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  Saturday, 30 March 2024
  1 Replies
  445 Visits
So is true that after Jesus Christ who is the boss, Judas Iscariot is second in Charge, if so what other major duties has Judas ever portrayed historically!
3 months ago
Accepted Answer
The book of Revelation states:

“Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.” —Revelation 3:8-9

Authentic Jews are only the children of the lion from the tribe of Judah, meaning, the Christified ones.
Those who say that they are Jews (illuminated ones) and are not, do lie. Really, these people belong to the synagogue of Satan. These people cannot enter the temple of Philadelphia.

When the clairvoyant is a black magician, the frontal chakra is controlled by Jezebel, the woman who called herself a prophetess.

The black magician develops tenebrous clairvoyance. The frontal chakra of the black magician works only in the abyss. The tenebrous ones take the shape of masters and also friends of masters in order to perform horrible acts within the atomic infernos of nature.

Actually, the clairvoyants of Jezebel calumniate their neighbors when they are in contact with these disguised tenebrous beings.

The truly illuminated clairvoyant is not capable of calumniating his neighbor. The truly illuminated clairvoyant sees without the presence of the “I.” The illuminated clairvoyant uses his faculty with supreme wisdom in order to advise and help his neighbor.

We need to decapitate Jezebel. We need to place clairvoyance under the service of the immolated Lamb. We need to prophesy with wisdom.” - Samael Aun Weor

So, Judas represents: The authentic Jews, the children of the lion from the tribe of Judah, meaning, the Christified ones, those who belong to the Ain Soph Paranishpanna-परिनिष्पन्न אין סוף, who are found secretly related with the pineal gland, the crown chakra or church of Kether, the church of Peter, who died on the inverted alchemical cross.

Remember, Peter betrayed the Christ, the Light of the Ain Soph Aur-אין סוף אור, three times; Peter represents those who walk on the middle path; those who decide to die on the alchemical cross. Those are the authentic Jews who condemned Christ to die on the alchemical cross.

Therefore, those who say that they are resurrected Jews (illuminated by the Ain Soph Aur-אין סוף אור) and are not, do lie. Really, these people belong to the synagogue of Satan (because they have the ego very alive). These people cannot enter the temple of Philadelphia (Greek: Φιλαδέλφεια [pʰilaˈdelpʰeːa], Greek pronunciation: [filaˈðelfia], "brotherly love"), the abode of Barbelo, the Ain Soph Paranishpanna-परिनिष्पन्न אין סוף, the Solar Absolute.

“For Aelohim so loved the Kosmos (Κόσμος), that he gave his only begotten Son (the Ain Soph Aur-אין סוף אור), that whosoever has faith on him should not perish (the second death), but have everlasting life.” - John 3:16

Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah,
the Root of David, has prevailed to open the book,
and to loose the seven seals thereof. - Revelation 5: 5

3 months ago
Accepted Answer
The book of Revelation states:

“Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.” —Revelation 3:8-9

Authentic Jews are only the children of the lion from the tribe of Judah, meaning, the Christified ones.
Those who say that they are Jews (illuminated ones) and are not, do lie. Really, these people belong to the synagogue of Satan. These people cannot enter the temple of Philadelphia.

When the clairvoyant is a black magician, the frontal chakra is controlled by Jezebel, the woman who called herself a prophetess.

The black magician develops tenebrous clairvoyance. The frontal chakra of the black magician works only in the abyss. The tenebrous ones take the shape of masters and also friends of masters in order to perform horrible acts within the atomic infernos of nature.

Actually, the clairvoyants of Jezebel calumniate their neighbors when they are in contact with these disguised tenebrous beings.

The truly illuminated clairvoyant is not capable of calumniating his neighbor. The truly illuminated clairvoyant sees without the presence of the “I.” The illuminated clairvoyant uses his faculty with supreme wisdom in order to advise and help his neighbor.

We need to decapitate Jezebel. We need to place clairvoyance under the service of the immolated Lamb. We need to prophesy with wisdom.” - Samael Aun Weor

So, Judas represents: The authentic Jews, the children of the lion from the tribe of Judah, meaning, the Christified ones, those who belong to the Ain Soph Paranishpanna-परिनिष्पन्न אין סוף, who are found secretly related with the pineal gland, the crown chakra or church of Kether, the church of Peter, who died on the inverted alchemical cross.

Remember, Peter betrayed the Christ, the Light of the Ain Soph Aur-אין סוף אור, three times; Peter represents those who walk on the middle path; those who decide to die on the alchemical cross. Those are the authentic Jews who condemned Christ to die on the alchemical cross.

Therefore, those who say that they are resurrected Jews (illuminated by the Ain Soph Aur-אין סוף אור) and are not, do lie. Really, these people belong to the synagogue of Satan (because they have the ego very alive). These people cannot enter the temple of Philadelphia (Greek: Φιλαδέλφεια [pʰilaˈdelpʰeːa], Greek pronunciation: [filaˈðelfia], "brotherly love"), the abode of Barbelo, the Ain Soph Paranishpanna-परिनिष्पन्न אין סוף, the Solar Absolute.

“For Aelohim so loved the Kosmos (Κόσμος), that he gave his only begotten Son (the Ain Soph Aur-אין סוף אור), that whosoever has faith on him should not perish (the second death), but have everlasting life.” - John 3:16

Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah,
the Root of David, has prevailed to open the book,
and to loose the seven seals thereof. - Revelation 5: 5

Almustafa selected the reply #30786 as the answer for this post — 3 months ago
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