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  Sunday, 04 January 2015
  2 Replies
  1.5K Visits
Is the awakening of consciousness an exhilarating experience? Sometimes I become exhilarated when everything clicks psychologically. Thank You!
9 years ago
Accepted Answer
The superior emotional center processes innumerable ranges and depths of solar conscious emotion. Likewise the superior intellectual center processes innumerable divine abstractions and understandings of the nature of the macrocosmic universe (Tree of Life) and microcosmic human being.

To understand the depth and range of superior emotional states, one must develop the consciousness inside.

However, beware of the pendulum swinging to the other side, where after your enthusiasm develops, despair and alienation wrings its ugly head.
Can you give yourself your own evil and your own good and hang your own will over yourself as a law? Can you be your own judge and avenger of your law? Terrible it is to be alone with the judge and avenger of one's own law. Thus is a star thrown out into the void and into the icy breath of solitude. Today you are still suffering from the many, being one: today your courage and your hopes are still whole. But the time will come when solitude will make you weary, when your pride will double up, and your courage gnash its teeth. And you will cry, "I am alone!" The time will come when that which seems high to you will no longer be in sight, and that which seems low will be all-too-near; even what seems sublime to you will frighten you like a ghost. And you will cry, "All is false!"

There are feelings which want to kill the lonely; and if they do not succeed, well, then they themselves must die. But are you capable of this—to be a murderer (of your egos)? -Thus Spoke Zarathustra

For thirty years I sought God. But when I looked carefully I found that in reality God was the seeker and I the sought. -Bayazid al-Bastami

9 years ago
Thank You very much
9 years ago
Accepted Answer
The superior emotional center processes innumerable ranges and depths of solar conscious emotion. Likewise the superior intellectual center processes innumerable divine abstractions and understandings of the nature of the macrocosmic universe (Tree of Life) and microcosmic human being.

To understand the depth and range of superior emotional states, one must develop the consciousness inside.

However, beware of the pendulum swinging to the other side, where after your enthusiasm develops, despair and alienation wrings its ugly head.
Can you give yourself your own evil and your own good and hang your own will over yourself as a law? Can you be your own judge and avenger of your law? Terrible it is to be alone with the judge and avenger of one's own law. Thus is a star thrown out into the void and into the icy breath of solitude. Today you are still suffering from the many, being one: today your courage and your hopes are still whole. But the time will come when solitude will make you weary, when your pride will double up, and your courage gnash its teeth. And you will cry, "I am alone!" The time will come when that which seems high to you will no longer be in sight, and that which seems low will be all-too-near; even what seems sublime to you will frighten you like a ghost. And you will cry, "All is false!"

There are feelings which want to kill the lonely; and if they do not succeed, well, then they themselves must die. But are you capable of this—to be a murderer (of your egos)? -Thus Spoke Zarathustra

For thirty years I sought God. But when I looked carefully I found that in reality God was the seeker and I the sought. -Bayazid al-Bastami

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