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  Wednesday, 22 February 2012
  2 Replies
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<p>Hello,<br /> <br /> I was reading that we as a <a href="faqs/psychology/1720-what-is-consciousness.html" target="_parent" title="Consciousness is the basis of perception">consciousness</a> will not necessarily reincorporate within a body (whether animal or humanoid) on this planet Earth after this life is over, but rather its possible that some of us may end up inhabiting a body on another planet (be it animal or humanoid), could you please elaborate some more on this because I thought that our Karma ties us to this planet and not another?<br /> <br /> What is the difference between the Innermost, the Monad, the Essence/Human Soul and do they operate from within our own <a href="faqs/psychology/1720-what-is-consciousness.html" target="_parent" title="Consciousness is the basis of perception">consciousness</a>? Because right now if im just being aware, what i seem to be is perception, this underlying awareness behind all thoughts, feelings and actions, so if im remembering perception, that awareness such as in the practice of self-remembering, im remembering that I am awareness or rather the act of perception, where do these other aspects such as Monad and Innermost come into this? Where are they, within my perception, within my <a href="faqs/psychology/1720-what-is-consciousness.html" target="_parent" title="Consciousness is the basis of perception">consciousness?</a> What we call the "heart" where we get our intuition from is that really part of the <a href="faqs/psychology/1720-what-is-consciousness.html" target="_parent" title="Consciousness is the basis of perception">consciousness</a>? Inner-Self Remembering meaning to remember our inner self (the Innermost?) would this not also include Human Soul-Monad-Innermost all in one stroke?</p>
<p>Im trying to understand how all these elements fit in together because right now my understanding about the relationship between all these seem quite vague, even after studying the topics.<br /> <br /> <br /> Thank you.<br /> <br />  </p>
12 years ago
Accepted Answer
Would you provide a reference to what you were reading about rebirth on other planets? While that is possible, it has to be earned or be caused by a strong influence. Generally, we are tied to this planet and cannot leave until that karma is satisfied.

The Essence is what we experience as perception (consciousness). The Innermost is our inner Spirit, which we generally have no experience of because we are so asleep. The Monad is the Innermost in conjunction with its operating facilities: Atman (Spirit), Buddhi (Divine Consciousness), Manas (Human Soul).

Conscious perception is a state of active consciousness that opens the connection between all the worlds, inner and outer. In this state, it is possible to begin to sense the presence of the Innermost, who is the ultimate "witness" or receiver of that which is perceived. At the moment, our perception is too obscured for to see in either direction with accuracy (internal or external). When our perception has been purified (by eliminating the ego) then we can see the reality, both inside and outside. Then, through such perception the nature of the Monad is clear and evident. So, work on learning how to perceive without filters of any kind. In this way you will acquire experience of how this all fits together.

“Nothing is easier than self-deceit. For what each man wishes, that he also believes.” —Demosthenes

"Do not worry; cultivate the habit of being happy." —Samael Aun Weor

12 years ago
Thank you Matthew for your response.

The reference material I was reading came from a book titled "Meditations on the Path to Enlightenment" by Geshe Acharya Thubten Loden, the author did not specifically mention, as you will read in the following quote, about other planetary rebirths, yet in my mind this possibility seemed implied in some way, your answer clarified that it is possible if the Karma allows it (also I would like to note that I am remembering the Gnostic Instructor mentioning something about this in an audio lecture albeit very briefly although I cannot recall the exact lecture). The title of passage reads "Continuity of Mind":

"In western countries there is often not a great appreciation of the connection between this life and past and future lives. Reincarnation is not well understood. It is, in fact, very difficult to perceive past and future lives because they represent a very subtle and distant object of knowledge. From life to life there is a complete change of body, country and even realm or universe. As we have difficulty remembering events earlier in this life, it is not surprising that few people are able to remember previous lives, which stretch even further back in time. Further, the transition between lifetimes is difficult, and there are many obscurations which prevent you from directly seeing past and future lives. However even though you are not able to perceive them, you have in fact lived countless past lives and will be reborn again and again in future."

Now for further clarification, so ultimately you are saying that so long as we have the ego present, we will be unable to directly perceive the ultimate reality of what we are and what is outside of us? Although through escaping the Egos temporarily through such experiences as Samadhi we can at least temporarily get a taste of that perception, is this correct? In this case a Samadhi experience in some ways can help us understand some things about the nature of all these things, due to the ego-escape.
12 years ago
Accepted Answer
Would you provide a reference to what you were reading about rebirth on other planets? While that is possible, it has to be earned or be caused by a strong influence. Generally, we are tied to this planet and cannot leave until that karma is satisfied.

The Essence is what we experience as perception (consciousness). The Innermost is our inner Spirit, which we generally have no experience of because we are so asleep. The Monad is the Innermost in conjunction with its operating facilities: Atman (Spirit), Buddhi (Divine Consciousness), Manas (Human Soul).

Conscious perception is a state of active consciousness that opens the connection between all the worlds, inner and outer. In this state, it is possible to begin to sense the presence of the Innermost, who is the ultimate "witness" or receiver of that which is perceived. At the moment, our perception is too obscured for to see in either direction with accuracy (internal or external). When our perception has been purified (by eliminating the ego) then we can see the reality, both inside and outside. Then, through such perception the nature of the Monad is clear and evident. So, work on learning how to perceive without filters of any kind. In this way you will acquire experience of how this all fits together.

“Nothing is easier than self-deceit. For what each man wishes, that he also believes.” —Demosthenes

"Do not worry; cultivate the habit of being happy." —Samael Aun Weor

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