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  Monday, 15 January 2024
  9 Replies
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Dear instructors, I firstly cannot go without thanking the Glorian team for the many sacrifices made to keep this crucial service to humanity online. I also thank the instructor in advance who will take the time to shed light on this serious matter for me and perhaps even others. The master Samael writes that blindness is the karma of cruelty in past lives, but gives no further detail. What forms of cruelty lead to this karmic outcome? As much detail is appreciated. The second portion of my question is as follows: if a person born with blindness were to discover gnosis, and open to the idea of karma desired to pay his debts, in what ways could he work for humanity in his current state to counteract the suffering he caused in his previous existences? I suppose this is the one main question I've always wanted to inquire of the instructors here, but have beat around it for some reason. Thanks to the Glorian team for all you do.
7 months ago
Accepted Answer
Our actions, whether in this life or in our previous life have in one way or another caused us suffering.
“Karma is the unerring law which adjusts effect to cause, on the physical, mental, and spiritual planes of being.

Karma is paid in this physical world and also in the internal worlds. However, the Karma in this physical world, as grave as it might be, is much sweeter than its Astral equivalent.

instead of worrying so much about their sickness, the sick should work for others; they should do works of charity, should try to heal others, console the afflicted, take to the doctor those people who cannot afford to pay the doctor, to give away medicine, etc. Thus, in this manner they will cancel their karma and they will become totally healed.

When an inferior law is transcended by a superior law, the superior law washes away the inferior law.

Perform good deeds so that you may pay your debts. The lion of the law is fought with the scales.

Whosoever has capital with which to pay, pays and does well in business; however, the one who does not have any capital shall pay with pain.

Dear friends, I want you to comprehend that when this or that karma has been utterly developed and unfolded, it inevitably has to reach its end. This signifies that it is only possible to radically modify karma when repentance is total and when every possibility of repeating the error that produced it has radically disappeared. When Kamaduro reaches its end, it is always catastrophic. Not all karma is negotiable. Likewise, it is good to know that when we have radically eliminated the ego, the possibility of delinquency has also been annihilated; thus, as a consequence, karma can be forgiven.
Almustafa selected the reply #30322 as the answer for this post — 6 months ago
7 months ago
Your inner Being is seeking to communicate with you through your dreams. You will do well to listen and meditate on it.

When you cannot recollect your dreams, go into meditation and speak to your subconsciousness to unveil your night experience/s. In almost all the cases once you are relaxed and properly focused within, your memory will play back the dream to you or at least, a glimpse of it.

Lastly, be aware that you may not immediately comprehend the meaning of what your innermost is saying to you. Please do not fret about it. Comprehension will come in its season, sometime a few hours other times it may be years because what your Innermost is saying to you may find its relevance in the future.

In your patience possess you your soul. [ Luke21: 19]
7 months ago
Dear instructor, it is with my sincere appologies that I come to you again, taking your time yet again. As one with superior spiritual knowledge you have helped me much, and as I have continued praying to my inner divinity regarding this matter I believe I was just granted another dream. Perhaps I am realizing that this is how my god communicates with me and this is beautiful. Yet again I found myself dreaming unconsciously and then I find myself aware that I am dreaming, and standing before my inner divinity, and yet again I asked, please show me my karma. This time the personage in the dream in front of me communicated with me sort of telepathically saying Joshua, this is your karma. What happened next was simple but puzzling. I was lifted off my feet and was leaned forward, floating like you do on the surface of water, on your stomach floating, and I began to rotate clockwise, spinning like a top. As I observed this, not thinking just waiting, I expected to be transported somewhere but this was where the dream concluded, and I woke in my physical body. What could be the symbolism of this dream? As the last dream, I found the intuitive impulse to investigate, to ask here. I tried to reflect on the meaning upon waking but its profundity escapes me.
7 months ago
I have much work to do, many answers to seek, but I know that I am not alone because my inner being is always with me. My divine mother has put up with me for so long and yet is always merceful, always fully compassionate, always beautifully holy. I thank you instructor for pointing me in the right direction, helping me to prepare for this great path I've been led to. I thank my innermost for having descovered gnosis, for Glorian.
7 months ago
Hello Joshua, you are certainly on the Right path. Your zeal and your determination to succeed on this path rings through and your Innermost has taken note and He is pleased.
Your dream of saving a drowning man speaks to your work.
Be encouraged, keep your eye on the goal, do your work, the journey is far, tedious and tough. Do good to accumulate capital. For the karma that we can not negotiate, lets us plead the Divine Mother to give us the strength to bear it.
The Divine Mother is able to reveal that which you intuitively sensed, when you go into meditation.
7 months ago
Instructor, the assistance you are giving your time to give me is far greater in importance and help to me than you might possibly be able to imagine. This might even result in a life change for me, without the slightest atom of exageration... Your response yesterday hit me like a ton of bricks, but not in a bad way, but a good way. In the many hours I've spent studying the doctrine of karma I never stopped to consider that the same errors I committed in my past lives that have led me here I am potentially committing them again this very present era of my life and yet I needed to hear that. The problem now lies for me catching where I mess up. Like you said, I must observe my thought, emotion and action. You mentioned that my dream potentially points to the sexual waters and I know that the sexual waters and energy are related with the holy spirit, and that therefore misuse of the sexual energy is sin against the holy spirit. I know that the most obvious and grave sin against the holy spirit is the spilling of the sexual waters through orgasm, things like entertainment of lust... Upon my reflection yesterday I did acknowledge that I do not perform masturbations, or lustful movies or books or music of that nature. This is not to say that I don't lust, because I know well that I have the ego of lust very alive in me. However, intuitively I get the sense that something else, some other misuse of the sexual waters is what I'm committing the era. My question is, how else does one misuse the sexual energy?
7 months ago
Being by the beach or a river bank or body of water is indicative of the sexual waters. Whosoever sin against the Holy Spirit drowns in the Sea of Life.
You need to meditate on the dream you had. You will be guided intuitively to comprehend the specific error of your past life or in this present existence. that you need to correct . Another hint is you are most likely performing that error again at this time. You need to pay close attention and observe your everyday actions, thoughts and emotions.
Master Samael Aun Weor repeatedly said that we often repeat our past errors, mistakes and events. Hence we are admonished to meditate always in order to identify the causative 'i' or 'i's of any error . and annihilate them. Only then can past events, and errors cease repeating themselves in our life.

Secondly, what forms of charity can pay karmic debt?

Sacrifice for suffering humanity. Loving-kindness towards all beings. One of the three primary factors for spiritual development.

"Charity is a matter of common sense. To give food to the hungry is something very humane, because even the prisoners have to eat, otherwise they would die of hunger. To give drink to the thirsty is something very logical, since it would be cruel to deny a glass of water to a thirsty person
To give a shirt to the naked is something very natural; to console the afflicted one is very humane; so, we do not needed judges for that. Nevertheless, it would be an absurdity to give alcohol to the drunkard, or to lend a weapon to an assassin. Love is law, but love with cognizance!" - Samael Aun Weor, Beyond Death

[quote Perform good deeds so that you may pay your debts. The lion of the law is fought with the scales.] [
Whosoever has capital with which to pay, pays and does well in business; however, the one who does not have any capital shall pay with pain.

To speak the WORD is given to those who knows the 'Word'. Those who have attained to the 5th initiation and have incarnated the word.
For each of us at our various level we can speak words that edify, encourages and build up the induvial rather than the words that destroy and kill the individual. We must always be conscious of the word we speak
7 months ago
I thank you, Dear instructor, for your insight into this significant matter. May Divinity bless you and keep you from now on and forever more. If you do not mind, I do still have some questions regarding the payment of karmic debts. Firstly, I've been praying to my inner Divinity to please, please show me the suffering I've created in my past existences, and about a week ago I had a dream where my innermost appeared before me in the form of a person. The innermost in the dream did not say anything at first and I asked the question: please can you show me the karma I owe? I was immediately transported to some kind of beach setting or a river--some kind of setting with water and a person, one whom I've met in real life was there before me. I think the person was drowning and I ended up saving them--was this a real dream with significant symbolism or was this just a figment of the ego... Secondly, I what forms of charity can pay karmic debt? Thirdly, it has been mentioned before by gnostic instructors that the word, whether written or spoken is very powerful and can lead to major consequences, both good and bad. How can I use the power of the spoken or even written word to benefit others? Much thanks.One thing I forgot to ask about the dream, does my meeting that person in the dream mean I've hurt them in past lives? What about the water setting? And I think the person was drowning but that part has become dull in my memory... Much thanks as always and very sorry for the lengthy post.
7 months ago
Most people these days are egotistical and evil ingrates. You help them and they pay you back by resenting and hating you.

Due to the multitude of egos they have and the darkness they live in, helping them makes them feel like they're beneath you and then they get bitter instead of seeing it as you helping them and being grateful for it.

If I'm going to help anyone, it has to be done anonymously. I can't expose myself to such negativity. Every single time I've helped someone that wasn't a family member, it has always backfired.

My question helping anonymously/indirectly, like donating to charity, equivalent to helping people personally?
7 months ago
Accepted Answer
Our actions, whether in this life or in our previous life have in one way or another caused us suffering.
“Karma is the unerring law which adjusts effect to cause, on the physical, mental, and spiritual planes of being.

Karma is paid in this physical world and also in the internal worlds. However, the Karma in this physical world, as grave as it might be, is much sweeter than its Astral equivalent.

instead of worrying so much about their sickness, the sick should work for others; they should do works of charity, should try to heal others, console the afflicted, take to the doctor those people who cannot afford to pay the doctor, to give away medicine, etc. Thus, in this manner they will cancel their karma and they will become totally healed.

When an inferior law is transcended by a superior law, the superior law washes away the inferior law.

Perform good deeds so that you may pay your debts. The lion of the law is fought with the scales.

Whosoever has capital with which to pay, pays and does well in business; however, the one who does not have any capital shall pay with pain.

Dear friends, I want you to comprehend that when this or that karma has been utterly developed and unfolded, it inevitably has to reach its end. This signifies that it is only possible to radically modify karma when repentance is total and when every possibility of repeating the error that produced it has radically disappeared. When Kamaduro reaches its end, it is always catastrophic. Not all karma is negotiable. Likewise, it is good to know that when we have radically eliminated the ego, the possibility of delinquency has also been annihilated; thus, as a consequence, karma can be forgiven.
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