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  Wednesday, 10 April 2024
  1 Replies
  371 Visits
Good day all,

I have two questions about the Wheel of Becoming :

1- At the end of the 3,000 cycles of 108 existences, what's the difference between a Monad with mastery (who's self-realized) and a Monad without mastery (who hasn't worked on thyself), because in the end, they all live in absolute bliss?

2- At the end of the 3,000 cycles of 108 existences, what's the difference between a Monad with mastery (who's self-realized) and a Monad without mastery (who hasn't worked on himself), because in the end, they all live in absolute bliss?

Thank you in advance for your clarifications,

Best regards,
3 months ago
Accepted Answer
Imagine an ant that is looking at a grown humanoid like us. The ant and the humanoid are both living beings, but their consciousness is vastly different. Will the ant be able to comprehend how the humanoid manages to get groceries and pay taxes? Or will it even concepts like religion, deities, death, etc.?

Thus the Monads that finish their 3000 cycles reenter the Absolute, but without cognizance, staying a simple spark of consciousness. Meanwhile those Monads who became cognizant will enter as Gods, fully cognizant and able to enjoy the union with the Absolute.
Almustafa selected the reply #30904 as the answer for this post — 3 months ago
3 months ago
Accepted Answer
Imagine an ant that is looking at a grown humanoid like us. The ant and the humanoid are both living beings, but their consciousness is vastly different. Will the ant be able to comprehend how the humanoid manages to get groceries and pay taxes? Or will it even concepts like religion, deities, death, etc.?

Thus the Monads that finish their 3000 cycles reenter the Absolute, but without cognizance, staying a simple spark of consciousness. Meanwhile those Monads who became cognizant will enter as Gods, fully cognizant and able to enjoy the union with the Absolute.
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