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  Monday, 25 December 2023
  1 Replies
  554 Visits
Would it be good to visualize a flame in our heart's while chanting the vowel "O"?

Also, what kind of visualization might you suggest for the other vowels? I know the chakras should spin clockwise and I was thinking of visualizing the colors of the chakras when I do all 7, but, what is the color of the chakra of the lungs?
5 months ago
Accepted Answer
If you find such an instruction by Samael Aun Weor in the books or lectures then go ahead. Otherwise it is recommended to stick to the described procedures (i.e. , focusing on the mantra and the vibration that it produces).

The lung chakra (pulmonary) is not explicitly described by Samael or in the lectures, so we have to work with the information that we have. Overview of available information: (Here the students have two related quotes)
5 months ago
Accepted Answer
If you find such an instruction by Samael Aun Weor in the books or lectures then go ahead. Otherwise it is recommended to stick to the described procedures (i.e. , focusing on the mantra and the vibration that it produces).

The lung chakra (pulmonary) is not explicitly described by Samael or in the lectures, so we have to work with the information that we have. Overview of available information: (Here the students have two related quotes)
Almustafa selected the reply #30425 as the answer for this post — 5 months ago
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