the power of the Intimate Christ, who acts over all of nature. But I'm going to disintegrate a bigger one. It is now (over your heads) on the right side. Do you see it?... There I disintegrated it! Are you satisfied?...

Students: Yes, master...

Samael Aun Weor: Thus, the Sun-Christ incarnated in a human being has power over all of nature, over the cosmos, over fire, over air, over waters, over everything that is, over everything that has been, over everything that will be. I like to talk to you with facts...

So, my dear brothers and sisters, I invite you to follow the path of the inner Sun-Christ; to think of the Sun-Christ, not as a historical figure, but as an intimate force. The Sun-Christ is the Logos; and the Logos exists in all that is, in all that has been, and in all that will be. It is a force like electricity, like magnetism, like the force of gravity, etc... That extraordinary force expresses itself through any human who is duly prepared.

What we need is to dissolve (clouds, symbol of) our psychological defects, to put an end to our errors, to reduce the ego to ashes so that the Sun-Christ may manifest through us, the intimate Christ! The Sun-Christ that has now been able to disintegrate two clouds, in your presence. So far, my words, brothers, and sisters. We will continue our excursion. Inverential peace!

Students: Inverential peace!


Samael Aun Weor: Now, all the brothers and sisters, duly concentrated, we will sing our mighty Mantra Aum. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaauuuuuuuuuuuummmmmmm [students repeat]...

Tat. [they repeat taaaaaaaat.]

Sat. [they repeat saaaaaaat.]

Well, I have to tell you that your repetition was very poorly sung. It is not like that. I'm going to sing them first, alone, so that you can learn later. So, it seems that the brothers and sisters sing these mantras in the wrong way, over there in their respective places where they work esoterically. I'm going to sing them first for you:

Aaaaaaaaoooooooommmmmmmm tat, sat, taaaannnnn, paaannn, paaazzz that is the right way. So repeat it.

[They repeat Aaaaaaaaoooooooommmmmmmm tat, sat, taaaannnnn, paaannn, paaazzz].

You have to know how to sing these mantras, always correctly, so that they produce and have their effect; for that, place your hands over the chest the right over the left, so intertwine your hands there so you are protected, of course, with the sign of the microcosm...

Our Spiritual Search


Line up again... Ah, well, now you're going to sit on the floor, because I'm going to give you a lecture: well, brothers and sisters, here, all gathered, we must talk deeply; we must examine all of our (clouds or) points of view, in relation, precisely, to what interests us...

First of all, we have to inquire, investigate, search; but what is it that we seek? What do we want? What do we want? We are here for something and for something. So, what are we here for?

Obviously, we have some concerns, and this is something that you feel; We must therefore know how to resolve these concerns, how to work, and that is what is important.

We all feel that there is something; something that humanity does not know. We all feel that there are forces, wonders of creation that people don't even remotely suspect. We are looking for something, but what are we looking for? What is it that we yearn for?

If we were happy, we wouldn't be looking for anything, right? But we are not happy, that's why we search; we feel a restlessness, or a series of intimate restlessness; we know that there is something more, that this painful world, well, is not everything. we know that! And we look for that something more...

The time has come, brothers and sisters, for great reflections...

We have read very beautiful books. who has never heard about “the thousand and one nights"? We have read the four gospels: the miracles that the great Kabir Jesus performed, appeasing the storms, calming the winds, etc... To the people it seems impossible. But I have already shown you that (for the Sun-Christ) is not impossible to disintegrate a cloud (before your eyes I disintegrated, today, two clouds). We can also calm a storm or unleash a hurricane if we want. All these powers exist in reality, in a latent state in each one of us, in each one of you, and they can be developed. So, that "the thousand and one nights" is not a fantasy as it is supposed. The miracles of the great master Jesus of Nazareth are not a fantasy, nor are the miracles of the apostles a fantasy...

But, there is something to look for. What are we looking for? What do we want? We all yearn. What are we longing for? Why, if we yearn, if we really feel what we are feeling, do we live in this painful state in which we find ourselves? Why? Why do we suffer? They are enigmas that we have to solve...

Brothers and sisters, I therefore invite you to reflect... What is it that prevents us from being in communication with the invisible creatures of nature? What is it that prevents us from entering the twilight zone? If others could do it, why we cannot? They say that there are saints who levitated, why cannot we do the same ourselves?...

They say that the disciple of Gautama (the buddha Sakyamuni), Ananda, in the presence of all of the congregation went through a rock from side to side, without receiving any damage. What about us? Why can we not do it likewise?...

Modern people laugh at all these things, consider them mere fantasies, unimportant nonsense, and so on. The ultramodern people think they are very wise, but they know nothing about the mysteries of life and death. Eisenhower died surrounded by doctors; Stalin, in Russia, died surrounded by the best surgeons of the time; and everyone dies. So where is the science of those know-it-alls? Why have they not managed to extend life beyond normal? Why does one have to grow old like everyone else and die? Many pseudo-sages, scholars in a great way, die like everyone else, then what was the science of these modern scientists? Why so many theories, if they are not capable of defending human life, which is what is most valuable? What do we want their science for? If we have to die like everyone else, then where is the science of the wise?...

I invite you to reflect a little, to move away a little from all that heap of theories that we have in the city, so that we reflect: I understand that nature is within the human being; we understand that the human being is within nature. But affirming it for the sake of affirming it, simply because we have to affirm it, simply because we have to say something, doesn't satisfy us either.

We need to experiment, yes, experiment! That's what we need. But there is something that prevents us from experiencing. What is that something? Psychologists talk to us about the psychological ego, the experimental psychology ego, etc., but we go further with a deeper psychology, with a revolutionary, rebellious psychology. We know, indeed, that within us there are enormous powers, but we need these powers to express themselves through us and it is not achieved, what happens? It is essential, the time has come for us to discover the cause of our pain...

The Cause of our Suffering

The psychological ego is a reality that no one can deny. We all have an ego, and we know we do. When we knock on a door, and someone asks us: “who is it?” We answer: “Me”... Thus, no one can deny the psychological Me. But, this psychological “Me,” what is it? Is there any way to photograph it? Is it a radar screen capable of recording it? Some very sensitive plate that could actually record it?...

There is no doubt that in the future there will be the most extraordinary possibilities, such as being able to photograph the “Me” of psychology, that is not far off. It has already been possible to photograph the (clouds or) mental waves, it has already been possible to photograph the organic vital depth (it is called "bioplastic body".)

We well know that it is the vital body of Christic esotericism. It is therefore not surprising that in the future the different elements that constitute the ego can be photographed; We should not be surprised about that.

Thus, brothers and sisters, I invite you to reflect: when the ego did not exist, the only thing that existed within us was that which is called the "consciousness," the "essence", that which we have as a soul. Then life was lovely, beautiful; neither mine nor yours existed, and everything belonged to everyone, and each one could pick a fruit from the neighbor's tree, without any fear. That was the golden age, the age of the titans, the age in which the rivers of pure water of life flowed with milk and honey...

The human body at that time seemed like a resonance box that recorded all the waves of nature and the cosmos: the eyes had not atrophied as they do now, any human being could perceive half of a holtapamnas; what is meant by a holtapamnas? Half shades of color. A holtapamnas has exactly five and a half million shades of color. Unfortunately, when the ego was born in us, due to the various mistakes made, the sense of sight atrophied, it degenerated more and more. And today, we barely perceive the seven shades of color, the seven basic colors of the solar prism. The sight has degenerated...

Still, in ancient Babylonian times, sight had not degenerated that much. The Babylonian school of painters could record thousands of shades of color. The same has happened with the other faculties: when the ego was developing in each one of us, the consciousness became bottled up, it was bottling up, it was being trapped by such an ego, and the capacities to be able to hear, touch and feel, they also degenerated...

In Lemurian any human being could use, articulate, 51 vowels. Listen carefully! 51 vowels and 300 consonants. But with the development of the ego within ourselves, the speaking capacity was degenerating, and today, we barely manage to articulate the vowels and consonants of our alphabet...

Still in Babylon, the sense of smell was highly developed; there was a school dedicated exclusively to the study of smell. The king of that time closed that school because its disciples discovered, well, the mismanagement of the government. That naturally did not suit the king, and so he closed the school. All the shady deals were registered by the nose of the disciples of that school...

In other times I knew the Malabar Islands in the Pacific Ocean, seven wonderful islands... I was always amazed when I passed by, seeing the inhabitants of such islands. They were giants up to three meters tall; the bones were elastic; the ear was double, because a partition that was in the middle gave them double hearing; they had two tongues, and could speak with two different people, with two interlocutors in different languages ​​at the same time...

They handled snakes... I remember that every time the ships passed by, I saw them handling snakes, they healed with snakes. We well know that the rattlesnake cures cancer.

That is already proven, although the authorities of official science reject it.

Those inhabitants of Malabar Islands, what happened with those people? They disappeared overnight, nothing was known about Malabar people, absolutely nothing...

We, the esotericists know very well what happened. What I am going to tell you would not be accepted by the foolish scientists of this time, the paragons of wisdom, the ultramodern pseudo-sages who know everything and know nothing. But the harsh reality was that the inhabitants of the Malabar Islands were duly selected by the king of the world, by Melchizedek, king of Salem. Speaking in the earthly sense, as Paul of Tarsus says: "Without father or mother or genealogy,"  because the father of the divine Melchizedek is one reality, and his divine mother is another reality. But let's talk about Melchizedek as a human being. He therefore selected those people and took them to his subterranean kingdom, to Agartha. (There is an underground kingdom although many deny it. The entrances to such a kingdom are known by more than half a million people in Asia). There lives Melchizedek, king of Salem, and it is precisely he, Melchizedek, the genius of the Earth. We well know that the great Kabir Jesus gave testimony of Melchizedek, ...

Yes, brothers and sisters, let's reflect a little: of course, those beings had not developed the ego, and that is why they could do prodigies and wonders. That is why Melchizedek selected them...

The ego is a set of undesirable elements that live within us. If the amoebas are real, if the tapeworms in the stomach, the microbes in the whole body, are real, why shouldn't the various inhuman elements that make up the ego be real? Of course, they are real! Consciousness, essence, the soul part of us is bottled up among these undesirable elements. Because of that, unfortunately, human beings have lost power over nature; They are no longer capable of entering the promised land, the Elysian fields, the Eden where the rivers of pure water of life flow with milk and honey...

If we destroy the ego, light is born, we remain enlightened, we wake up; we begin to exercise powers over fire, over air, over water, over earth. We need the ego to be dissolved, disintegrated; we all carry it inside and we have to destroy it. If we do not act in this way, we will not have the power to handle the powers of fire, air, water and earth; but if we destroy the ego, if we disintegrate it, if we reduce it to ashes, obviously the powers and the light and the wisdom and the authentic love will come to us, but we must end the ego, disintegrate it, we must reduce it to ashes, to dust of the earth, to cosmic dust...

Anger, greed, lust, envy, pride, laziness, gluttony, are the seven most destructive elements that we carry inside and constitute the ego. It is written that Jesus of Nazareth took seven demons out of the body of Mary Magdalene. Well, those are the seven deadly sins, and if we multiply them by another seven, and as many seven, and more, and more, we will have a legion. Thus, each one of us carries a legion inside; in the gospel of Mark 5: 9 the possessed one called himself a "legion":

"And Jesus asked him, what is thy name? And he answered, saying, my name is Legion: for we are many.” – Mark 5: 9

Indeed, each one of us is a legion, but a legion of demons. Unfortunately, in those conditions our consciousness is bottled up among the legion, stuck inside each demon. That's why we are incapable, that's why we don't have true enlightenment, that's why we can no longer handle the elements of nature, etc. But if we destroy the legion, if we cease to be a legion (as the gospel calls us), then there, once again, a free consciousness, without stains, pure, clean and upright, will remain in us.

So, brothers and sisters, the time has come to comprehend the need to dissolve the ego, to reduce it to ashes, to turn it into dust of the earth, into cosmic dust. Every human being usually has a 3% of awaken consciousness and a 97% asleep consciousness, when we eliminate certain undesirable elements that we carry within us (be it anger, greed, lust, envy, pride, laziness or gluttony, etc.), the percentage of consciousness increases, because the essence trapped between such undesirable elements is emancipated, and thus we can have 4% of awaken consciousness and 5 and 10%, etc.. Whoever has a 50% will enjoy a great enlightenment. But to become fully enlightened and resplendent, at least 100% awareness is needed. Now the brothers and sisters are seeing that it is necessary to wake up.

You are asleep; realize that you are asleep. You are not awake; the world is not as you are seeing it, you are seeing it in dreams; you have not seen the world yet, you are seeing it through your fantasy, through your dream, but you do not know the world, you have not seen it; you live in it and think you know it, but it is not what you think it is. It is different and has seven basic, fundamental dimensions, but you do not know them.

You need to get out of the hypnotic state you are in; when you get out of that state, you will see the world as it is: you will see the air of different colors; instead of these physical trees, you will see the gigantic elementals of the trees; you will see the earth very differently, you will see that it is a living organism, and you are attached to the epidermis of that organism, of that living animal that you call “Earth.” You will see it very differently. Until now you have not seen it, you do not know the planet Earth.

And the pseudo-scientists (those ultramodern know-it-all antichrists) much less so. They know nothing about anything. The scientists of the antichrist not only ignore, but also ignore that they ignore. They think they know a lot, when in truth they know nothing. And not only do they not know, but also, they do not know that they do not know...

Wake up, brothers and sisters! Come out of your lethargy. Wake up! But awakening is only possible by eliminating the undesirable elements that you carry inside.

Practical Spirituality: Self-observation

The practical part of all this is fundamental. If now I didn't talk to you about the practical part, about how to disintegrate those undesirable elements in order to wake up and see the world as it is, then I would have wasted my time here, I wouldn't have told you anything. But I invite you to psychological self-observation; I invite you to enter the field of an experimental, revolutionary, rebellious psychology, to come out of the coma you find yourself in...

Sleepy people who have a body of flesh and blood accept it very easily, because they can physically touch it, but it is difficult for them to accept a psychology, because they cannot see it or touch it. When someone truly accepts that he has a psychology, he begins to observe himself. And when someone begins to observe himself, well, obviously, he becomes a different person, a different person, someone who has intimate concerns, someone who wants to change, someone who wants to wake up his consciousness.

It is in the realm of practical life that we must discover ourselves, in relation to the people in our own house, in relation to our friends. In the cafe, in the restaurant, in the factory, if we are alert and vigilant like the sentinel in times of war, we will be able to see our defects, it is obvious that the hidden errors then surface spontaneously and then we see them.

Comprehension and Elimination

A discovered defect must be deeply comprehended, such discovered defect must be then eliminated systematically, in all levels of the mind.

Eliminate, that is the fundamental thing: eliminate. We could not eliminate without having comprehended.

You can remove an error when you know that you have it, and when you have comprehended it, otherwise how will you remove it? Let's think about that my esteemed brothers and sisters: elimination. But how to remove it?

All people worshiped Tonantzin, Maria, Maya, Isis, Adonia, Rhea, Cybele, etc. The ancient peoples of Anahuac were serpentine, one hundred percent. We well know that this eternal feminine, god-mother, as it is called in Christic esotericism, is symbolized by the sacred cobra of the ancient mysteries, the igneous serpent of our magical powers, which the Hindus always called Kundalini.

If one has comprehended that he has this or that psychological defect, and that this defect is an obstacle to reaching wisdom, then one should concentrate on that sacred cobra of the ancient mysteries called Kundalini by the Orientals; truly beseech her, emphatically, as the disciples of Isis begged her blessed mother in the ancient mysteries, to disintegrate the defect that we have fully comprehended in any of all levels of the mind. You can be sure that Devi-Kundalini Shakti will help us on condition of a righteous conduct.

Along this path we will disintegrate, reducing to ashes, turning our psychological defects into cosmic dust. The mind alone could never fundamentally alter any defect of a psychological nature. The mind can label the defects with different names, pass them from one department of the understanding to another, hide them from itself and from others, justify or condemn them, but not radically alter them.

We need a power that is superior to the mind. Fortunately, that power exists in each one of us. I want to emphatically refer to Devi-Kundalini Shakti. Only with that transcendental power can we truly eliminate the various elements within which consciousness is bottled up. If we disintegrate such elements, awakening comes; power is acquired over fire, over air, over water, over earth, over all of nature, over the cosmos...

I believe that the brothers and sisters are beginning to understand the need to disintegrate their errors, unbottle the consciousness, make it free.

No one can know what true freedom is, as long as the consciousness is stuck in the filthy dungeon of the psychological ego.

No one will be able to know what happiness is, as long as the consciousness continues to be trapped in the filthy dungeon of the ego.

No one could really know what the truth is until they experience it. And nobody can get to experience the truth, while the consciousness is stuck within the myself, within the self-willed, within my person, within what I am, within what each one of you is. The truth is not a matter of theories, or concepts, or suppositions, the truth must be seen, touched, felt, experienced, like when you stick your finger in the fire and get burned...

An opinion, however respectable this might be, is not the truth; an idea about the truth does not mean that it is the truth; a concept, however wise, about the truth, is not the truth either; the truth is the unknown from instant to instant, from moment to moment; the truth must be experienced and can only be experienced in the absence of the ego. It is necessary to turn the ego to dust so that the truth remains in us.

Jesus the Christ said: “Know the truth and it will set you free”. It is necessary that the truth be known, and it cannot be known if it is not experienced; and it cannot be experienced except in the absence of the ego. We need, then, to disintegrate the ego, turn it into dust, so that the truth remains in us.

Then we will be full of plenitude, there will be happiness in our hearts, joy without limits; we will see the world as it is and not as it apparently is; we will listen to the most sublime symphonies of the ineffable cosmos; we will enjoy a bliss without limits; we will be in a state of perfect bliss; every tear will disappear from us, there will be no more pain. As long as the ego continues alive within us, we will have to suffer: we carry the roots of pain within ourselves, not outside; it is in the different defects that we carry within us.

The world is very different... The time has come to "psychologically die" in order to see the world as it is. Thus, my dear brothers and sisters, I invite you to the dissolution of the “I,” of the myself, of the selfwilled. Only then can you enjoy authentic happiness...

Questions and Answers

Well, my dear brothers and sisters, now I am going to limit myself to answer your questions and then we will impart, with the help of the holy spirit, the gift of healings. Let's see brother.

Student: Do we, all, indeed, carry the Christ inside or do we have to incarnate him?

Samael Aun Weor: The intimate Christ must be incarnated. Christ is like electricity, like the force of gravity, he is installed in every atom of the cosmos, he underlies in the profound depths of everything that is, of everything that has been, of everything that will be; Christ is not a human or divine individual, Christ is beyond the personality, and the ego, Christ is what he is, what he always has been and what he always will be. It is the life that throbs in each atom, as it throbs in each sun. Yet, it is necessary to incarnate him! “Whosoever knows, the word gives power to, no one has pronounced it, no one will pronounce it, except the one who has the word incarnated.” One needs to incarnate the word. It is written:

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not anything made that was made.” – John 1: 1-3

One needs to incarnate the word. One incarnate the word by following the path of Christification, dissolving the undesirable elements that we carry within, transmuting the sexual libido mentioned by Saint Augustine, by working on the forge of the Cyclopes...

Any other questions?

Student: Can you talk about somnambulism?

Samael Aun Weor: Somnambulists are all beings that populate the face of the earth. Somnambulists are all those millions of human beings who come and go through the streets of the city. Somnambulists is the manager who attends to his management, and the miserable laborer who works on his land. Somnambulists are all these intellectual humanoids, so brother, don't worry about somnambulism, since "if it rains over there, it doesn't clear up here."

Student: Master how can one evaluate oneself if one is working adequately in the dissolution of the “I”?

Samael Aun Weor:  The sense of psychological self-observation should be developed little by little; it develops if we use it. In the beginning, you will be able to discover through mere intellectual association that you have this or that psychological defect, and you will dedicate yourself to work in the disintegration of it. But, later, in time, as you go on self-observation, the sense of psychological self-observation will develop, and finally, the day will come when you will be able to perfectly see your defects or egos that personify your defects. You will be able to see them, and you will be able to see the work that you are doing. But the sense of psychological self-observation has to be developed first.

And it develops when we use it. Because it is written that “organ that is not used becomes atrophied”. You have to use it, to take it out of its atrophied state through constant self-observation. I said it!

Student:  In what time, chronologically speaking, working intensively, in what time can we "psychologically die"?

Samael Aun Weor:  Chronological time has no reality, it is something merely subjective... what time is it?

Student: 2: 25 P.M.

Samael Aun Weor:  Could you give me those hours here to examine them, to see what chemical elements they are made of?

Well, who invented time? Time has no reality, it is a subjective concept, nothing more; something that is made for clock mechanisms. Time does not exist. There is only one eternal instant, one eternal now.

The sun rises and sets, and between rising and setting we put our beloved hours: a fantasy of ours, because between rising and setting there are no hours, all these processes take place from instant to instant, from moment to moment.

Thus, the concept of effort counts, but more than the concept of effort, the only thing that counts in this, are the tremendous intimate super-efforts that must be made in ourselves and within ourselves, here and now.

And this is not a matter of mere intellectualism. To dissolve the egos, the defects, to annihilate myself, the ego, it is necessary to go through tremendous emotional crises during work.

Do not forget that “if the water does not boil at one hundred degrees, what needs to be cooked is not cooked, and what needs to be disintegrated does not disintegrate,” so too, if we do not go through tremendous emotional crises, well, the ego does not disintegrate; nor does it crystallize in us what has to be crystallize.

As we disintegrate the ego, that which is called "soul" crystallizes in us. But, what is the soul?: powers, attributes, virtues, special forces... And finally the day will come, when disintegrating what needs to be disintegrated, cooking what needs to be cooked, will crystallize the whole soul in us. And then we will be a soul, even our very physical body will then be a soul. We need to crystallize in us what is called “soul”. Have you understood me?

Student: Yes Master

Samael Aun Weor:  Any other question?

Student: Yes, master, I wanted to ask you... ...this means, that you cannot work with all the defects at the same time, so, I would like you to tell me, how can we go about eliminating each one, or if we can work with all of them?

Samael Aun Weor:  Well, all depends on whether we get very “attentive”. Because it is in the field of practical life that we are going to fully see ourselves, just as we are. Let's suppose that we have a girlfriend, and that we are walking down the street. Then, we found such a girlfriend talking very quietly, very quietly, with another "friend." What will we feel? We will feel jealous right?

Student: Jealousy…

Samael Aun Weor:  What if we get angry?

Student: Also, anger…

Samael Aun Weor: And if we feel in a lot of pain, what has happened?

Student: Feeling, resentment...

Samael Aun Weor:  Well, our self-love has been hurt... The self-love ego has been hurt... So, there are three in this example: jealousy ego, anger ego, self-love ego, what to do? Well, when we return home we have to go into meditation; reconstruct the scene with the creative imagination and then try to comprehend the demon of jealousy, which was the fundamental one; the demon of anger and the demon of self-love. Comprehending these three (listen, we are comprehending each one separately) thus, already comprehended the three, we proceed to their elimination.

We will first comprehend jealousy. Through analysis we will come to the conclusion that jealousy is absurd. Then, concentrating on Devi Kundalini, we will ask for their disintegration.

We will concentrate on anger and see that anger is madness; that anger is a form of madness, that it is bestial. We will concentrate on Devi Kundalini again and ask her for the disintegration of such a demon.

We will comprehend that of self-love, that of self-importance, and then again we will pray on Devi Kundalini to disintegrate such a psychological element of self-love. Because self-love is absurd... So, now that each of these three elements are comprehended, we are going to disintegrate them.

In each scene of practical life several egos come into play, and those, from any scene, must be turned into dust... That is my answer...

Student: To concentrate on our divine mother, what mantra is there to be able to crystallize her...?

Samael Aun Weor: Why do you want to crystallize her?

Student: To know how to direct myself to her...

Samael Aun Weor: Tell me, when you, in your childhood, talked to your mother, did you use any special technique?

Student: No...

Samael Aun Weor: You were hungry, and you asked your mom for milk, and she breastfed you (you just screamed, and that's all). Well, likewise with our own cosmic mother, the same: as does the child who cries when he is hungry. He begins to cry “eehh, eeehh”. He already knows his mother and breastfeeds him, feeds him. This is how we have to do with our divine mother kundalini, that's all. You have to be natural, be spontaneous, when talking to her, yelling at her, begging to her, and our divine mother, at the end of the day, she has to know what she is going to do for us... Let's see brother...

Student: What about if because of karma we cannot practice sexual magic?

Samael Aun Weor: Well, well, well... “don't mix gymnastics with jinn-gnostics.” You must know that this is different, brother. The question of karma is one thing and this other thing that you say is different, which is about sexual magic, they are two different departments...

Now, let's talk about karma, since that's what you want us to talk about. If you are going through, for example, this or that suffering, what do you do? You have to focus on Anubis (the great ruler of the law), ask him, at least, to give you an opportunity to pay yourself working for humanity; negotiate with it through deep meditation, and labor in some way for the good of our fellow men. For example: with the prayer chains we can serve the people a lot; spreading the knowledge, taking about it everywhere, bringing others to the esoteric path, and of course, this way we have the opportunity to cancel old debts, that's obvious.

So karma is one thing, and the work in transmutation is already another thing, it's different, right? Karma belongs to the department of law and transmutation belongs to the alchemical laboratory. They are two different ministries.

The alchemist's laboratory is the laboratory of nature, and the laboratory of nature is within ourselves, here and now. It is made up of all those tools that are clearly symbolized in the old alchemy texts.

You have to study alchemy! Study Sendivogius, study Nicolas Flamel, Raymund Lully, study Fulcanelli (he's formidable), you'll see that through alchemy you can transform... [All of this is explained in Treatise of Sexual Alchemy].

Let's see, sister...

Student: Could you please explain about good egos?

Samael Aun Weor: Ahh! They are even gracious. But truly I tell you, no matter how good they are, they don't know how to do good: they do good when it shouldn't be done. That's what's serious. For example, a “marihuana addict” comes around to ask us for alms and we give it to him, why? Because the good ego gave it to him. Well, a drunk comes to ask us for a little alms, and we give it to him so that he can continue drinking “alcohol” in the bar, or his tequila, or whatever he likes the most, right? Thus, that is what the good egos do: they do good when it should not be done.

Let us remember something very important: good is what is in its place; bad is that which is out of place. The water in the sink is good; the water outside the sink, invading the living room, entering the bedrooms, is bad. Fire, for example, is great in the kitchen, but outside the kitchen, burning the living room curtains, is bad. Thus, good is what is in its place; bad what is out of place...

It turns out that good egos do good when it shouldn't be done, why? Because they are one hundred percent subjective. We need to disintegrate the good egos and we need to disintegrate the bad egos.

A good industrialist, someone who has a very special factory of..., good pants, clearly told me the other day:

– “Well, master, if I disintegrate the ego that makes pants, which is a useful ego, which is a good ego, then my factory will break." [May that ego rest in peace and the factory is over)”.

I told him: "It will not end! Because the being has many autonomous and cognizant parts, and there is a part that is cognizant of yourself, a part of your own being, which can perfectly replace that good or useful ego, and that will make the pants much better. Summary: the factory will not finish, it continues”...

Let's see sister...

Student:  We are meditating daily on some egos, and we achieve nothing. And they always manifest themselves...

Samael Aun Weor:  Well, yes, "that is another matter," you know? It happens that there are egos so strong, so robust, that you cannot even disintegrate them with an atomic bomb. In those cases, there is no choice but to appeal to the ray of Kundalini in full forging of the cyclops. Those are the kind that only disintegrate during chemical copulation, when working in the ninth sphere, through transcendent sexual electricity. Only in this way, with the help of the divine mother, will that type of ego be able to be disintegrated...

Student:  If such practice has been done and during it, the divine mother has been asked in prayer...

Samael Aun Weor: You lack comprehension. Listen, there are certain types of egos that do not disintegrate overnight. There are egos that take years to disintegrate, since these are so strong! Some take whole years to be able to disintegrate them... It is because "these are not enchiladas" you know?

Student: To work with a defect you have to face it. But, in the case of lust...

Samael Aun Weor: The ego of lust..., or the egos of lust are multiple. Each scene has a different ego of lust: if you, for example, stare at a girl, how to look... I mean, you see that she has very nice calves and such, and you feel lust, well that's an ego that you have to disintegrate, reduce it to ashes, to earth dust, to cosmic dust. But if another day happens to be another girl passing by, and it is not her calves that catch your attention, but that she has a very nice chest and such, well then, that is another "me" that you have to disintegrate; and if another day you sit over there, painting landscapes in the astral, right? And if there is interest in a lady, there, in who knows what luxurious apartment, right? So that is another lustful ego. So, you have to study each lustful ego separately. did you understand me?

Student: Yes master.

Samael Aun Weor: By the way, the other day, in Acapulco, I was struck by a "monkey" (as we say around here, or simian or ape as they say over there in other countries), a monkey who stared at every girl like that... ...and he especially looked at their calves. Sure, he was a very much in love monkey. Fortunately, they had him tied up with a rope. There is no doubt that such poor monkey (the poor monkey, or gorilla, or whatever) was a devolving degenerate humanoid; for that reason it has such degenerate custom. Of course, although it seems incredible, those creatures have very strong egos...

I met a chimpanzee there in Chapultepec. They had him locked in a cage. He was terribly offended when they said to him: “ugly monkey”. So, he would shake, scream, jump and hit one even with the bananas he was eating. He was throwing them at one. He tolerated everything except being called "ugly monkey"...

Well... do you have any questions brother?

Student: Yes, master, it is said that to eliminate defects it is necessary to work in the "forge". Does age have something to do with it?

Samael Aun Weor: Age?

Student: Yes, if one is very young or very old...

Samael Aun Weor: Well, a 90-year-old man cannot even chew water anymore, you know? You are not going to wait until you reach 90 to work in the flaming forge of Vulcan. But you are young and...

Student: No, but how young you need to be? Say, 15 or 16, or 21, how many years do you need, will have to be?...

Samael Aun Weor: Look, I'm going to tell you one thing: according to the laws of nature and the cosmos, you can only start having sexual contact from the age of 21 onwards: the germ that enters the womb for its development and gestation, by the fact of being born, of coming into the world converted into a living creature, has not finished its development; it continues its developmental processes through 7, 14 and even 21 years. So having sex before the age of 21 is a monstrosity, it's a crime.

In other times these rules, these laws were respected; but humanity is already totally degenerated...

Samael 3

Note of the Translator

Later, I had the following conversation with the Master.

Samael Aun Weor: So, do you want me to disintegrate another cloud for you?

Student: Yes, master, but I want you to disintegrate for me all those black clouds out there in the horizon.

Samael Aun Weor:  Well, I will do it for you on another occasion because later I must give another lecture and as you know we need a lot of energy in order to disintegrate all of your black clouds.