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  Monday, 02 June 2014
  3 Replies
  1.5K Visits
I am very happy to be Gnostic student, but I have a question, If I was a master at pranayama or runes or sex magic can I have the ability to be in the jinn state and see master Samael in his flesh and bones body and learn from him the teachings or ask him solutions to my problems? and can I go anywhere on this planet? well I can communicate with my family abroad without travelling in planes and they can talk to me and hear me?
thanks for the marvelous website.
10 years ago
Accepted Answer
Yes, it is a bit complicated. Usually, when someone or something is in the 4th dimension, people in the 3rd cannot see that person or thing. Sometimes, under certain conditions, it is possible, for example, if a certain place is charged with a lot of energy from the superior worlds.
10 years ago
Accepted Answer
Yes, it is a bit complicated. Usually, when someone or something is in the 4th dimension, people in the 3rd cannot see that person or thing. Sometimes, under certain conditions, it is possible, for example, if a certain place is charged with a lot of energy from the superior worlds.
10 years ago
Thanks very much, only I just didn't understand well of this:

"When someone travels in the 4th dimension, there are different laws at place and depending upon how those laws or influences are interacting will cause those in the 3rd dimension to be able to see you or not.?"
10 years ago
When someone develops the soul, the natural powers of the soul can be used. For those who develop that ability, they can have those correspondences in the jinn state. However, what would Samael Aun Weor tell you in the jinn state? He would tell you something that would help your meditation, to help you understand your karma. But he would not 'fix' everything for you, because that would not awaken your consciousness.

When someone travels in the 4th dimension, there are different laws at place and depending upon how those laws or influences are interacting will cause those in the 3rd dimension to be able to see you or not. Also, the powers of the soul shouldn't be used for personal amusement, because the soul belongs to the spirit and we must obey the Innermost. Either way, the person must return to the 3rd dimension in the same spot as he left it. Only Resurrected Masters can travel to a new 3rd dimensional location using the jinn state.
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