Saturday, 02 September 2023
1 Replies
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("...So stated the official document demanding the arrest and imprisonment of Samael Aun Weor. So began his diary written from prison, in which he documented his meditations and insights, and the process of spiritual initiation related to his imprisonment." )
the secret notes of a guru Is very interesting. To use jail as the gymnasium of life, impressive! I have not been to prison.
when I look at criminals (just simply people who break the law), I think they hold a special place in my heart. Although I do realize many people mock the law.. I really hope the best for them... The amount of suffering that people go through who break the law is really(more or less) only known by others who also have broken the law. You can see the reality of jail (and of the criminal streets) in their eyes. (and there is so much pain and suffering experienced by those people who are struggling within themself as good citizens and criminals going back and forth between Recidivism and desistance. the people who are in between the virtue and the vice path and have tremendous suffering, especially when they are facing karma and have developed some comprehension. my heart goes out to them. )
The people who break the law, have suffered through this life (the law broke them) and those who can turn themself around, those who have had to pick themself up by their own bootstraps, and have come out of the fire with virtuous comprehension are really solid people. I would like to be a solid person. You can feel their presence and can rely on their willpower, because it has been strengthened through the fire. (they have seen it, they have lived it, so they know what the effect of the cause will be.) I too am a crimimal! and I too hope (and try) to strengthen my presence of self or my consciousness and learn to have willpower and have my intelligence flow through love.... instead of going back and forth...back and forth..between recidivism and desistance... in and out of this 'jail world 'i have here on this philosophical earth. I too would like to develop a strong presence that I myself and others can rely on, not just to rely a positive ego, but with both feet planted in the objective reality... with the intelligence flowing through the virtues, transforming situations, etc etc. I can navigate myself and hopefully another out of this jail world!!!!
the secret notes of a guru Is very interesting. To use jail as the gymnasium of life, impressive! I have not been to prison.
when I look at criminals (just simply people who break the law), I think they hold a special place in my heart. Although I do realize many people mock the law.. I really hope the best for them... The amount of suffering that people go through who break the law is really(more or less) only known by others who also have broken the law. You can see the reality of jail (and of the criminal streets) in their eyes. (and there is so much pain and suffering experienced by those people who are struggling within themself as good citizens and criminals going back and forth between Recidivism and desistance. the people who are in between the virtue and the vice path and have tremendous suffering, especially when they are facing karma and have developed some comprehension. my heart goes out to them. )
The people who break the law, have suffered through this life (the law broke them) and those who can turn themself around, those who have had to pick themself up by their own bootstraps, and have come out of the fire with virtuous comprehension are really solid people. I would like to be a solid person. You can feel their presence and can rely on their willpower, because it has been strengthened through the fire. (they have seen it, they have lived it, so they know what the effect of the cause will be.) I too am a crimimal! and I too hope (and try) to strengthen my presence of self or my consciousness and learn to have willpower and have my intelligence flow through love.... instead of going back and forth...back and forth..between recidivism and desistance... in and out of this 'jail world 'i have here on this philosophical earth. I too would like to develop a strong presence that I myself and others can rely on, not just to rely a positive ego, but with both feet planted in the objective reality... with the intelligence flowing through the virtues, transforming situations, etc etc. I can navigate myself and hopefully another out of this jail world!!!!
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