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  Thursday, 30 November 2023
  3 Replies
  708 Visits
Hi Instructors,

I have a few questions on DNA, the soul, and intergenerational trauma as I am trying to understand how they are all related.

At what level of the human being is DNA related?

How does DNA relate to the soul of a newborn person?

Is DNA infused with the soul or separate from the soul?

Does DNA go with the soul from one lifetime to another lifetime?

Can intergenerational trauma be passed through DNA?

Thank you kindly for any clarity here and I hope the questions are not too confusing.
7 months ago
Accepted Answer
At what level of the human being is DNA related?
How does DNA relate to the soul of a newborn person?

Obviously, DNA is found in the physical body, as it is studied by scientists with physical microscopes. Currently, there have been 46 chromosomes identified officially, yet esoterically, there are two more, totaling in 48 chromosomes = 48 laws of the physical world. Although found on the physical level, DNA is connected to our lunar bodies.

Our personality, which functions as an interface between soul and world, is formed during the first seven years of life. During this process, the personality is formed by phenotype, paratype and genotype. The aspect genotype is that which delivers the karma of the soul to the person through DNA, based on the actions of past lives.

Is DNA infused with the soul or separate from the soul?
Does DNA go with the soul from one lifetime to another lifetime?

Before incarnation, before birth, the soul is attracted to the kind of body, parents, family, circumstances, which it identifies with. So if the soul feels drawn to certain pains, pleasures, etc., it will find the right DNA. Before birth, the embryo and DNA gestates for nine months inside the mother's womb, at birth the soul enters this body, then the personality starts to form, as mentioned above.

So you see that this matter is very intricate and it is difficult to write it down chronologically or to separate cause from effect and vice versa. This is so, because here the clockworks of space/time connect with eternity and beyond.

But to make it simple: DNA is affected by our karma, thus by our deeds. Luckily we have the opportunity to overcome our karma (or pay for it) and thus earn "better DNA".

Can intergenerational trauma be passed through DNA?

It IS passed through DNA (genotype), but also through the phenotype and indirectly through the paratype.

Here is a collection of links for more details:
7 months ago
Accepted Answer
At what level of the human being is DNA related?
How does DNA relate to the soul of a newborn person?

Obviously, DNA is found in the physical body, as it is studied by scientists with physical microscopes. Currently, there have been 46 chromosomes identified officially, yet esoterically, there are two more, totaling in 48 chromosomes = 48 laws of the physical world. Although found on the physical level, DNA is connected to our lunar bodies.

Our personality, which functions as an interface between soul and world, is formed during the first seven years of life. During this process, the personality is formed by phenotype, paratype and genotype. The aspect genotype is that which delivers the karma of the soul to the person through DNA, based on the actions of past lives.

Is DNA infused with the soul or separate from the soul?
Does DNA go with the soul from one lifetime to another lifetime?

Before incarnation, before birth, the soul is attracted to the kind of body, parents, family, circumstances, which it identifies with. So if the soul feels drawn to certain pains, pleasures, etc., it will find the right DNA. Before birth, the embryo and DNA gestates for nine months inside the mother's womb, at birth the soul enters this body, then the personality starts to form, as mentioned above.

So you see that this matter is very intricate and it is difficult to write it down chronologically or to separate cause from effect and vice versa. This is so, because here the clockworks of space/time connect with eternity and beyond.

But to make it simple: DNA is affected by our karma, thus by our deeds. Luckily we have the opportunity to overcome our karma (or pay for it) and thus earn "better DNA".

Can intergenerational trauma be passed through DNA?

It IS passed through DNA (genotype), but also through the phenotype and indirectly through the paratype.

Here is a collection of links for more details:
Almustafa selected the reply #30018 as the answer for this post — 7 months ago
7 months ago
Can we further ask what are the 48 laws that you mentioned?

We have no concrete list of laws written down. It all starts with just one law in the Protocosmos, becomes three laws in the Ayocosmos and becomes more and more complicated with each new level of existence (read:

The laws of one level are formed by the laws from the previous level plus a batch of new laws on top. The batch of new levels is the outcome of combinations and modulations of the previous laws. In other words: it is difficult to name them in an orderly list, because they are interconnected throughout many levels.

But to name an example: two known laws in out physical world of 48 laws would be gravity and solidness. In the physical world we are attracted by masses through the force of gravity and we have solid forms of matter. In an upper world with less laws, like the astral world, one can levitate and change forms of objects. This is how Master Samael Aun Weor teaches us to discern between the physical world and the astral world, by continuously making small jumps in an attempt to levitate and by pulling our own finger, in hopes that it would stretch (without pain).

From this it should be clear that life in a world with less laws is "more free in its' movement" and life in a world with more laws is more mechanical, struggling, painful.

Also what about Eugenics which is the dark masters of this world editing our genes via poison, environment, stress, brainwashing to blind obedience, degeneracy and so forth.

At the end, everything is Karma and we live in a time where it is delivered to all of us, whether as individuals, groups or nations. But we still have the choice to either overcome it and get rid of it, or to succumb to it and be subject to more degeneracy. Even if events are perpetrated by "the bad guys", it all happens, because those who receive it deserve it. The Law of Karma is precise.
7 months ago
and my question is: I can't do harm upon innocents? who is going to stop me from mass murdering a bunch of people?

How do you decide whether a person is innocent? We might see cases where a baby may die right after birth. From our point of view that baby should be innocent, because she had no chance to do something wrong. But in reality, our view is very limited, because we only see the physical body of a baby, but not her soul, which also carries the Karma of past lives. So, if we have insufficient information about a person, how can we judge people and what is happening to them?

In contrast: enlightened beings, like Bodhisattvas, can see more than the three physical dimensions. They can look at a person and see the MILLIONS of years that the person have spent on this planet and also the Karma that the soul has accrued on the way. These kind of beings, and even way higher kind of beings/intelligences, may be involved in sorting out Karmic debts and how they are paid.

God won't lift a finger and we know it well, as these mass genocides happened many times and they will keep happening.

The mass genocides have happened in the past and this is why this humanity has been judged for its' perversity. The judgment has been decided upon and this humanity will be destroyed, otherwise humanity won't stop repeating their evil deeds. BUT God is giving this humanity a last chance to rectify their mistakes and additionally, God grants this humanity free will, the right to choose. If you see perverse events happening in the world, you simply see the choice of the people. Everyone has a choice in every moment of their life and we see how this freedom to choose is being misused.

can harm be done upon innocents? for me it seems like. I don't see what would stop me or anybody else.

A normal, healthy person would be stopped by their conscience. Because a normal person has a connection their inner divinity, their Innermost Being. And through conscience a person is able to "do the right thing", or abstain from wrong deeds.

The sad situation is, that right now there are a vast number of people, persons who look normal on the outside, who have no connection to their Innermost Being anymore. They have a humanoid body, but are basically vessels for evilness. This is why they do not feel any conscience, remorse, compassion. Such a person is capable of murders, etc. and there is no Inner Being to stop them. In such a case, the Lords of Karma would intervene, to make sure that no one is harmed, who is truly innocent or whose judgement day has not yet come.

There are many more aspects to Karma and it's because Karma is a very, VERY complicated issue. If we are not a Lord of Karma, let us realize that we do not fully comprehend the full picture and that our discussion is merely intellectual/theoretical (or probably not correct).

I would rather encourage you to reflect on your emotions, which are visible within your questions. Negative emotions are responsible for the atrocities that we see right now. And it might be that we also have such Karma waiting for us already. As soon as this Karma starts moving, we will have no time to clearly think it out, we will have to choose quickly. So, let us study our own negative emotions, dissolve them and create virtues. This will give us the right tools to overcome such Karma. Feel free to study this:
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