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A trial:

  Tuesday, 13 August 2024
  2 Replies
  269 Visits
Dear instructors, today just this morning the person who means most to me in the physical plane descovered the teachings that mean most to me, particularly that I engage with these teachings. The criticism that I received though not particularly violent were like a sword being plunged into the depths of my soul and now I cannot read an article without feeling paranoid and ashamed... Particularly what the person descovered was related to karma as I am learning about the doctrine of karma and how it applies to my situation. I know the person criticised out of love and is trying to protect me but now I am left uneasy and this was an experience I was not prepared for. Of course I am in no place/desire to abandon gnosis but I need to reconsile this emotion... I know gnosis is not bad but the criticism I received made me feel as if I had just killed a room full of people... I was not ready for this. I just wish they had seen anything else, even sexual magic, but what they saw could be very easily malinterpreted... Was this a type of trial? I just wish I could study articles again without the words of the person ringing in my mind...
2 weeks ago
Accepted Answer
It is disheartening to read of your experience. Nevertheless we can not run away from the problem that confronts us.
We often find ourselves in this situation when we are not open to our partners about the truth of what we are involved in.
The time is now for you to sit with your partner and gently explain in summary gnosis of the path you are treading. Its benefits , its challenges and why you are not ready to abandon this path because it is your life. Prayerfully approach this and you will find understanding in your partner.
Almustafa selected the reply #31622 as the answer for this post — 6 days ago
6 days ago
People are free to accept, reject, or interpret the doctrine as they please. Attachment or fear about what others think of us can be self-esteem, vanity, or pride. We must always respect the beliefs of our neighbor while relying on our own comprehension of the teachings. Do not run away or fear criticism, that people disagree with your practice. In fact, disagreements should be welcomed, because everyone is a universe of their own. What would God be if he restricted, condemned, or criticized the free will of others? Divinity would not be divine, but a tyrant. Compassion is based on tolerance and forbearance, not coercion or the need for others to accept us in certain aspects of our life. If someone wishes to think differently about what we do in gnosis, so be it!

For thirty years I sought God. But when I looked carefully I found that in reality God was the seeker and I the sought. -Bayazid al-Bastami

2 weeks ago
Accepted Answer
It is disheartening to read of your experience. Nevertheless we can not run away from the problem that confronts us.
We often find ourselves in this situation when we are not open to our partners about the truth of what we are involved in.
The time is now for you to sit with your partner and gently explain in summary gnosis of the path you are treading. Its benefits , its challenges and why you are not ready to abandon this path because it is your life. Prayerfully approach this and you will find understanding in your partner.
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