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  Thursday, 08 February 2024
  6 Replies
  805 Visits
Thank you for providing this information for free on your website. And for taking the time to answer our questions.

My question is regarding the difference between law of philosophical analogies and law of correspondence as it relates to dream interpretation. I am having trouble distinguishing between the two as they are described in this lecture

An example of the Philosophical Analogies: remember that the white dove and eagle are the symbols of the Holy Spirit. Any type of bird is related with the analogy of the Spirit.

An example of the Correspondences: rain is related with tears, pain, karma, and yet it also depends on how we are experiencing such dreams.

They both sound like they're describing the same type of thing, like analogies and correspondence can be used interchangeably to describe the same thing (X represents Y).

The only distinction (or guess) I can make from these two examples is analogies involves some entity or noun. And correspondence involves an action, effect, or verb. And Analogies seems to only have one meaning (dove = Holy Spirit), where as correspondences could have multiple meanings (rain = tears or pain or karma).

Also, the example for analogies mentions 'symbols', which I heard Carl Jung make the distinction that symbols is a special term. So I'm not sure that has any significance to the definition for Law of Philosophical Analogies.

Could you help me sort this out please? What is the difference between Law of Philosophical Analogies and Law of Correspondences?

Thank you.
6 months ago
Analogy: a comparison between things that have similar features, often used to help explain a principle or idea
The similar features between a dove and the Holy Spirit are that both reside in heaven/sky, detached from the earth and they only descent to you, if you prove to be trustworthy. But they are not the same, they have similar traits, there is no direct connection between them. If you are a bird breeder, you may be surrounded by doves, but you haven't necessarily received the Holy Spirit. And when you have received the Holy Spirit, it does not mean that doves will come to you in the physical world.

Correspondence: a close similarity, connection, or equivalence
The connection between physical tears and dreams with rain is that they appear through the same causes (bitterness, sadness, sorrow) and thus are equal. But tears appears physically and the rain appears internally. So they have a connection, a correspondence.

Another example analogy is when a person sees themselves killing someone in a dream. This does not mean that we need to harm people physically. We rather need to understand the analogy, which means to face our inner psychological foes (egos can behave like enemies, like strangers inside us) and to put an end to them, psychologically.

An example for correspondence is the police. Because if you dream of killing someone and then wrongfully do so physically, then the police will show up physically. But you may also see the police in your dreams, because you'd be in trouble with the Cosmic Law. So these are corresponding, because they appear by the same causes and thus are equal. One only appears physically and the other internally.

The most important thing here is though, to not get stuck labeling symbols intellectually. These labels shall help us to get in contact with these concepts and principles. But as soon as we have made some experience with them, we need to practice looking at dream symbols intuitively. This is where we really learn the significance of our dreams, no matter how they are labelled.
6 months ago
Thank you very much, this explanation helps a lot and makes sense.

For my own clarification...

Let's take the example of a dog in a dream. If in this particular dream the dog represents a friend (i.e. dog is man's best friend), then that would be an example of correspondence. If in another dream the dog represents our sexual instinct, then that would be analogy. And to know the true meaning of the symbol/representation (regardless if its correspondence or analogy) is through discernment with the aid of our Higherself (I'm not sure yet which Sephiroth on the Tree of Life this would be, I have not studied this in detail yet).

Hmmm... so one way to apply this would be to consider, or at least be aware of, the following possible meanings of a dream symbol:

  • What correlation does this have with the physical, if any?
  • What spiritual meaning does this represent inside of me, if any?

And to not intellectualize the symbol, this would mean to observe it so one can experience it deeper instead of just saying to oneself "oh I know, that's a dove, that represents the Holy Spirit... (consciousness falls asleep)."

Does this seem to be along the lines of what you're saying? Thank you again for taking the time to respond.
6 months ago
Yes, these questions can help to find different perspectives on symbols. The point is: If you go outside on a sunny day and you want to look at the sun, you don't think "I want to look at the sun, so I'm going to tilt my head and adjust my eyes". You just do it spontaneously with your willpower. In an analogous (:D) manner, you can look inside you and the questions may help to find the direction where to look at. But surely you may also come up with more possible questions/perspectives. And with time and practice it becomes more intuitive and clear how to "look inside".

When you proceed as described, then you use your willpower to focus and your imagination to look. These are Tiphereth and Geburah on the Tree of Life (human soul + divine soul). Before you start looking, you need to ask your Inner Divinity for guidance and help, Chesed. Your Being is the one who can provide you with the insights that you are looking for. So don't forget to pray before investigating.

Additionally, Dione Fortune has some helpful descriptions in "The Mystical Qabalah" in regards to how to investigate inside (when she is talking about using intuition to find associations).
6 months ago
hahaha analogous manner :D

Very good. Don't get caught up with the questions, which seems to go back to not get caught up intellectualizing. Now reflecting on it, I can see how having a preset of questions can be limiting if one becomes to rigid with them and not allow the spontaneous insight to just happen.

And thank you for clarifying the parts of the Tree of Life related to this. I will save this for reference. Willpower to focus, imagination to look (every good). And I will look into that book you recommended.

One last question if you don't mind. It's related to interpreting symbols.

There's a memory technique called mnemonics (used by the Greeks I believe), where one translates ideas, concepts and words into visual imagery. For example, if I wanted to memorize "willpower to focus, imagination to look", I could make a short movie in my mind of will smith (willpower) driving a ford (focus) with mickey mouse in a wizard hat (imagination) (look)ing around with binoculars. wild imagination, i know lol :D those were just the associations that spontaneously came into my mind.

Would practicing such memory techniques also be useful in learning dream interpretation? Or should I say, is this type of technique something you would recommend, or is it harmful in someway un-obvious way I am not aware of?

Thank you again for taking time out of your to answer these questions :)
6 months ago
It will help you to memorize (intellect, mental body in Netzach), but it won't train your internal muscle of intuition.
6 months ago
Awesome. thank you for taking the time to answer these questions :)
brian marked this post as Resolved — 6 months ago
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