In the beginning, we learn preliminary concentration practices. These are not meditation. We learn to focus on a candle, to focus on our heart, to focus on the breath, to watch an object, to stare at an image or a statue, to meditate on a mantra. Or gradually we may work doing visualizations as a concentration practice. These come in stages relative to how concentrated we become. All of these things are preliminary, none of them are meditation; they are just concentration practices. So the essence of what we are working on in the beginning is only that: to learn how to concentrate. - "Concentration", Gnostic Meditation
Candles are not necessary for meditation. However, some people may find them helpful.
In the beginning, we learn preliminary concentration practices. These are not meditation. We learn to focus on a candle, to focus on our heart, to focus on the breath, to watch an object, to stare at an image or a statue, to meditate on a mantra. Or gradually we may work doing visualizations as a concentration practice. These come in stages relative to how concentrated we become. All of these things are preliminary, none of them are meditation; they are just concentration practices. So the essence of what we are working on in the beginning is only that: to learn how to concentrate. - "Concentration", Gnostic Meditation
Candles are not necessary for meditation. However, some people may find them helpful.
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