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  Sunday, 31 December 2023
  1 Replies
  685 Visits
Hi Mags,

I learned from a Catholic Scholar that the Greeks already had the terms Ethos, Logos, and Pathos for what Freud called - and eventually became custom in the West - Superego, Ego, and Id.

In the first line of the New Testament the word Logos is used, even before the word(Logos) God, and in conjunction with God.

"Logos" in Greek means "speech, verb, word" and other things. But from my limited knowledge, this is unrelated to the word Ego, which is "I" in Latin.

In one sense "I" is the conditioned Ego that we're to reach liberation from. In the other sense "Logos" seems to be "God" or our Innermost or higher self, which we are to achieve. Though those 2 are treated as equivalents. in meaning to the three brains. I cannot help but relate those with the 3 brains as well.

Could you please enlighten this seemingly confusing relationship? I feel that if you share your understanding on this matter will help me better understand it.

Thank you very much for all that you do. May God bless you.
Kind Regards,
5 months ago
Accepted Answer
I learned from a Catholic Scholar that the Greeks already had the terms Ethos, Logos, and Pathos for what Freud called - and eventually became custom in the West - Superego, Ego, and Id.

Since superior and inferior are two portions of the same thing, it is not irrelevant to state the following corollary: superior “I” and inferior “I” are two aspects of the same tenebrous and pluralized ego.

The so-called divine “I” or superior “I,” alter-ego or anything of the sort, is certainly a trick of the “myself,” a form of self-deceit.

When the “I” wants to continue here and in the beyond, it deceives itself with the false concept of being a divine and immortal “I.”

None of us has a true “I” that is permanent, immutable, eternal, ineffable, etc.

In one sense "I" is the conditioned Ego that we're to reach liberation from. In the other sense "Logos" seems to be "God" or our Innermost or higher self, which we are to achieve. Though those 2 are treated as equivalents. in meaning to the three brains. I cannot help but relate those with the 3 brains as well.

The "I" consists of innumerable Egos, who all want to control our three brains. They fight and quarrel in order to control us and there is no order within the "I" (see the same linked chapter above). It is not the Ego that is conditioned, it is the Essence, the consciousness, the soul, which is trapped and conditioned within each Ego.

The Logos does have three aspects, the Trinity. There is a relation between each of the aspects and the three brains:

This is why, in Christianity, when you make the sign of the cross, you point toward the three logoic kingdoms, in our physical body, Malkuth. We say, "In the the name of the Father," and we point toward the head; "the son" and we point to our heart; "and the Holy Spirit" and we point to our sexual organs. Then, we raise that sexual force to the heart, in order to form the horizontal line, thus completing the sign of the cross. So, these three kingdoms are reflected in the three brains that we have within Malkuth, our physicality, as the three centers of gravity of our three Logoi.

But the "I" and the Logos don't mix! So you want to extinguish the Egos and prepare your three brains, so that you can incarnate the Word.
5 months ago
Accepted Answer
I learned from a Catholic Scholar that the Greeks already had the terms Ethos, Logos, and Pathos for what Freud called - and eventually became custom in the West - Superego, Ego, and Id.

Since superior and inferior are two portions of the same thing, it is not irrelevant to state the following corollary: superior “I” and inferior “I” are two aspects of the same tenebrous and pluralized ego.

The so-called divine “I” or superior “I,” alter-ego or anything of the sort, is certainly a trick of the “myself,” a form of self-deceit.

When the “I” wants to continue here and in the beyond, it deceives itself with the false concept of being a divine and immortal “I.”

None of us has a true “I” that is permanent, immutable, eternal, ineffable, etc.

In one sense "I" is the conditioned Ego that we're to reach liberation from. In the other sense "Logos" seems to be "God" or our Innermost or higher self, which we are to achieve. Though those 2 are treated as equivalents. in meaning to the three brains. I cannot help but relate those with the 3 brains as well.

The "I" consists of innumerable Egos, who all want to control our three brains. They fight and quarrel in order to control us and there is no order within the "I" (see the same linked chapter above). It is not the Ego that is conditioned, it is the Essence, the consciousness, the soul, which is trapped and conditioned within each Ego.

The Logos does have three aspects, the Trinity. There is a relation between each of the aspects and the three brains:

This is why, in Christianity, when you make the sign of the cross, you point toward the three logoic kingdoms, in our physical body, Malkuth. We say, "In the the name of the Father," and we point toward the head; "the son" and we point to our heart; "and the Holy Spirit" and we point to our sexual organs. Then, we raise that sexual force to the heart, in order to form the horizontal line, thus completing the sign of the cross. So, these three kingdoms are reflected in the three brains that we have within Malkuth, our physicality, as the three centers of gravity of our three Logoi.

But the "I" and the Logos don't mix! So you want to extinguish the Egos and prepare your three brains, so that you can incarnate the Word.
Almustafa selected the reply #30426 as the answer for this post — 5 months ago
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