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  Saturday, 26 January 2013
  3 Replies
  2.6K Visits
I asked all the previous questions and was conceived by the answers at the end. even when I asked about what is the benefit of god's creation of our genitals if no normal fertilization must occur and I understood that women are more advanced spiritually than men so they produce one strong ovum every month so when praying the divine mother and practicing sex magic she takes care of getting out only one spermatozoa from the male and makes it strong enough to penetrate the ovum so the fertilization occurs normally without need to lose hundreds of millions of our animals and at the end the fertilization may not occur. But the advantage of Gnosticism is that it talks to the mind and the soul and challenge with the proof or practical experience that is why it comprehends the texts of all religions and makes it universal and tolerant although there are texts seems to be vague or fool whether it denies it or symbolize it to be logic and humane and testable. When I read the texts here concerning the old gods i say we can know that like all the great monks in Nepal during meditation and mystical experiences, but when I read that only who is married in a constitutional home with love (not marrying for the purpose of sex magic) can awaken the kundalini , can be an alchemy or a real Gnostic in the path realizing everything , self realization etc , i say where is the justice ? I am myself like billions of other people who don't live in open minded societies , societies which permit sex before marriage or agreeing marrying to another sects or religions (rarely) or even criticizing any religion or opinion where the ignorance and intolerance are common. yes I trust my divine mother , I trust my god , my father innermost etc but How can I marry a female and tells her here that I am a gnostic and we shall not spill our semen and meditation is in our daily program as well as the mantras and chants and runes and studying the kaballah etc , I hope when answering me that you contemplate the Middle East region not the western not even the eastern (China and India and the far east) not even the middle of Africa where only poverty exists , no here as you may know that it is not easy formally and informally to change one's religion, Please cure me with the answers like you healed my worries in the previous questions.

All respect and gratitude to you.
11 years ago
There is a life-force within your soul, seek that life.
There is a gem in the mountain of your body, seek that mine.
O traveler, if you are in search of That
Don't look outside, look inside yourself and seek That.

This aloneness is worth more than a thousand lives.
This freedom is worth more than all the lands on earth.
To be one with the truth for just a moment,
Is worth more than the world and life itself. - RUMI

Accept what God gives you. If you are alone, use it well while you have it. If you need a spouse, He will give it to you at exactly the right moment. God is God, after all.

" God hath distributed to every man, as the Lord hath called every one, so let him walk." - 1 Corinthians 7

We need to [...] remain true to our own inner Divine Mother and remain true to our ordained spouse. This is because our spouse is chosen for us by God, not by anyone else.

We, in this time of life, from age twenty-one on, need to enter into the sacrament of matrimony in order to develop the soul, in order to walk the path. And we feel that pressure; and many people read the books and study the doctrine, and feel that pressure: "I have to get married now-otherwise I won't get anything!" And so they have a lot of ambition, a lot of drive, to just find a spouse-anyone-and they actively seek through any way they can, some person that they feel even the slightest affinity for. This is a very difficult battle, --very difficult--, a very strong ordeal. But remember: Lilith uses all her charms, dresses in all her finery, looks beautiful, has words of sweetness on her lips, may even speak about Chastity, and the doctrine of Samael, because she is his wife-but inverted.

Students of this doctrine need to exercise great caution. Your Being knows you need a spouse. Your Being will bring you a spouse when you are prepared, but you have to earn it. There are no exceptions to this.

The only one who can know who your spouse is, is your inner Tiphereth, your human soul, your Consciousness. If you are identified with your own inner Lilith, your own inner Nahemah, then you are not listening to your human soul, your inner priest. This is why people become confused. They marry for convenience; they marry for money; they marry because their instructor told them to; they marry because the Tarot cards told them to; they marry because it seems like a good idea, because Gnosis says we are supposed to get married, etc.-many justifications, many reasons, but no love.

Love is an undeniable force, unmistakable. If you are a single person, and you are facing the choice of potential marriage, of a prospective marriage, WAIT-until the force of love is undeniably clear to you-irresistible-where you cannot control your love. But it must be a pure love, the love of sacrifice-a love so strong, so emotional, that you would die for the one you love. You would give up anything; you would not ask for anything in return. Then you know you have found the one. Before that, it is all mind games, trickery, possibilities, illusions, doubts, opinions, reasoning, justifications-possibilities, but no certainty. If you are facing that-wait. Do not get advice; do not get opinions. Meditate. Listen to your own Tiphereth. If you are already married and you are suffering, and you have doubt, and you have pain-wait. As the Bible says, as Paul said: "Let every man accept what God has given to him."

We have to fight ourselves. The guidance that we receive in all these ordeals, comes through Tiphereth, comes through Nous, the atom in the heart which is the indestructible drop of Tantra. Nous is the atom of Christ which can guide us through intuition, and Nous is the force that can bring us that feeling of love, pure love, undeniable love, but in the heart; we need to listen to that.

“Nothing is easier than self-deceit. For what each man wishes, that he also believes.” —Demosthenes

"Do not worry; cultivate the habit of being happy." —Samael Aun Weor

11 years ago
Very curing answer really thanks so much dear Thomas but i loved three times before one in my adolescence called Crush in USA where i loved my kind concerning demonstrator in college then a girl colleauge but she had a bf (similar to that which he will become her fiance later here) then at work now my mate , all the three times i was thinking a lot of them (and still the last one) and spent a lot of time loving one side (as usual) and the third one feel a lot of passion or attraction to her , think of her most of the day want to sacrifice but then she seems not interested i think , i will wait and wish to forget her if she is not my fate , thanks again thomas and any more curing advice in this topic from a good human like you i will be sp appreciating .

All regards.
11 years ago
If I waited and prepared myself then i got married and couldn't practice the magic then you will say that is your bad karma and your innermost knows what he does ?
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