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  Friday, 06 September 2024
  0 Replies
  15 Visits
Dear Instructors,
As I have become more acquainted with the works of Master Samael, I have further realized the importance of maintaining a physical life low in conflicts so that the psychological work may be done. With this point in mind, I still remain conflicted over signing up for the United States Selective Service. It is technically a crime to not do so, but nobody has been prosecuted for decades. It is practical for a country to be able to levy an army in times of need, but in regards to the United States, they use this right for the wrong reasons. Our interventionist polices have resulted in the deaths of millions of people. I have just begun to discover the labyrinth of my karma, and I suspect that if I was forced to fight in an even more gruesome conflict than the World Wars, my karma would become much worse. I would also add greatly to the suffering of other people. This begs the question, should I do my lawful duty and sign up for the draft, and possibly entangle myself in a gruesome future conflict? Are there other facts to be cognizant of? Any tips or advice would be greatly appreciated.
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