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I gave someone a book of Samael Aun Weor. Then not long after giving it, I was meditating and I got the impression that of receiving energy and that energy really helped me to discern very clearly what is a protoplasmic body and for a period of time I was, seemingly helped with just only this particular understanding in meditation. Now as time has passed I cannot discern the same so clearly and lucidly, but I now have a new understanding of the process of my mind which has helped me tremendously. This was very refreshing because mostly I learn through failure and pain.

1. If I simply help others by say.... just simply spreading the words of Samael Aun Weor then I will be helped to learn and instead of learning through failure I can learn by helping others? Is there a direct relationship between being helped with understanding in meditation and giving this teaching?
3 months ago
Accepted Answer
1. If I simply help others by say.... just simply spreading the words of Samael Aun Weor then I will be helped to learn and instead of learning through failure I can learn by helping others?

When done right, teachings others will benefit everyone involved. Others will receive the Dharma (the teachings), which is a blessing for them if they are receptive to it. You will pay your karmic debts, because it has cost your Inner Being a lot to get you to these teachings. And when you teach others, you will see the teachings with more depth, from different perspectives, because as a teacher you have to transmit the knowledge in a suitable way, depending on the audience.
This does not exclude failures in your practice though. Sometimes, failures are part of the help that we receive. How else will you know that you are successful, if you don't know how failure feels like?

Is there a direct relationship between being helped with understanding in meditation and giving this teaching?

There is a direct relationship between meditating on something and understanding it. You may have to meditate even more on this "something" if you don't have results yet. You may also have to pray more and ask for guidance on the topic. Still, spreading the knowledge is a good sacrifice and will earn you karmic capital.
Almustafa selected the reply #30791 as the answer for this post — 3 months ago
3 months ago
Accepted Answer
1. If I simply help others by say.... just simply spreading the words of Samael Aun Weor then I will be helped to learn and instead of learning through failure I can learn by helping others?

When done right, teachings others will benefit everyone involved. Others will receive the Dharma (the teachings), which is a blessing for them if they are receptive to it. You will pay your karmic debts, because it has cost your Inner Being a lot to get you to these teachings. And when you teach others, you will see the teachings with more depth, from different perspectives, because as a teacher you have to transmit the knowledge in a suitable way, depending on the audience.
This does not exclude failures in your practice though. Sometimes, failures are part of the help that we receive. How else will you know that you are successful, if you don't know how failure feels like?

Is there a direct relationship between being helped with understanding in meditation and giving this teaching?

There is a direct relationship between meditating on something and understanding it. You may have to meditate even more on this "something" if you don't have results yet. You may also have to pray more and ask for guidance on the topic. Still, spreading the knowledge is a good sacrifice and will earn you karmic capital.
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