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  Saturday, 09 February 2013
  1 Replies
  2.1K Visits
It is said and it is written that Samael Aun Weor has been the first to publicly reveal the ancient secret of white tantra sex magic.

That saying could be relative to this root race and that is what is in question.

At a meeting with some Gnostic friends this topic came up and someone said that no other person, avatar or archangel has been granted the permission by the White Lodge (The fraternity of gods that oversee the destiny of this planet and its humanity) to publicly reveal the white tantra. None before Samael Aun Weor.

The avatars/archangels have been in order:

Gabriel, Polar Root Race
Raphael, Hyperborean Root Race
Uriel, Lemurian Root Race
Michael. Atlantean Root race
Samael, Aryan Root Race

Looking back this world has hosted five root races thus far. Would it not seem that in the end times of say the Lemurian or Atlantean epochs, that the multitudes, the millions upon millions of inhabitants would be publicly given the White Tantra sex key to transform themselves into real human beings? Would they not have publicly been given the key to slay the beast?
11 years ago
Accepted Answer
During the end times of each root race, the key teachings that are needed at that time are revealed. Those who take and use that key knowledge are then given what knowledge is needed for them to advance.

But that does not mean that at the end of each era all of the teachings are revealed. For example, at this moment we are concluding the fifth root race, so the Fifth Truth (Sexual Magic) has been made public. Yet this is not the ultimate level of the knowledge. It is profound and important, and critical at this stage of the process, yet there is much, much more that is not publicly revealed yet.

At this moment the Fifth Truth is made public because it is needed at the public level. Those who put it to work in themselves will enter into even higher levels of knowledge that are not yet public, because the public would not be able to use it.

Similarly, in previous eras, those who received the corresponding Truth and used it were given the knowledge they needed, according to their level. That is, what was not needed at the public level could be earned by those who deserved to learn it in secret, such as the knowledge of Sexual Magic.

In synthesis, our guides are always providing what is needed. The problem is that we do not use it.

“Nothing is easier than self-deceit. For what each man wishes, that he also believes.” —Demosthenes

"Do not worry; cultivate the habit of being happy." —Samael Aun Weor

11 years ago
Accepted Answer
During the end times of each root race, the key teachings that are needed at that time are revealed. Those who take and use that key knowledge are then given what knowledge is needed for them to advance.

But that does not mean that at the end of each era all of the teachings are revealed. For example, at this moment we are concluding the fifth root race, so the Fifth Truth (Sexual Magic) has been made public. Yet this is not the ultimate level of the knowledge. It is profound and important, and critical at this stage of the process, yet there is much, much more that is not publicly revealed yet.

At this moment the Fifth Truth is made public because it is needed at the public level. Those who put it to work in themselves will enter into even higher levels of knowledge that are not yet public, because the public would not be able to use it.

Similarly, in previous eras, those who received the corresponding Truth and used it were given the knowledge they needed, according to their level. That is, what was not needed at the public level could be earned by those who deserved to learn it in secret, such as the knowledge of Sexual Magic.

In synthesis, our guides are always providing what is needed. The problem is that we do not use it.

“Nothing is easier than self-deceit. For what each man wishes, that he also believes.” —Demosthenes

"Do not worry; cultivate the habit of being happy." —Samael Aun Weor

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