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  Tuesday, 28 January 2014
  4 Replies
  2.1K Visits
OK, take a look at this...

Is Klipoth supposed to represent actual separate, but "equal", sephirah?

Or just a different area within the named ones? Like Hod is the tourist area of Paris and the Limbo is the more deteriorated slums that surround it. But it's all in the same city. So in this case Hod is the regions populated by light beings; fortified in those frequencies and whatnot. Limbo is regions of Hod occupied by darker sorts and resonates with those frequencies. I notice they don't have the names like the ones on top, but are visually represented in the same way. Like a reflection. So really there would be no dimensions literally under Malkuth. This is what I presume because the lunar bodies can go to the solar regions. You state you can go to these white temples with the lunar bodies, correct? And of course, it says "Lower 5th Dimension" despite it being illustrated in the same fashion as the entire tree above. So Klipoth could be a astral/mental thing.

Because otherwise, it doesn't make sense or something is being omitted. If I were to look at it from the first perspective then there is an egotistical Eden. An egotisical ethereal plane. We here about Limbo, but the depiction shown throughout this website shows a Yesod reflection or inversion. And when you go beyond the bodies of sin and reach, say, Chesed... how is Chesed inverted? Is there a dark innermost? How is that inverted? How is there an inverted Kether. How is there any dark equivalent to those sephirah? So I presume Klipoth is really just a Astral/Mental phenomenon as opposed to a literal reflection of the Tree of Life in a distinct and separate set of dark sephirah.

But then there are supposedly these levels of Hell. And also you have the laws, which are said to multiple as you go lower and lower in the Klipothic levels. So... is Klipoth NOT the reflection of the Sephirah. Is that just semantics. Because I'd think Klipoth is just the spokes on the Wheel of Samsara. It is, itself the mechanicity of nature. Like the evolving elementals, through mineral, plant and animals evolve up through Klipoth. We just refer to it as Klipoth on the way down (the right side of the wheel). I don't know.

This is another thing that does not make sense to me. I have become aware I am dreaming and been lucid. You say Limbo has more laws and speak of it as if it is more dense than even Malkuth. But I can fly in Limbo. I can walk through and see through walls, shoot fire from my hands and shapeshift. How is this more dense than Malkuth? I'd rather live there 24/7 than here if I could maintain indefinite awareness because here we are seemingly more limited by comparison. Or do we dream in Hod and Limbo (as a distinct place from Hod) is just for the physically departed? I have heard some people dream in black and white. I've always dreamt in color and can't ever remember dreaming in black and white. I thought it was a joke when I heard that. I now kind of wonder if Limbo is black and white and maybe those people dream in Limbo for some reason.
11 years ago
Accepted Answer
The subtle protoplasmic body, when descending into more condensed states of matter, acquires the dispositions of those subatomic regions, meaning: the body becomes more materialistic until reaching a breaking point, which is within the eighth and ninth spheres of hell. In those regions, the lunar protoplasmic bodies crystallize in order to be fully disintegrated within the ninth sphere, whereby the materiality of those bodies has reached its maximum, to the point that it is impossible to sustain them further.

Actually, I am not so certain if Vivekananda is like Yogananda. I do not know for certain, but I have heard from another instructor (who is more knowledgeable about esoteric yoga than I) who mentioned that Ramakrishna, the Yogi Christ mentioned by Samael Aun Weor, wrote that Vivekananda was a Bodhisattva. I am not entirely certain of this, but this is what I remember hearing from a fellow missionary I admire.

The inverted Eden is Limbo, since both the first sphere of hell and the superior Eden are ruled by the moon on the Tree of Life. From my understanding, the soul can only abide within a region in accordance with its level of development and in concordance with karma.

Although one can attain great purity without the solar bodies, one still does not have their "green card." One may only visit with their "visa," which is earned through conscious works and voluntary sufferings. However, to continue with the immigration analogy, one's "naturalization" only occurs through the fabrication of the solar bodies, since a permanent resident of those realms only subsists through the capacity to assimilate and properly transmit solar Christic vibrations.

So while Yogananda could definitely visit such realms in accordance with the will of his Being, he cannot subsist there permanently without the solar vehicles to fully assimilate and transmit those forces within the superior Eden. One needs the proper psycho-physical conduit in order to be a vehicle of those forces. Until one has such "wiring," one cannot vibrate at the level of being of the superior worlds, which are varying crystallizations of the Sacred Verb, the Christ.

As for those who are religious but do not transmute or create solar bodies, their beliefs do not matter. If one does not build the solar bodies or even less sublimate the sexual force through transmutation, then one is not even a real Buddhist, Muslim, Christian, Jew, etc. Such people populate the abyss abundantly, and are completely ignorant of their situation, which is a very horrifying situation to behold.

Joyful in hope, suffering in tribulation, be thou constant in thy prayer.

Benedictis, qui venit in nomine Domini. Osanna in excelsis.

"Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest!"

10 years ago

Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah,
the Root of David, has prevailed to open the book,
and to loose the seven seals thereof. - Revelation 5: 5

10 years ago

Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah,
the Root of David, has prevailed to open the book,
and to loose the seven seals thereof. - Revelation 5: 5

11 years ago
Accepted Answer
The subtle protoplasmic body, when descending into more condensed states of matter, acquires the dispositions of those subatomic regions, meaning: the body becomes more materialistic until reaching a breaking point, which is within the eighth and ninth spheres of hell. In those regions, the lunar protoplasmic bodies crystallize in order to be fully disintegrated within the ninth sphere, whereby the materiality of those bodies has reached its maximum, to the point that it is impossible to sustain them further.

Actually, I am not so certain if Vivekananda is like Yogananda. I do not know for certain, but I have heard from another instructor (who is more knowledgeable about esoteric yoga than I) who mentioned that Ramakrishna, the Yogi Christ mentioned by Samael Aun Weor, wrote that Vivekananda was a Bodhisattva. I am not entirely certain of this, but this is what I remember hearing from a fellow missionary I admire.

The inverted Eden is Limbo, since both the first sphere of hell and the superior Eden are ruled by the moon on the Tree of Life. From my understanding, the soul can only abide within a region in accordance with its level of development and in concordance with karma.

Although one can attain great purity without the solar bodies, one still does not have their "green card." One may only visit with their "visa," which is earned through conscious works and voluntary sufferings. However, to continue with the immigration analogy, one's "naturalization" only occurs through the fabrication of the solar bodies, since a permanent resident of those realms only subsists through the capacity to assimilate and properly transmit solar Christic vibrations.

So while Yogananda could definitely visit such realms in accordance with the will of his Being, he cannot subsist there permanently without the solar vehicles to fully assimilate and transmit those forces within the superior Eden. One needs the proper psycho-physical conduit in order to be a vehicle of those forces. Until one has such "wiring," one cannot vibrate at the level of being of the superior worlds, which are varying crystallizations of the Sacred Verb, the Christ.

As for those who are religious but do not transmute or create solar bodies, their beliefs do not matter. If one does not build the solar bodies or even less sublimate the sexual force through transmutation, then one is not even a real Buddhist, Muslim, Christian, Jew, etc. Such people populate the abyss abundantly, and are completely ignorant of their situation, which is a very horrifying situation to behold.

Joyful in hope, suffering in tribulation, be thou constant in thy prayer.

Benedictis, qui venit in nomine Domini. Osanna in excelsis.

"Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest!"

11 years ago
It is stated that the protoplasmic bodies are subtle in comparison to the physical body which is more dense, this had me thinking about regions such as Limbo which is said to be the antechamber into Klipoth. Since the atoms of the Absolute become more complicated and dense as one enters into the deeper layers of Klipoth, what happens to the subtle protoplasmic body? Does the body itself match the density of the region as it travels further down?

We have also heard that chaste saints such as Vivekananda and Yogananda are in Limbo awaiting to re-enter into humanoid bodies in the next round, why do they wait in a region closer to hell than say in Eden (Yesod)? The logic seems to be that only through alchemical sexual co-operation (between man and woman) can one enter back into Eden, but since we apparently can enter into those superior regions with our subtle bodies why can't they temporarily wait there instead since they achieved some level of purity?

All those people who subscribe to some religious system, be it a Christian denomination, Islamic or Buddhist etc who have not practiced sexual alchemy or formed solar bodies in the past yet are working towards purity in one way or another, are they in reality excluded from entering into the Heavens until they create the superior bodies?
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