As the title asks. The highest point is the Ain, then the Ain Soph, then the Ain Soph Aur.
What point does the God of the Bible reside in and what point does Jesus reside in?
What point does the God of the Bible reside in and what point does Jesus reside in?
1 year ago
Accepted Answer
1. Do the black magicians' powers also come from sexual energy?
"When we ejaculate the semen, the cosmic currents merge with the universal currents and then penetrate the souls of the two beings with a bloody light, the luciferic forces of evil, fatal magnetism. Then, Cupid leaves crying. The gates of Eden are locked; love becomes disillusionment. Disenchantment arrives and the black reality of this valley of tears is all that remains.
When we know how to withdraw before the sexual spasm, the igneous (brazen) serpent of our magical powers awakens. The Kabbalists speak of the Ninth Sphere. The Ninth Sphere of the Kabbalah is sex." -Samael Aun Weor
Study this book
2. If the answer to question 1 is yes, why do they still have powers even though they waste their sexual energy?
Their powers only work in Klipoth, the infernal worlds.
Study this chapter of this book
"Millions of humanoids have their consciousness profoundly asleep, yet when they enter into the abyss after the 108 existences of any cycle of manifestation, they inevitably awaken in evil and for evil. The remarkable aspect on this case is that at least they awaken, even though only to justify their errors within the infernal worlds.
Any enlightened clairvoyant will evidence for himself the fact that the innocent elementals are awakening in a positive, evolving sense.
Therefore, there are several types of awakened consciousness:
First: the awakened consciousness of the innocent creatures of nature.
Second: the awakened consciousness of the devolving humanoids of the abyss.
There is a third type of awakened consciousness. I am addressing the consciousness of Masters, the Gods (Elohim). Yet, in this precise moment we are not occupying ourselves with them." - Samael Aun Weor
Reference: Study this book also
3. What about the black magicians that were born with powers, how did they get them?
Likewise, study this book
4. Do fallen masters of the white Lodge become demons/black magicians?
Study this
Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah,
the Root of David, has prevailed to open the book,
and to loose the seven seals thereof. - Revelation 5: 5
1 year ago
בראשית ברא אלהים את השמים ואת הארץ
In the beginning the gods were created in the heavens and in the earth." - Genesis 1: 1
אני יהוה ואין עוד זולתי אין אלהים אאזרך ולא ידעתני
“I am Iod-Havah and Ain, there is no other one besides me Ain-Elohim (Aelohim), I will gird you, though you have not known me.” – Isaiah 45: 5
Elohim אלהים is a Hebrew plural word which means Gods and Goddesses. "These" (is Eleh אלה in Hebrew, plural; and the ending Im ים also indicates the plurality of the word). The word Elah אלה also means Goddess.
“The Great Invisible is the Cosmic Common Eternal Father, the Infinitude that sustains all, the Omnimerciful.
Elohim emerges from the Great Invisible.
Elohim is the Army of the Voice.
Elohim is the Creator-Verb.
Elohim is interpreted as a manifested God who emerges from within the womb of Aelohim in order to create and create anew.
Elohim is a feminine name with a plural masculine ending. Therefore, Elohim means “Gods and Goddesses.”
A religion without Goddesses is found halfway upon the path of atheism because Elohim is Gods and Goddesses.
The name of the Great Invisible is Aelohim.
Let it be known, now and forever, that Aelohim is the Unknowable and Unmanifested Divinity.
The Great Invisible is the Abstract Absolute Space.
The Great Invisible is the Unmanifested One.
Elohim buds from the Great Invisible.
Elohim is both masculine and feminine.”
Study this book“The Gnostic Bible: The Pistis Sophia Unveiled by Samael Aun Weor."
46. Paranishpanna (absolute happiness) without Paramartha (awakened consciousness) is not happiness.
47. Jesus Christ attained Paramartha and Paranishpanna; nonetheless, he renounced the happiness of (Ain) the Unmanifested Absolute to come and save human beings and Gods.
48. When the Elohim or glorious Dhyanis started to weave in the loom of God (the Theomertmalogos), they cried with pain when contemplating the twilight of the Uncreated Light that seemed to sink as a frightful setting sun.
49. Then Jesus Christ, the great Paramarthasatya (an inhabitant of Ain), passed through the Dhyani-pasa and came into the cosmic garden to save the Gods (Elohim), whose innumerable virginal sparks or Jivas (souls) are devolving and evolving during this Mahakalpa.
50. I, Samael Aun Weor, was a witness of all of these things. I saw when that Great Being entered the sanctuary and signed a pact of salvation for human beings and he crucified himself on his cross.
51. I witnessed the dawn of the Mahamanvantara and give testimony of all of these things.
52. Later on, at the dawn of the fourth round, the Master sent his Buddha in order for him to prepare himself in this valley of tears. That Buddha is his soul called Jesus.
53. And his Buddha lit his seven eternal lamps.
54. And his Buddha raised his seven serpents throughout the seven canals of the candlestick.
55. Thus, when his Buddha Jesus of Nazareth was prepared there in the Jordan, his resplendent Dragon of Wisdom entered within him in order to preach to human beings and Gods.
56. The sacrifice already happened on that occasion. The commander of all Cosmic Christs, Jesus of Nazareth, already washed with his blood all the sins of the sanctuary and signed the pact between human beings and Kwan-Yin, the Army of the Voice, Vishnu, Osiris, the Great Breath.
57. Jesus is the supreme conciliator between the human being and the Divinity.
Excerpts from the book "The Mysteries of Fire by Samael Aun Weor."
Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah,
the Root of David, has prevailed to open the book,
and to loose the seven seals thereof. - Revelation 5: 5
I have another question please. How do black magicians gain their powers?
Based on what I've studied so far, I've learnt that the white magicians whose path we're on develop their spiritual powers through transmuting their sexual energy with chastity and awakening their kundalini while the black ones develop their powers through developing the kundabuffer organ which is the opposite of the kundalini.
I also know that black magicians utilise sexual energy too by spilling their seed, enjoying the orgasm, and sucking it back in. So, out of curiosity, here are my questions please:
1. Do the black magicians' powers also come from sexual energy?
2. If the answer to question 1 is yes, why do they still have powers even though they waste their sexual energy?
3. What about the black magicians that were born with powers, how did they get them?
4. Do fallen masters of the white Lodge become demons/black magicians?
Thanks a ton.
Based on what I've studied so far, I've learnt that the white magicians whose path we're on develop their spiritual powers through transmuting their sexual energy with chastity and awakening their kundalini while the black ones develop their powers through developing the kundabuffer organ which is the opposite of the kundalini.
I also know that black magicians utilise sexual energy too by spilling their seed, enjoying the orgasm, and sucking it back in. So, out of curiosity, here are my questions please:
1. Do the black magicians' powers also come from sexual energy?
2. If the answer to question 1 is yes, why do they still have powers even though they waste their sexual energy?
3. What about the black magicians that were born with powers, how did they get them?
4. Do fallen masters of the white Lodge become demons/black magicians?
Thanks a ton.
1 year ago
Accepted Answer
1. Do the black magicians' powers also come from sexual energy?
"When we ejaculate the semen, the cosmic currents merge with the universal currents and then penetrate the souls of the two beings with a bloody light, the luciferic forces of evil, fatal magnetism. Then, Cupid leaves crying. The gates of Eden are locked; love becomes disillusionment. Disenchantment arrives and the black reality of this valley of tears is all that remains.
When we know how to withdraw before the sexual spasm, the igneous (brazen) serpent of our magical powers awakens. The Kabbalists speak of the Ninth Sphere. The Ninth Sphere of the Kabbalah is sex." -Samael Aun Weor
Study this book
2. If the answer to question 1 is yes, why do they still have powers even though they waste their sexual energy?
Their powers only work in Klipoth, the infernal worlds.
Study this chapter of this book
"Millions of humanoids have their consciousness profoundly asleep, yet when they enter into the abyss after the 108 existences of any cycle of manifestation, they inevitably awaken in evil and for evil. The remarkable aspect on this case is that at least they awaken, even though only to justify their errors within the infernal worlds.
Any enlightened clairvoyant will evidence for himself the fact that the innocent elementals are awakening in a positive, evolving sense.
Therefore, there are several types of awakened consciousness:
First: the awakened consciousness of the innocent creatures of nature.
Second: the awakened consciousness of the devolving humanoids of the abyss.
There is a third type of awakened consciousness. I am addressing the consciousness of Masters, the Gods (Elohim). Yet, in this precise moment we are not occupying ourselves with them." - Samael Aun Weor
Reference: Study this book also
3. What about the black magicians that were born with powers, how did they get them?
Likewise, study this book
4. Do fallen masters of the white Lodge become demons/black magicians?
Study this
Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah,
the Root of David, has prevailed to open the book,
and to loose the seven seals thereof. - Revelation 5: 5
Lion of Judah
selected the reply #28684 as the answer for this post — 1 year ago
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