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  Friday, 07 February 2014
  2 Replies
  2.2K Visits
Hello, brothers, and Inverential Peace!
My concern is as follows:
Today, me and my girlfriend of 3 months, with whom I, little by little, share the Gnostic Teachings, meditated for the 3rd time together. It all seemed to go well, as we did Ham-Sah a couple of times and meditated on some questions. That is, until the ending of the meditation, when she seemed to be very uncomfortable.

I asked her what was wrong, and she explained that she started feeling strange sensations, similar to numbness and pain, all through and inside her body. Interestingly enough, she said that this started right after we did Ham-Sah Pranayama, which confirmed my suspicion that it might have something to with the sublimation of the creative energies. It is important to note that she is still a virgin and doesn't waste her energies indulging in lustful impulses. My guess was that, because it was her first time ever sublimating her sexual energies, it might have some physiological effect, especially given her situation (versus a lustful fornicator). She also told me that she felt like she had to stay in motion or else it bothered her, like it did during [the attempt of] meditation.
As she lied down for a bit while I performed magnetic passes, she told me that she felt it on her shoulders and her hands especially. She also asked me if she could pick up negative energy from other people's belongings or things used by other people often, to which I replied yes. It worried her that she might have picked up some bad vibes from a cosmetic sample she tried on. I proceeded to perform a cleansing with a smudge of white sage and the ritual of the Egg, praying the Pater Noster, the Ave Maria, and the Conjuration of the Four, and asking in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and in the name of Christ that she be cleansed and purified.

My question is twofold:
1) What was this sensation that she felt? Could it indeed be an effect of the sublimation of the energies for the very first time? It really seemed to bother her; she described it as "awful". I wanted to say sorry, but I wasn't sure if there was even anything to be sorry for.
2) She told me she felt much better after the egg cleansing. So, does doing those things (cleansing, smudging, magnetic passes) really help with the things that may have been ailing her, or could it have been a psychosomatic disturbance?
10 years ago
Accepted Answer
1) Transmutation awakens psychic sensitivity. Therefore, your partner is becoming aware of her energies in a new way. This is not a negative sign, or evidence that transmutation is harmful. Instead, what it is likely doing is granting her the capacity to perceive her body in ways unknown to her, helping her become aware of inherent negative vibrations she was hitherto ignorant of. This phenomena is very common, especially in the beginning of these studies when we begin transmutation and have never performed a cleanse.

2) Transmutation does not create imbalance or psycho-somatic disturbance. Instead, these energies grant us the capacity to perceive energy. The fact that she felt better after an egg cleanse demonstrates that when we do not clean our physical and internal bodies on a consistent basis, we become subjected to and victimized by negative forces such as larvae. We can sense these types of spiritual parasites when we transmute, since transmutation helps us become sensitive.

Therefore, continue to encourage transmutation for your partner, and that this is not a negative sign. Instead, this is a good thing that she is more aware of certain bodily vibrations that are negative. Now all she has to do more often is take care of her energies through cleansings, since this will raise her energetic vibrations in conjunction with the practice of sexual transmutation.

Joyful in hope, suffering in tribulation, be thou constant in thy prayer.

Benedictis, qui venit in nomine Domini. Osanna in excelsis.

"Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest!"

10 years ago
Thank you, brother, this clearly answered my question!
10 years ago
Accepted Answer
1) Transmutation awakens psychic sensitivity. Therefore, your partner is becoming aware of her energies in a new way. This is not a negative sign, or evidence that transmutation is harmful. Instead, what it is likely doing is granting her the capacity to perceive her body in ways unknown to her, helping her become aware of inherent negative vibrations she was hitherto ignorant of. This phenomena is very common, especially in the beginning of these studies when we begin transmutation and have never performed a cleanse.

2) Transmutation does not create imbalance or psycho-somatic disturbance. Instead, these energies grant us the capacity to perceive energy. The fact that she felt better after an egg cleanse demonstrates that when we do not clean our physical and internal bodies on a consistent basis, we become subjected to and victimized by negative forces such as larvae. We can sense these types of spiritual parasites when we transmute, since transmutation helps us become sensitive.

Therefore, continue to encourage transmutation for your partner, and that this is not a negative sign. Instead, this is a good thing that she is more aware of certain bodily vibrations that are negative. Now all she has to do more often is take care of her energies through cleansings, since this will raise her energetic vibrations in conjunction with the practice of sexual transmutation.

Joyful in hope, suffering in tribulation, be thou constant in thy prayer.

Benedictis, qui venit in nomine Domini. Osanna in excelsis.

"Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest!"

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