Hello, so I'll get straight to the point - some groundbreaking technologies are on the foreseeable horizon, particularly technologies utilizing A.I. Elon Musk is funding the R&D of "Neuralink", an implant which will be able to monitor and stimulate brain activity using electrical currents, as well as create a brain-computer interface.
Virtual reality will be able to simulate ultra-realistic scenarios, whatever the user wishes.
I wanted to know the Gnostic perspective is on this. Are these technologies dangerous? And will only serve to put people into further psychological sleep? Or are they gifts from man to man, after all, God did not give me the ability to simply manifest things with my mind. If technology can simulate that - then I see it as a gift. Thoughts?
Virtual reality will be able to simulate ultra-realistic scenarios, whatever the user wishes.
I wanted to know the Gnostic perspective is on this. Are these technologies dangerous? And will only serve to put people into further psychological sleep? Or are they gifts from man to man, after all, God did not give me the ability to simply manifest things with my mind. If technology can simulate that - then I see it as a gift. Thoughts?
I wanted to know the Gnostic perspective is on this.
Preparation for Initiation 5, Major Mysteries:
Brothers and sisters, I advise you: do not believe in the miracles of the wicked; they are lying wonders.
Modern scientists know nothing but mere illusory appearances. They do not know the human organism.
While in the Jinn state, the human body can fly, can pass through a wall from one side to the other without either the body or the wall getting hurt or dirty; it can also take the shape of plants, rocks, animals, and become small or large at will.
About our former assertions, the wicked, the scientists of the Antichrist, do not know anything, since they base their entire physiology, pathology, biology, etc., on false appearances, and upon their false appearances they edify their science and perform their lying wonders.
Are these technologies dangerous? And will only serve to put people into further psychological sleep? Or are they gifts from man to man, after all, God did not give me the ability to simply manifest things with my mind. If technology can simulate that - then I see it as a gift.
As with everything, it depends how these things are used. You can use A.I. to find cures for diseases, boost productivity and thus prosperity, help with education, etc. Or you can use it to enforce monopolies, distract people's consciousness into more sleep, create pornography, automated weapons, etc. It's up to humanity.
I wanted to know the Gnostic perspective is on this.
Preparation for Initiation 5, Major Mysteries:
Brothers and sisters, I advise you: do not believe in the miracles of the wicked; they are lying wonders.
Modern scientists know nothing but mere illusory appearances. They do not know the human organism.
While in the Jinn state, the human body can fly, can pass through a wall from one side to the other without either the body or the wall getting hurt or dirty; it can also take the shape of plants, rocks, animals, and become small or large at will.
About our former assertions, the wicked, the scientists of the Antichrist, do not know anything, since they base their entire physiology, pathology, biology, etc., on false appearances, and upon their false appearances they edify their science and perform their lying wonders.
Are these technologies dangerous? And will only serve to put people into further psychological sleep? Or are they gifts from man to man, after all, God did not give me the ability to simply manifest things with my mind. If technology can simulate that - then I see it as a gift.
As with everything, it depends how these things are used. You can use A.I. to find cures for diseases, boost productivity and thus prosperity, help with education, etc. Or you can use it to enforce monopolies, distract people's consciousness into more sleep, create pornography, automated weapons, etc. It's up to humanity.
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