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  Thursday, 08 March 2012
  3 Replies
  3.6K Visits
<p>In a certain conference Samael speaks about how the universe emerged from the Chaos (Sababath) and how the creative hosts, Elohim or Sabaoth, are the directing principles of this creation. He also affirms that he is with Diamahath.</p>
<p>Only Sabaoth I have heard of. I can imagine that with Sababath he means Sabbath but the origin and meaning of Diamahath is still unclear to me. Also Sabbath as Chaos I haven't encountered yet in my esoteric study. I wonder if someone could point me out some reference or explain me these kabalistic concepts.</p>
<p>Thanks you!</p>
11 years ago
Accepted Answer
Whoever transcribed the lecture did not know the word that Samael Aun Weor was using. It was not the word SABATHAT (as if it was Hebrew), it was the word Svabhava. That word was written by Blavatsky as Svabhavat, which is how Samael Aun Weor was quoting it. This word appears in Hindu scriptures, and is a core concept in Vedanta and Tantric philosophy.

Also, here is the lecture where he mentioned it.

“Nothing is easier than self-deceit. For what each man wishes, that he also believes.” —Demosthenes

"Do not worry; cultivate the habit of being happy." —Samael Aun Weor

11 years ago
Wow... I'm very pleased that after all this time I finally found an answer. I suppose the badly transcribed Diamahath refers to Devamatri as it is quoted next to Svabhavat in the Secret Doctrine. Maybe it should be included (again) in the lecture...

Thank you so much!
11 years ago
Accepted Answer
Whoever transcribed the lecture did not know the word that Samael Aun Weor was using. It was not the word SABATHAT (as if it was Hebrew), it was the word Svabhava. That word was written by Blavatsky as Svabhavat, which is how Samael Aun Weor was quoting it. This word appears in Hindu scriptures, and is a core concept in Vedanta and Tantric philosophy.

Also, here is the lecture where he mentioned it.

“Nothing is easier than self-deceit. For what each man wishes, that he also believes.” —Demosthenes

"Do not worry; cultivate the habit of being happy." —Samael Aun Weor

12 years ago
And as far as me is concern, thanks
God I have not forgotten about myself, about
my own BEING; therefore I say that LAPLACE’s
nebula and his nebular theory is
false. I go beyond, I am with SABAOTH, with
SABATHAT. What is that? You may ask.
(DIAMAHATH, if I say that I am with DIAMAHATH,
I am not making any crime). It is the
directive intelligence, formed let’s say by
SABAOTH, by the Army of the Word.
How the Universe came out from a
Nebula? It is not true, don’t say falsities! It
came out from SABAOTH, from MOTHER
PRAKRITI, like the Hindus would call).
That certain Tantric Rituals were performed
in the dawn of this Mahanvantara?
That is true! Of course the ELOHIMS that as a
whole constitute SABAOTH, that ARMY OF THE
WORD, they splitted themselves like MALEFEMALE,
they were left prepared enough to
fecundate the CHAOTIC MATTER; this way
executed then the copula of chemicalmetaphysical
type, to fecundate the CHAOTIC
MATTER, to fecundate SABAOTH, the
CHAOS. Then the superior waters (from the
CHAOS) separated from the inferior.
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