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  Saturday, 24 February 2024
  8 Replies
  827 Visits

I've just watched the video "Sacred Sexuality: Episode Two: The Secret History of Humanity" and I must say great work, I really loved it. I commend all involved for the producing such a high quality presentation. It is truly inspiring to watch. Keep up the good work and we look forward to seeing the next episodes.

I do have one question though. Towards the end of the video where the destruction of Atlantis is mentioned and the use of atomic weapons which triggered huge earthquakes which sank Atlantis into the depths of the ocean, where does Hercolubus come into play? I know Master Samael mentions that these wars and the atomic explosions took place but it also seems that Hercolubus happens soon after or perhaps it's all happening at the same time?

Many thanks,

4 months ago
Accepted Answer
Yes, my mistake, thank you.

Since the planetary mass of Hercolubus is so gigantic, it is obvious that it has to attract the liquid fire from the interior of the world to the surface. For this reason, volcanoes have to erupt everywhere. The most serious thing is that each new volcano arises in the midst of terrible and frightening earthquakes.

It will not be strange, then, that in those days, the great cities of the world will fall to dust: New York, Paris, London, Buenos Aires, etc., etc., etc.

With the maximum approach of Hercolubus towards the terrestrial orbit, unquestionably a revolution of the Earth's axes will have to take place. Then the seas will change their beds and the current continents will submerge in the oceans.

Even in modern science there is the notion that there is a periodic shift of the poles which brings enormous changes to Earth's crust. This shows us that the sinking of Atlantis was impelled by Hercolobus' visit.
4 months ago
The writer felt that the video was already too long and complicated, especially for new students, so we expect to introduce that in an upcoming video.

“Nothing is easier than self-deceit. For what each man wishes, that he also believes.” —Demosthenes

"Do not worry; cultivate the habit of being happy." —Samael Aun Weor

4 months ago
Part of the glossary entry for Hercolubus reads: "This same planet brought Atlantis to an end. Before Atlantis existed, it annihilated the existence of another continent. We know very well that the continent of Mu or Lemuria sank within the waters of the boisterous pacific ocean after 10,000 years of earthquakes and incessant volcanic eruptions."

If this statement by Samael Aun Weor is correct, the approach of Hercolubus is cyclical, occurring both in the past and the future...
4 months ago
Accepted Answer
Yes, my mistake, thank you.

Since the planetary mass of Hercolubus is so gigantic, it is obvious that it has to attract the liquid fire from the interior of the world to the surface. For this reason, volcanoes have to erupt everywhere. The most serious thing is that each new volcano arises in the midst of terrible and frightening earthquakes.

It will not be strange, then, that in those days, the great cities of the world will fall to dust: New York, Paris, London, Buenos Aires, etc., etc., etc.

With the maximum approach of Hercolubus towards the terrestrial orbit, unquestionably a revolution of the Earth's axes will have to take place. Then the seas will change their beds and the current continents will submerge in the oceans.

Even in modern science there is the notion that there is a periodic shift of the poles which brings enormous changes to Earth's crust. This shows us that the sinking of Atlantis was impelled by Hercolobus' visit.
Almustafa selected the reply #30629 as the answer for this post — 4 months ago
3 months ago
If this statement by Samael Aun Weor is correct, the approach of Hercolubus is cyclical, occurring both in the past and the future...

It would seem that since the orbiting trajectory of our Solar system and this particular star is different, there is a cyclical timeline at the end of which these two systems collide. Please correct me if I am wrong. Modern astrologists are calling for the nearest distance there will be between them to come into place in circa 10000 years and the distance to be something under 3 light years. Obviously both these statements are very much not in conjuction with what Master Samael wrote. We will see.

The earthquakes are growing in numbers and in intensity, natural pollution is only growing and all nations around the globe are preparing for long conflicts.

Might be most people will not live to “see” the poles shift.

Also I wonder why it is always “the continent” of Atlantis mentioned. surely the Atlantians inhabited whole of Earth as their civilization was very old and very advanced.
3 months ago
Also I wonder why it is always “the continent” of Atlantis mentioned. surely the Atlantians inhabited whole of Earth as their civilization was very old and very advanced.

The landmasses looked different back then and Atlantis was a massive continent. You can read the following chapter, where the maps by W. Scott Elliot are mentioned. They can be found on the internet with an image search.
3 months ago
Thank you for the excerpt, it was interesting to read. Maybe I’ll one day have the time to read the rest.
2 months ago
Here is great lecture on Atlantis by Manly P Hall:

But to have a map of Atlantis as it was in the time of its glory, you would have to have a map of the entire planet, because it was a distribution. Continents rose and fell, islands came up and down, great landships occurred and the Atlantic distribution of land was far more important and far more reaching then the mere problem of an island somewhere in the ocean. So we have to think of Atlantis in relationship to a complete pattern of the planet. As Plato ´clearly points out, the island of Poseidonis, which we now think of as Atlantis, was a last fragment of a great empire.
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