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  Saturday, 24 February 2024
  2 Replies
  473 Visits
Hi Instructors,

Is it ok to do pranayama when you are sick? Can that energy be utilized through pranayama to help you heal?

Or does that take energy away from healing the sickness?

Thank you kindly,
5 months ago
Accepted Answer
Swami Sivananda:

Breath directed by thought under the control of the will is a vitalising, regenerated force
which can be utilised consciously for self-development, for healing many incurable diseases and
for many other useful purposes...

You can have extraordinary power of concentration, strong will and a perfectly healthy,
strong body by practising Pranayama regularly. You will have to direct the Prana consciously to
unhealthy parts of the body. Suppose you have a sluggish liver. Sit on Padmasana. Close your eyes.
Do Sukha Purvaka Pranayama. Direct the Prana to the region of the liver. Concentrate your mind
there. Fix your attention to that area. Imagine that Prana is interpenetrating all the tissues and the
cells of the lobes of the liver and doing its curative, regenerating and constructive work there. Faith,
imagination, attention and interest play a very important part in curing diseases by taking Prana to
the diseased areas. During exhalation imagine that the morbid impurities of the liver are thrown out.
Repeat this process 12 times in the morning and 12 times in the evening. Sluggishness of liver will
vanish in a few days. This is a drugless treatment. This is nature-cure. You can take the Prana to any
part of the body during the Pranayama and cure any kind of disease, be it acute or chronic. Try once
or twice in healing yourself. Your convictions will grow stronger. Why do you cry like the lady who
is crying for ghee when she has butter in her hand, when you have a cheap, potent, easily available
remedy or agent ‘Prana’ at your command at all times! Use it judiciously. When you advance in
your concentration and practice, you can cure many diseases by mere touch. In the advanced stages,
many diseases are cured by mere will.

“Nothing is easier than self-deceit. For what each man wishes, that he also believes.” —Demosthenes

"Do not worry; cultivate the habit of being happy." —Samael Aun Weor

Almustafa selected the reply #30551 as the answer for this post — 4 months ago
5 months ago
Thank you so much Alexis =)
5 months ago
Accepted Answer
Swami Sivananda:

Breath directed by thought under the control of the will is a vitalising, regenerated force
which can be utilised consciously for self-development, for healing many incurable diseases and
for many other useful purposes...

You can have extraordinary power of concentration, strong will and a perfectly healthy,
strong body by practising Pranayama regularly. You will have to direct the Prana consciously to
unhealthy parts of the body. Suppose you have a sluggish liver. Sit on Padmasana. Close your eyes.
Do Sukha Purvaka Pranayama. Direct the Prana to the region of the liver. Concentrate your mind
there. Fix your attention to that area. Imagine that Prana is interpenetrating all the tissues and the
cells of the lobes of the liver and doing its curative, regenerating and constructive work there. Faith,
imagination, attention and interest play a very important part in curing diseases by taking Prana to
the diseased areas. During exhalation imagine that the morbid impurities of the liver are thrown out.
Repeat this process 12 times in the morning and 12 times in the evening. Sluggishness of liver will
vanish in a few days. This is a drugless treatment. This is nature-cure. You can take the Prana to any
part of the body during the Pranayama and cure any kind of disease, be it acute or chronic. Try once
or twice in healing yourself. Your convictions will grow stronger. Why do you cry like the lady who
is crying for ghee when she has butter in her hand, when you have a cheap, potent, easily available
remedy or agent ‘Prana’ at your command at all times! Use it judiciously. When you advance in
your concentration and practice, you can cure many diseases by mere touch. In the advanced stages,
many diseases are cured by mere will.

“Nothing is easier than self-deceit. For what each man wishes, that he also believes.” —Demosthenes

"Do not worry; cultivate the habit of being happy." —Samael Aun Weor

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