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  Monday, 08 December 2014
  3 Replies
  1.5K Visits

I don't know what it is, but there are times that I get the feeling that people around me want me to fail in this Spiritual Work. There are times that I do really well, and its seems that at times like these, that people keep bringing things up that will push me into an inner turmoil.

The confusing thing is, not having an objective consciousness, is that I can not figure out, if I should take into account the things they are saying seriously, or if being concerned with what I'm being told would mean I am straying off from my Path.

For example a lot of people around me, seem to be concerned that I am single. They almost find it unacceptable, weird and even annoyed (which I don't get). And I do not understand society's obsession with this. And I can't really make them understand that other things are more important to me at this moment. Because I regard my desires separate from myself, it is accurate to say I do not want to be in a relationship at this time. However people find this very hard to believe. Perhaps having studied Gnosticism for such a long time, I regard the things of my consciousness of the things I truly want. So therefore, even if I have the desire for vain superficial things, because they are transitory feelings, I do not consider them as things that I want. And it hardly even occurs to me now that for people who do not do this work, perhaps when they say they want something ( even if it is a transitory desire), they would say that they want it. I don't know if I've been able to explain this. Perhaps someone here has had a similar experience.

Since most people are concerned with satiating their desires, they seem to regard people who don't pursue such pleasures as weird or abnormal.

Another interesting thing is how people around us bring up things that we are very sensitive about unconsciously. They do this unknowingly it seems.

Usually people around us offer words of encouragement to pursue our desires, and what is popular or what society says, gives this impression as if it is the right thing. But somehow I feel this is a deceit.

Things that make other people happy make me miserable, and what would make me happy seems to make other people miserable. I feel like most people don't understand me.

Most people who go to the disco and get laid are happy. Whereas if I was to do the same, my conscience would be in much grief. I would rather stay at home, meditate, do practices and study these teachings. Whereas it seems, most other people, feel unhappiness for not socializing and even feel sorry for themselves for not getting laid (a term I actually dislike but hear a lot).

So the annoying thing is getting lectured by people as if they have wisdom, whereas if I was to follow their advice I'd become grief stricken. And people don't understand that fulfilling my desires makes me miserable. So people constantly pushing me, I find it a very difficult situation since I can not make them understand. And I've learned that actually talking about Gnosis makes me look even more weird and they become more concerned. So I've learned not to mention it, but simply say that I am happy the way things are.

Is it possible for Darkness that is outside of us, to use other people's as puppets to get to us? Or am I being crazy to think like this.


9 years ago
Accepted Answer
All that we perceive can be taken as an opportunity to learn about ourselves. When we become in turmoil, annoyed, bothered, hurt, irritated, a gift has been given to us, because those feelings reveal subjective elements in our mind. They are the causes of suffering. Now that they are seen and felt, they can be tracked, investigated, comprehended, and eliminated. That is the path to liberation, which is what we want to accomplish. Therefore, those who stimulate that turmoil in you are doing you great service, even though they do not realize it! Treat them kindly, because they are giving you the help that you need. Treat them with compassion, because they do not understand. Treat them with love, because one day perhaps, they will also change.

“Nothing is easier than self-deceit. For what each man wishes, that he also believes.” —Demosthenes

"Do not worry; cultivate the habit of being happy." —Samael Aun Weor

9 years ago
When you begin to develop light within you, you must learn to dim it, so as not to scare away the demons in the internal planes as well as within the physical world. Thus speaks Samael Aun Weor in The Gnostic Bible: The Pistis Sophia Unveiled.

You will know how to act around others in accordance with your work of self-observation. By remembering God and developing your relationship to your Innermost, you will learn how to associate with your fellow man in a conscious manner.

When you know how to navigate your own internal worlds, you will know how to navigate the internal worlds of others.

Black magicians are very real. However, they cannot lead you astray if you are conscious, comprehending and eliminating your defects.
The best weapon that a human being can use in life is a correct psychological state. -Samael Aun Weor, Treatise of Revolutionary Psychology
Study and meditate upon this chapter!

For thirty years I sought God. But when I looked carefully I found that in reality God was the seeker and I the sought. -Bayazid al-Bastami

9 years ago
Thanks for your response.

I agree with what you said. But I'm just wondering if this is a feeling that many of the students here feel and if there are dangers that we should be wary of. How should we act when everyone we know tells us one thing, almost forcing us to conform to society's demands, but within we want to be separate from all that?

With certain events that happens in my life, I tend to believe that, what the people are saying around me is God's way of communicating with me. But looking at this from another angle, we could also infer, that it might be Darkness' way of trying to deceive us by using those around us to push us in the wrong direction. Could this be a real phenomenon where Darkness interferes in the Gnostic students life, or am I completely mistaken about this?
9 years ago
Accepted Answer
All that we perceive can be taken as an opportunity to learn about ourselves. When we become in turmoil, annoyed, bothered, hurt, irritated, a gift has been given to us, because those feelings reveal subjective elements in our mind. They are the causes of suffering. Now that they are seen and felt, they can be tracked, investigated, comprehended, and eliminated. That is the path to liberation, which is what we want to accomplish. Therefore, those who stimulate that turmoil in you are doing you great service, even though they do not realize it! Treat them kindly, because they are giving you the help that you need. Treat them with compassion, because they do not understand. Treat them with love, because one day perhaps, they will also change.

“Nothing is easier than self-deceit. For what each man wishes, that he also believes.” —Demosthenes

"Do not worry; cultivate the habit of being happy." —Samael Aun Weor

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