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  Wednesday, 28 February 2024
  1 Replies
  442 Visits
Hi, I created a very long post but apparently it didn't get posted on the feed so I'll keep it very short. I don't have any imagination, all I see when I close my eyes is black and all I can hear is my own voice. However, sometime when I practice (also the first time I ever practiced), I can see some greenish forms of light that come from each side and meet in the middle, forming a circle. I was watching the Step Three of Meditation video and I heard that imagination is essential for reaching Samadhi. Would my condition make it very hard / impossible for me to reach Samadhi and also do you have any knowledge / resources regarding my condition? Thanks a lot for the time and for any answer I may receive!
4 months ago
Accepted Answer
This condition will only hinder you, if you keep focusing on the desire to reach Samadhi. Don't be fixated on a goal. Imagination is feminine, it is passive, it receives. So perform your mediation practices and wait as long as it will take.

Additionally you can incorporate the Seven Runic Vowels in order to regenerate your chakras:
4 months ago
Accepted Answer
This condition will only hinder you, if you keep focusing on the desire to reach Samadhi. Don't be fixated on a goal. Imagination is feminine, it is passive, it receives. So perform your mediation practices and wait as long as it will take.

Additionally you can incorporate the Seven Runic Vowels in order to regenerate your chakras:
Almustafa selected the reply #30586 as the answer for this post — 4 months ago
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