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  Tuesday, 20 August 2024
  2 Replies
  241 Visits
Greetings and blessings to you.

I have read this verse countless times and would appreciate your interpretation:

Psalm 119:83 For I am become like a bottle in the smoke; yet do I not forget thy statutes. (KJV)

Thank you very much.
Hello Mandisa,

Thank you for your question. The work of a Gnostic is to work toward self-realization. This work gets more difficult, and the path narrows as we progress in our work. Psalms 119:83 expresses a time on the path when we may feel alone, abandoned, or isolated. It reminds us to stay focused and persevere. It is a reminder to remember the fundamentals of this practice and to continue to adhere to the practices and tools designed to help us strengthen ourselves as we strive to remain committed to the practice of self-realization while adhering to God’s law. The greatest test is to keep our commitments during the most difficult times (represented by a bottle darkened by the smoke). I share part of a poem written by the Mohammedan Christ Mansur Al-Hallaj entitled:

Ah… thy pledge continues being my misfortune!...
Oh supreme objective that I request and wait, oh my guest,
Oh nourishment of my Spirit! Oh my life in this world and in the other!
Let my heart be thy ransom! Oh my ear, oh my sight!
Why so much delay in my seclusion, so distant?
Ah, albeit, thy presence, before my eyes, is hidden within the invisible,
My heart by now contemplates Thee, from my remoteness, yes, from my exile!

This is a good reminder for us to stay focused, meditate, and continue to do the work no matter how good or difficult things become. Consistency in all circumstances is the key (remembering the statutes).
1 week ago
Greetings. Thank you very much for the explanation. It’s most relevant and timely. Glory to the Most High!

Mandisa marked this post as Resolved — 1 week ago
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