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  Monday, 15 July 2024
  1 Replies
  38 Visits
Peace and greetings to the instructors who make daily sacrifices on the path for the benefit of humanity. As one whom the teachings have benefited significantly I wish to spread the teachings to others. As a very beginner to these studies it would not be wise for me to try and teach to others as I do not have self-realization in any prospect but would like to spread the teachings in a simple and subtle manner in accordance with my current level and also possess much karma that can be negotiated with such a practice if an instructor has any advice in this manner? For instence, would a good example be to for instence find what the master Samael calls seudo-esoteric groups such as on social media and simply post a recomendation to study the teachings of Samael Aun Weor?
8 hours ago
Often times we find ourselves surrounded by people with certain spiritual inclinations, psychological needs and general interests. For example, there might be family/friends/co-workers who suffer immensely from the loss of someone. Maybe it would comfort them to talk to them about the Tibetan view on the process of death? Or maybe someone suffers from repeated negative actions or addictions, which you were able to overcome and where you could share helpful insights? Others may just be interested to speak about meditation, God, spirituality? Feel whether those surrounding you are open to certain aspects and share with them what would really benefit them. Maybe they will ask for sources or book, that you can recommend? Maybe you find enough to have a common meditation / book study group? Look at your life and reflect, where you can help.
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