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  Monday, 25 December 2023
  1 Replies
  535 Visits
1. If one is not a physical virgin, can we still make the body "the Virgin Mary", fit for the Great Work?

2. Is the Great Work hindered by a man/woman on hormone replacement therapy, such as "TRT", or Testosterone Replacement Therapy, which is very common today?

3. Can one achieve perfection still, if one learns these doctrines later in life, after having indulged in lustful behavior regularly?

4. If the Kundabuffer organ has been formed, how can one be aware of it's formation, and can "Satan's tail" still be eliminated?

5. If a married couple practices "sex magic", in sincerity and reverence for the act, in what time-frame should that couple expect revelation, or a raising of one's "serpent of fire", roughly?

6. Does Kriya Yoga create the existential Solar bodies within us, while also raising Kundalini?

Thank you for taking the time to read/answer.
6 months ago
Accepted Answer
1. Virginity is psychological and is accomplished through working as a Mary Magdalene (fallen but rising initiate) in alchemy with one’s spouse (whereby the presence of Christ is active).

2. Hormones greatly affect the quality of the sexual work, which is why one needs to keep their sexual energy as pure as possible.

3. Yes.

4. You can see it in the internal worlds, and yes, one can destroy it through patient works in the Major Mysteries.

5. It depends. How deep is the couple’s comprehension of the ego?

6. Breathing exercises do not create solar bodies. Only a marriage can. Pranayamas can fan the flames and produce sparks, whereas alchemy ignites the power of a sun.

For thirty years I sought God. But when I looked carefully I found that in reality God was the seeker and I the sought. -Bayazid al-Bastami

Almustafa selected the reply #30373 as the answer for this post — 5 months ago
6 months ago
Accepted Answer
1. Virginity is psychological and is accomplished through working as a Mary Magdalene (fallen but rising initiate) in alchemy with one’s spouse (whereby the presence of Christ is active).

2. Hormones greatly affect the quality of the sexual work, which is why one needs to keep their sexual energy as pure as possible.

3. Yes.

4. You can see it in the internal worlds, and yes, one can destroy it through patient works in the Major Mysteries.

5. It depends. How deep is the couple’s comprehension of the ego?

6. Breathing exercises do not create solar bodies. Only a marriage can. Pranayamas can fan the flames and produce sparks, whereas alchemy ignites the power of a sun.

For thirty years I sought God. But when I looked carefully I found that in reality God was the seeker and I the sought. -Bayazid al-Bastami

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