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  Saturday, 29 October 2022
  2 Replies
  1.2K Visits
How come society has become so stupid and politically divided? Elections for president are happening in my country, and some people "like" their candidate so much that they treat him as a God, a perfect being, a messiah, or whatever, even though the candidate is very clearly corrupt, uncaring, who talks about killing and torturing his enemies and has plans to take over the country. And if you don't accept their "messiah", many people will criticize and hate you for it.

Have we become a joke as a species? Surely you gnostics don't accept all this nonsense, right? There's something fundamentally wrong with the world, but most people, or even "enlightened gurus" just gloss over it, but I like Samael because he speaks against the system honestly, and doesn't sit on a chair with a long white beard lying to everyone so he can become more popular!
1 year ago
Accepted Answer
Question: What is the cause of the failure of modern politics which is so characteristic in the modern leaders of government?

Samael Aun Weor: This failure of politics, which utilizes modern leaders, has its origin in their sexual debility.

It is well known that modern society is controlled by the "scoundrels of the intellect." The "scoundrels of the intellect" are terrible fornicators, and this is demonstrated repeatedly. A "scoundrel" is the mixture of intellectualism with a lack of spirituality, and a lack of spirituality causes exorbitant lust; and this is true, I repeat that the world is governed by "scoundrels." It is not strange that this happens.

So then, the politicians, because of being weak, are governed by the Superhumans [awakened masters]. The politicians, because of their sexual debility, are governed by the conscious circle of solar humanity which operates through the superior centers of the Being. The politicians are like "black pawns" that the inner fraternity of light manipulates. There are black and white pawns, and the inner fraternity of light reinforces (at times) one pawn or another, in accordance with the karma and dharma of the nations.

"The chiefs [presidents, etc] of all nations are vehicles of karma, therefore we must not damn them." —Samael Aun Weor, Parsifal Unveiled

Questions of Importance to Women

For thirty years I sought God. But when I looked carefully I found that in reality God was the seeker and I the sought. -Bayazid al-Bastami

Almustafa selected the reply #28245 as the answer for this post — 1 year ago
1 year ago
Yeah, they are scoundrels. This word is perfect to describe not only our leaders, but all of us too.

Sad and pitiful mankind has sad and pitiful leaders. It just makes sense.

Even I who am quite degenerated can feel the atoms of fornication coming from the big scoundrels of society, such as some philosophers, politicans, actors... It amazes me how most people just don't perceive this. Thankfully I couldn't be fooled by their luciferic reasoning, lies and deceptive talk.

Thanks instructor for your answer. It's so amazing that a website like this exists. I hope one day I can become worthy of having received these teachings.
1 year ago
Accepted Answer
Question: What is the cause of the failure of modern politics which is so characteristic in the modern leaders of government?

Samael Aun Weor: This failure of politics, which utilizes modern leaders, has its origin in their sexual debility.

It is well known that modern society is controlled by the "scoundrels of the intellect." The "scoundrels of the intellect" are terrible fornicators, and this is demonstrated repeatedly. A "scoundrel" is the mixture of intellectualism with a lack of spirituality, and a lack of spirituality causes exorbitant lust; and this is true, I repeat that the world is governed by "scoundrels." It is not strange that this happens.

So then, the politicians, because of being weak, are governed by the Superhumans [awakened masters]. The politicians, because of their sexual debility, are governed by the conscious circle of solar humanity which operates through the superior centers of the Being. The politicians are like "black pawns" that the inner fraternity of light manipulates. There are black and white pawns, and the inner fraternity of light reinforces (at times) one pawn or another, in accordance with the karma and dharma of the nations.

"The chiefs [presidents, etc] of all nations are vehicles of karma, therefore we must not damn them." —Samael Aun Weor, Parsifal Unveiled

Questions of Importance to Women

For thirty years I sought God. But when I looked carefully I found that in reality God was the seeker and I the sought. -Bayazid al-Bastami

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