Dreams and Astral Projection
Through dreams we can receive guidance, insight, and solve problems - but first we must become aware that we are dreaming. Conscious experiences of the dream state are also called lucid dreaming, astral travel, astral projection, out of body experiences, etc. The method to be conscious of dreaming is called Dream Yoga. Everyone has the capacity to awaken their consciousness while out of the body, and experience the realities that exist beyond the physical world. Learn more in these articles and courses:
Articles, Books, and Courses about Astral Projection and Dream Yoga
Item | Published in: | Link |
Astral Projection and Dream Yoga | Course | Read |
Dream Yoga | Book | Read |
Astral Projection | Gazing at the Mystery | Read |
Astral Voyages | Mysteries of Life and Death | Read |
Dreams and Astral Experiences | Igneous Rose | Read |
Dreams and Visions | The Perfect Matrimony | Read |
Astral Projection with the Mantra FARAON | Read |
What are Astral Projection and Dream Yoga? | Read |
How Can I Remember More Dreams? | Read |
Who is it That Dreams? | Read |
What Are Good Mantras for Astral Projection? | Read |
What are Wet Dreams? | Read |
FAQs about Astral Projection and Dream Yoga
Yes, and rather than rely on other people’s testimonies, you can prove it to yourself through your own experimentation and experience.
No. Everyone projects into the astral world during sleep and returns to the body upon waking. However, we tend to be unconscious of this process, which is as natural as breathing, digestion, circulation, or drinking a glass of water.
The astral world is material like the physical plane, yet more subtle and energetic. Different laws operate in this dimension, including levitation, elasticity, and plasticity, which is why one can fly and pass through walls there.
No, because astral matter is not as dense as our physical world and operates according the more subtle laws.
Our dreaming life is a reflection of our waking life. If we awaken consciousness in our physical life, then we will awaken consciousness in the world of dreams and after death.
Comprehending dreams occurs through studying spiritual symbolism and meditating on their relationship to your physical life. Specifically, study Kabbalah and the Tarot, since they explain the underlying symbolism in all religions. Dreams that do not coincide with physical facts should be discarded as projections of the subjective mind.
Dream dictionaries lack the intuition and insight needed to accurately interpret dream symbols. Rather than relying on contemporary opinions, contradictions, or correlations, it is better to study from proven wisdom, like that of Jesus, Buddha, Moses, Krishna, and all genuine luminaries.