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  Saturday, 16 February 2013
  1 Replies
  1.7K Visits
Hello brother

Brother i don't know how you are going to take this question,but i most ask,because without asking question we can't learn,
l'm from Africa brother i summit document for U.S visa since last year april we where 13 of us from different countries ,other 10 from different countries have receive their's, , The 3 of us haven't received yet, because we are in libya,,brother i know they thinking maybe we involve in the war,answer NO again NO,.,, or maybe something else,

,my question come can one meditate over such situation?? , or is there a solution over such situation??

Brother all my question you people have been answering help me and pleased me, always
happy to hear from you people,

11 years ago
Accepted Answer
There are many techniques that you can use. The most direct is to awaken consciousness in the internal worlds and go in your astral body to the temple of Maat (the temple of karma) to negotiate your needs. If you are unable to achieve this, you can utilize the Rune Not (explained below). In either case, be aware that the judges of karma will help you in accordance with your karma. To acquire what you need, you will need cosmic capital in order to pay. The best way to acquire this is by making strong sacrifices to help others, especially with spiritual help. It can also be advantageous to listen to your heart and find something you can offer in exchange for what you want, such as to serve humanity in some useful way. Just be sure that you can fulfill what you offer, and if you receive what you are asking for, do not fail to fulfill your part of the arrangement.

The Rune Not:

In the case of requiring the assistance of Anubis, if you urgently need to negotiate with him, then you must open your arms to the sides. While in this position, you must form the Rune by placing one arm at an angle of 135 degrees and the other arm at an angle of only 45 degrees.

Then, the arm which forms the angle of 45 degrees will move in order to form an angle of 135 degrees, and the other arm will move to form the angle of 45 degrees.

During this exercise, you must chant the mantras NA, NE, NI, NO, NU, while having your mind concentrated on Anubis, the chief of Karma. In this manner, beseech him for the negotiation you wish, and ask him for the urgently needed help.

You must observe well the form of the Rune Not, imitating with your arms this sign. The right and left arms must alternate in their movements.

When our disciples want to ask for help from the Lords of Karma, they need to trace a six-pointed star on the ground. They then open their arms in the form of a scale, which they move from above to below, while concentrating their minds on Anubis.

Then we can mentally ask the Lords of Karma for the desired service. Whilst moving the arms in the form of a scale, we must vocalize the syllables: Ni, Ne, No, Nu, Na.

This is how we can ask for help from the Lords of Karma in moments of necessity and danger. But remember, every credit must be paid.

In addition, contemplate this:
By modifying the cause, the effect is modified. “The lion of the Law is fought with the scale.” If we put our good deeds on one plate of a scale, and in the other we put our evil deeds, both plates must weigh the same, or some disequilibrium will exist. If the plate with evil actions weighs more, then we must put good deeds on the plate with the good actions, with the purpose of inclining the scale towards our favor; thus, in this way, we will cancel Karma. Perform good deeds in order to pay your debts. Remember that payment does not only have to be with pain, but can also be paid with the performing of good deeds.

Now you will comprehend my good friends how marvellous it is to perform good deeds. There is no doubt that right thoughts, right feelings, and right actions are the best of the negotiations.

We must never protest against Karma; what is important is to know how to negotiate it. Disgracefully, when people are found in great despair, the only thing that occurs unto them is to wash their hands like Pilate, saying that they did not do anything bad, that they are not guilty, that they are just souls, etc., etc., etc.

To those who are in misery, I say to them that they should examine their own conduct; that they must judge themselves; that they should sit on the bench of the accused at least for a moment. Thus, after strictly analyzing themselves, they must modify their conduct. If those who are found without a job would become chaste, infinitely charitable, peaceful, and one-hundred percent helpful, they obviously would radically alter the cause of their disgrace, consequently modifying the effect in itself.

To alter an effect is not possible if the previous cause that created it has not been radically modified. As we have already stated, there is no effect without a cause, neither a cause without an effect.

We must always work without expecting any rewards, always with infinite love towards humanity. Thus, we alter those evil causes that originated evil effects.

There is no doubt that misery has its cause in alcoholism, filthy lust, violence, adultery, squandering, avarice, etc.

Do you want to be healed? Then, heal others. Are some of your relatives in jail? Then, exert yourself for the freedom of others. Are you hungry? Then, share your bread with those who are in a worse position than you, etc.

Many people who suffer only remember their bitterness and wish to find a remedy. But, they do not remember the suffering of others; neither do they remotely think of remedying the needs of their neighbors. Their existence in this egotistical state is worthless; so, the only thing that they achieve is the aggravation of their suffering.

If those people would think of others, serve their neighbors, feed the hungry, give a drink to the thirsty, dress the naked, teach those who are ignorant, etc.; then it would be clear, they would be putting good deeds on the plate of the Cosmic Scale. The scale will then incline towards their favor. Thus, they would alter their destiny, and good luck would come in their favor. In other words, all of their necessities would be remedied.

“Nothing is easier than self-deceit. For what each man wishes, that he also believes.” —Demosthenes

"Do not worry; cultivate the habit of being happy." —Samael Aun Weor

11 years ago
Accepted Answer
There are many techniques that you can use. The most direct is to awaken consciousness in the internal worlds and go in your astral body to the temple of Maat (the temple of karma) to negotiate your needs. If you are unable to achieve this, you can utilize the Rune Not (explained below). In either case, be aware that the judges of karma will help you in accordance with your karma. To acquire what you need, you will need cosmic capital in order to pay. The best way to acquire this is by making strong sacrifices to help others, especially with spiritual help. It can also be advantageous to listen to your heart and find something you can offer in exchange for what you want, such as to serve humanity in some useful way. Just be sure that you can fulfill what you offer, and if you receive what you are asking for, do not fail to fulfill your part of the arrangement.

The Rune Not:

In the case of requiring the assistance of Anubis, if you urgently need to negotiate with him, then you must open your arms to the sides. While in this position, you must form the Rune by placing one arm at an angle of 135 degrees and the other arm at an angle of only 45 degrees.

Then, the arm which forms the angle of 45 degrees will move in order to form an angle of 135 degrees, and the other arm will move to form the angle of 45 degrees.

During this exercise, you must chant the mantras NA, NE, NI, NO, NU, while having your mind concentrated on Anubis, the chief of Karma. In this manner, beseech him for the negotiation you wish, and ask him for the urgently needed help.

You must observe well the form of the Rune Not, imitating with your arms this sign. The right and left arms must alternate in their movements.

When our disciples want to ask for help from the Lords of Karma, they need to trace a six-pointed star on the ground. They then open their arms in the form of a scale, which they move from above to below, while concentrating their minds on Anubis.

Then we can mentally ask the Lords of Karma for the desired service. Whilst moving the arms in the form of a scale, we must vocalize the syllables: Ni, Ne, No, Nu, Na.

This is how we can ask for help from the Lords of Karma in moments of necessity and danger. But remember, every credit must be paid.

In addition, contemplate this:
By modifying the cause, the effect is modified. “The lion of the Law is fought with the scale.” If we put our good deeds on one plate of a scale, and in the other we put our evil deeds, both plates must weigh the same, or some disequilibrium will exist. If the plate with evil actions weighs more, then we must put good deeds on the plate with the good actions, with the purpose of inclining the scale towards our favor; thus, in this way, we will cancel Karma. Perform good deeds in order to pay your debts. Remember that payment does not only have to be with pain, but can also be paid with the performing of good deeds.

Now you will comprehend my good friends how marvellous it is to perform good deeds. There is no doubt that right thoughts, right feelings, and right actions are the best of the negotiations.

We must never protest against Karma; what is important is to know how to negotiate it. Disgracefully, when people are found in great despair, the only thing that occurs unto them is to wash their hands like Pilate, saying that they did not do anything bad, that they are not guilty, that they are just souls, etc., etc., etc.

To those who are in misery, I say to them that they should examine their own conduct; that they must judge themselves; that they should sit on the bench of the accused at least for a moment. Thus, after strictly analyzing themselves, they must modify their conduct. If those who are found without a job would become chaste, infinitely charitable, peaceful, and one-hundred percent helpful, they obviously would radically alter the cause of their disgrace, consequently modifying the effect in itself.

To alter an effect is not possible if the previous cause that created it has not been radically modified. As we have already stated, there is no effect without a cause, neither a cause without an effect.

We must always work without expecting any rewards, always with infinite love towards humanity. Thus, we alter those evil causes that originated evil effects.

There is no doubt that misery has its cause in alcoholism, filthy lust, violence, adultery, squandering, avarice, etc.

Do you want to be healed? Then, heal others. Are some of your relatives in jail? Then, exert yourself for the freedom of others. Are you hungry? Then, share your bread with those who are in a worse position than you, etc.

Many people who suffer only remember their bitterness and wish to find a remedy. But, they do not remember the suffering of others; neither do they remotely think of remedying the needs of their neighbors. Their existence in this egotistical state is worthless; so, the only thing that they achieve is the aggravation of their suffering.

If those people would think of others, serve their neighbors, feed the hungry, give a drink to the thirsty, dress the naked, teach those who are ignorant, etc.; then it would be clear, they would be putting good deeds on the plate of the Cosmic Scale. The scale will then incline towards their favor. Thus, they would alter their destiny, and good luck would come in their favor. In other words, all of their necessities would be remedied.

“Nothing is easier than self-deceit. For what each man wishes, that he also believes.” —Demosthenes

"Do not worry; cultivate the habit of being happy." —Samael Aun Weor

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