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  Friday, 08 February 2013
  11 Replies
  2.3K Visits
How do we know when we have comprehended an ego fully so that we can ask our Divine Mother for its destruction? Is the comprehension what liberates the consciousness, or the destruction?
11 years ago
Accepted Answer
To have deep comprehension, clear Consciousness of the defect that we want to extirpate is fundamental, but it is not enough. The elimination of the defect is necessary, and this is only possible with the help of the Kundalini.

The mind cannot fundamentally alter anything. What the mind does is label things, hide defects, pass them onto other levels, etc.

To eliminate errors is another thing, and without Devi Kundalini, the magic serpent of our magical powers, this would be absolutely impossible.


The Meditation on each error was enough for comprehension, although I could clearly see that there are many degrees and degrees in relation with understanding.

There is a great deal of elasticity and ductility in relation with comprehension. Many times we believe we have integrally comprehended a defect of a psychological type, but only later, we come to discover that really we did not comprehend it.

Elimination is another thing. Anyone can comprehend a given defect, yet in spite of this cannot achieve its extirpation.

If we exclude the Divine Mother Kundalini, then the work becomes incomplete. Without Her, it is impossible to eliminate defects.

Frankly, I converted myself into an enemy of myself, thus I resolved to equilibrate comprehension and elimination.

Each comprehended defect was eliminated with the power of the Divine Mother Kundalini.

Finally, one given day, I was inspecting my work in the Tartarus, in the Averno, within the submerged mineral kingdom, in those infra-dimensional regions or submerged parallel universes.

Navigating upon the waters of the Acheron, inside of the boat of Charon, I arrived to the other shore in order to inspect the work; then I saw thousands of devil-“I’s,” my own aggregates, parts of myself that were living in those regions.

I wanted to resuscitate something, an effigy that symbolized my own sinning Adam, who was lying down as a cadaver within the muddy waters of the river.

Then, my Divine Mother, dressed with clothes of mourning, like a Mater Dolorosa, told me with Her voice filled with infinite love, “This one is already quite dead. I have nothing more to take from him.”

Certainly, my Mother had extracted from me the legion of devil-“I’s,” all of the conjunction of tenebrous entities that personify our defects and that constitute the ego.

Thus, this is how I achieved the dissolution of the pluralized “I.” This is how I attained the reduction into dust of all of those aggregates which form the myself.

-Samael Aun Weor, The Gnostic Magic of the Runes: The Divine Mother Kundalini

Joyful in hope, suffering in tribulation, be thou constant in thy prayer.

Benedictis, qui venit in nomine Domini. Osanna in excelsis.

"Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest!"

11 years ago
Accepted Answer
To have deep comprehension, clear Consciousness of the defect that we want to extirpate is fundamental, but it is not enough. The elimination of the defect is necessary, and this is only possible with the help of the Kundalini.

The mind cannot fundamentally alter anything. What the mind does is label things, hide defects, pass them onto other levels, etc.

To eliminate errors is another thing, and without Devi Kundalini, the magic serpent of our magical powers, this would be absolutely impossible.


The Meditation on each error was enough for comprehension, although I could clearly see that there are many degrees and degrees in relation with understanding.

There is a great deal of elasticity and ductility in relation with comprehension. Many times we believe we have integrally comprehended a defect of a psychological type, but only later, we come to discover that really we did not comprehend it.

Elimination is another thing. Anyone can comprehend a given defect, yet in spite of this cannot achieve its extirpation.

If we exclude the Divine Mother Kundalini, then the work becomes incomplete. Without Her, it is impossible to eliminate defects.

Frankly, I converted myself into an enemy of myself, thus I resolved to equilibrate comprehension and elimination.

Each comprehended defect was eliminated with the power of the Divine Mother Kundalini.

Finally, one given day, I was inspecting my work in the Tartarus, in the Averno, within the submerged mineral kingdom, in those infra-dimensional regions or submerged parallel universes.

Navigating upon the waters of the Acheron, inside of the boat of Charon, I arrived to the other shore in order to inspect the work; then I saw thousands of devil-“I’s,” my own aggregates, parts of myself that were living in those regions.

I wanted to resuscitate something, an effigy that symbolized my own sinning Adam, who was lying down as a cadaver within the muddy waters of the river.

Then, my Divine Mother, dressed with clothes of mourning, like a Mater Dolorosa, told me with Her voice filled with infinite love, “This one is already quite dead. I have nothing more to take from him.”

Certainly, my Mother had extracted from me the legion of devil-“I’s,” all of the conjunction of tenebrous entities that personify our defects and that constitute the ego.

Thus, this is how I achieved the dissolution of the pluralized “I.” This is how I attained the reduction into dust of all of those aggregates which form the myself.

-Samael Aun Weor, The Gnostic Magic of the Runes: The Divine Mother Kundalini

Joyful in hope, suffering in tribulation, be thou constant in thy prayer.

Benedictis, qui venit in nomine Domini. Osanna in excelsis.

"Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest!"

11 years ago
Let me rephrase the question : How long must we meditate upon an ego before we comprehend it? Obviously this answer will be different for each individual or even each defect. So, what does it mean to comprehend it? Master said in the quote that there are degrees of understanding. Does that mean we ask our Divine Mother for its destruction at each degree? In other words, is he saying win the war with a single ego by fighting many small battles?
There are simply too many possibilities as to how this process plays out from person to person, ego to ego. Therefore, any further elaboration would be not only difficult, but rather fruitless.

Issue resolved.
7 years ago
Comprehension is in levels, and does not depend upon time. We kill as much as we can comprehend, therefore the death of the ego is a process, diving deeper and deeper in each meditation, until the defects lose power and are fully dead.

However, it is also a process to still the mind, yet this does not depend upon temporality, but on being present from moment to moment.

For thirty years I sought God. But when I looked carefully I found that in reality God was the seeker and I the sought. -Bayazid al-Bastami

7 years ago
This is something that I have had a lot of trouble fully grasping, and I realize it's probably due to my dualistic mind...
I simply cannot comprehend, so I will put it this way:
1 defect, ego, "I" that is meditated upon, and, let's say, comprehended 80%... can it be eliminated? or does it have to be comprehended 100%?
And if so, how do we know, really know without a doubt, that an ego is comprehended in its entirety, 100%?
The master said that we think we comprehended an ego, then we find out we have not... does that mean that the ego will not be eliminated?
And if we keep thinking that we do when we do not, how do we know the comprehension on a single defect is complete?
7 years ago
The ego dies little by little in accordance with our comprehension and prayer. When comprehension is total, the ego is totally dead. If specific egos are alive to any degree, there is a risk of relapse and of strengthening those egos again.

When the actor is dead, there is no one to play out the same comedies, dramas, and tragedies of life. So the question is: are you repeating the same mistakes?

If you no longer respond in the same mechanical ways to specific events, challenges, sufferings, this is an indication that the egos related to these comedies, dramas, and tragedies are at an end...

...or, at least there is enough comprehension to refrain from negative action, thereby weakening the ego considerably. However, the full beauty of upright action occurs through the destruction of those errors at their roots.

Therefore, analyze your mind in the face of repetitive circumstances. Your level of being will be known through your thoughts, words, and deeds.

For thirty years I sought God. But when I looked carefully I found that in reality God was the seeker and I the sought. -Bayazid al-Bastami

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