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  Tuesday, 08 April 2014
  3 Replies
  2.4K Visits

What do you do when you meet someone for the first time, and after a few casual encounters, you feel a very strong pull of attraction that comes from both sides? I have practiced chastity for a long time, and all of sudden, I feel very off balance and a need to ward off certain thoughts/suggestions coming into my mind. Should I avoid contact all all cost with this individual?

On the other hand, I think it's important to express how important my spirtutal growth is to me and that I don't want to put myself in a position to do something that I might regret later. The fact that I feel this way bothers me a great deal.

I have contemplated on why this type of energy is knockng on my door at this particular time in my life???? I guess it's normal..

I would appreciate any advice and suggestions that you might have.

******** I didn't see a response from you, so should I delete this posting? Did I do something wrong?
10 years ago
Accepted Answer
This is an ordeal for you, and in order to pass this ordeal, you must comprehend how the different elements work within your psyche. Study your mind (the air), your emotions (the fire), your impulses (the waters) and your body (the earth). When you meditate on your reactions towards such impressions, you gain creative comprehension. Only comprehension can lead towards liberation, and liberation is not attained by running away from life. However, use your judgment (Geburah) within meditation, to determine if a particular relationship is destructive for you and must be abandoned.

Joyful in hope, suffering in tribulation, be thou constant in thy prayer.

Benedictis, qui venit in nomine Domini. Osanna in excelsis.

"Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest!"

10 years ago
Peace, I see there's no response to my comment above. Is it inappropriate?
10 years ago
Accepted Answer
This is an ordeal for you, and in order to pass this ordeal, you must comprehend how the different elements work within your psyche. Study your mind (the air), your emotions (the fire), your impulses (the waters) and your body (the earth). When you meditate on your reactions towards such impressions, you gain creative comprehension. Only comprehension can lead towards liberation, and liberation is not attained by running away from life. However, use your judgment (Geburah) within meditation, to determine if a particular relationship is destructive for you and must be abandoned.

Joyful in hope, suffering in tribulation, be thou constant in thy prayer.

Benedictis, qui venit in nomine Domini. Osanna in excelsis.

"Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest!"

10 years ago
Thank you for your response. Speaking of Ordeals, We were listening to the lecture on Transmutation this morning. We first want to say that it is realllllllllllllly good and sheds a lot of light and understanding on the things we must to change inside ourselves. At the same time, when you mention that there are higher beings, who have not totally annihilated the ego, we feel as tho the task is next to impossible! It seems like an unreachable goal, but on the other hand, it is inspirational to believe that it is possible. If not in this lifetime, perhaps in another?

The lecture helped me to re-focus my energies on some key areas that I had forgotten about. In particular the many ordeals that we are facing at this time in respect to Will Power, Self Control, Gluttony, and Laziness. I know that I went through a faze, where I would watch Korean Dramas for hours.... :) I admit it... at times, I knew I should be doing something that would enhance my being, but I didn't. I laid on couch half the night.... I also realized that I am an emotional eater.... If something was bothering me, or made me upset or depressed, I'd pick up a pint of ice cream on my home.. :( No need to mention what stuffing my face resulted in... then out of guilt, I'd get up early the next day and run to the gym instead of taking time to pray/meditate/recite Runes... There are some things I clearly need to meditate on, so I have made a counscious decision to take control of myself.. to get a grip! "Become a Warrior Princess"!
We asked ourselves: Where has your Willpower gone? Why aren't you remembering your dreams, What are you going to do to get off of this vicious cycle? Honestly, my weight goes up/down like a roller coaster, because I have no self control. :(

I know that I am off-balance and I am questioning a lot of things at this present moment.. this year without fail, has been ONE ORDEAL after the Other.. (i'm not shouting here) Seriously.. Things have happened to me that have rattled my cage big time!

There are a lot of things I do not know, but I believe that strengthing my Inner Being through Prayer, Meditation and fasting will help me gain ground...

You were right when you said " We expect things to happen/go right like magic and we have not done the work.. (paraphrasing) I am guilty for sure... I even utter simular words out of my mouth because I don't want to suffer in any way. I want things to come easy for me.. We are grateful for all that we have been blessed with, but we have a lot of work to do. Even if we don't know where we are going.. which road we are traveling, (at this time), at least we have a road map and it is up to us to follow the guidance. We can only do this for ourselves..

Shukran Jazilyn, = Thank you very much for the lectures and the knowledge We are truely grateful. :)
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