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  Tuesday, 05 March 2024
  4 Replies
  690 Visits
As students we were recently encouraged to read Light from Darkness.

In that book Master Samael writes,"astrologically speaking, we will say that Venus must lead the Moon, Mercury must lead Venus, Saturn must lead Mercury, Mars must lead Saturn, Jupiter must lead Mars, and the Moon must lead Jupiter. It is clear that for this, it is necessary to know which star guides our life" (

So, if one is Aries (star: Mars) and another is Sagittarius (star: Jupiter) we can see that Jupiter (Sagittarius) should lead Mars (Aries). This is clear.

But, what about those whose star sign is ruled by a planet/star not mentioned in this context? For example the star of Aquarius is Uranus which is not mentioned in this context in Light from Darkness.

Information on which star rules each sign:
4 months ago
Accepted Answer
Samael Aun Weor writes a view paragraphs below:
These wise astrological combinations, as we give them here, signify mutual attraction and a perfect sexual complement. Any other sexual unions outside of this order are absurd and even illegitimate, because they violate the sexual nature of those involved, leaving in them deep psychic wounds, very difficult to heal.
1 month ago
Thank you for the reply.
Almustafa selected the reply #30667 as the answer for this post — 3 months ago
3 months ago
So, does this mean that any sexual union that a Leo, Aquarius or Pisces has is 'absurd and even illegitimate'? This would seem not to be the case as Samael Aun Weor was himself a Pisces (planet: Neptune).

Certainly there are different degrees of harm for different combinations, but it's still harmful.

So, is there any guidance for a Leo, Aquarius or Pisces in terms of which plant/guiding star they are compatible with?

We can only say from personal experience, that those combinations which are illegitimate, can cause serious psychological damage. A few moths, that felt pleasant, may take years, if not decades, to heal. This is because there is this natural magnetism between man and woman. We fall for the good feeling, the butterflies in our stomach, the hypnotism and forget to use our intuition for a good decision.
The ultimate guidance comes from your Being. We know some examples, i.e. Leo, who intuitively, without knowing this passage, decided to live happily as a single. But it may also be the will of our Being to go through certain pain and to pay certain Karma. So don't intellectualize it, listen to your heart.
4 months ago
Master Samael writes that, "astrologically speaking, we will say that Venus must lead the Moon, Mercury must lead Venus, Saturn must lead Mercury, Mars must lead Saturn, Jupiter must lead Mars, and the Moon must lead Jupiter...". This is a total of 6 guiding stars/planets (Venus, the Moon, Mercury, Saturn, Mars, and Jupiter) and yet the Zodiacal Course mentions 3 additional guiding stars/planets belonging to three other star signs namely Leo (planet: the Sun), Aquarius (planet: Uranus) and Pisces (planet: Neptune).

So, does this mean that any sexual union that a Leo, Aquarius or Pisces has is 'absurd and even illegitimate'? This would seem not to be the case as Samael Aun Weor was himself a Pisces (planet: Neptune).

So, is there any guidance for a Leo, Aquarius or Pisces in terms of which plant/guiding star they are compatible with?
4 months ago
Accepted Answer
Samael Aun Weor writes a view paragraphs below:
These wise astrological combinations, as we give them here, signify mutual attraction and a perfect sexual complement. Any other sexual unions outside of this order are absurd and even illegitimate, because they violate the sexual nature of those involved, leaving in them deep psychic wounds, very difficult to heal.
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