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  Tuesday, 09 May 2023
  4 Replies
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I want to say thanks to you and your great web site i really love your works you make me question is about god , I am muslim and i also read Torah and bible and Zohar, in all of them specially in our book Quran say Thad god is one , he is not born and not be born, as we can see in Zohar it say hakadosh baraho (holy one blessed be he) so how can it be related to Trinity . in our holy book Quran said that who tells that god is tree are infidel (kafer کافر) and god dos not love them and don't clean them and don't give them bless . and actually the first commend god in Torah is to not take any other god before him
and to not make any shape of him. actually in Quran there is two sins that god doesn't forgive. one is( کفرkofr )(کفر means hiding something in this case hiding god ) and another is (شرک sherk )(which means there is more than one god and they together creat the word) so when i read your listens i can't understand how Abrahamic religion that said god is one can say that god is tree androgenous forces of ketter ,chokma , binah. i very appropriate you if you answer my question .with much love ?❤️
1 year ago
Accepted Answer
"Uncover the veil that shrouds Heavenly Spirits. Behold, every man and every woman is a star, like mysterious lamps hanging from the Firmament. God is the flame that stirs in everything, the vivifying geometry of everything. This is why the number is holy, is infinite, is eternal. There, where He resides, there is no difference; diversity is unity."
"In the beginning was the (θεό-μερτμα-λόγος) logos and the (θεό-ήλιος-λόγος) logos was with God and the (θεό-αναπνοi-λόγος) logos was God." - John 1:1 "The throat is a uterus in which the word is gestated." - Samael Aun Weor
“The covenant of fire created Elohim (ברית אש ברא אלהים) within Ath (the Schekinah שכינה) in heaven and within (the Vav ו, spinal medulla, the womb of) Ath (the Schekinah שכינה) on earth (our physicality).” - Genesis 1:1
"This is the history book of Adam. On the day that Elohim-Adam (ביום ברא אלהים-אדם) was created. In the image of Elohim was he (אדם) made." - Genesis 5:1
“For your Iod-Havah Elohim יהוה אלהים is a consuming fire, even (El אל, Chesed חסד) a zealous God.” - Deuteronomy 4: 24
Gloria in excelsis deo et in terra pax. Ta minibus bonae voluntatis gratias a gimustibi Propter magna gloriam tuam. Laudamus te, benedicimus Domine deus, Rex coelestis, Deus Pater Omnipotens Laudamus te, benedicimus glorificamus te. Gratias a gimustitabi Propter Magnam gloriam tu domine Fili uni genite Jesu Criste. Laudamus te, benedicimus, adoramus te, glorificamus te. Gratias a gimustibi Domine Deu Agnus gimustibi. Propter Magnam tuam. Domine Deus Dei Filus Patris, Laudamus te, benedicimus, adoramus te, glorificamus te Agnus Dei Filus Patris, Laudamus te, benedicimus, adoramus te, glorificamus te. Gloria in excelsis deo et in terra pax hobus, et in terra pax hobus hotis, homini deo bonae voluntatis gratias a gimustibi deo glorificamus te.

Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace. Thank you so much for your good will because of your great glory. We praise you, we bless you, Lord God, heavenly King, God the Father Almighty. We praise you, we bless you, we glorify you. Thank you for the great glory of your Lord, the only begotten Son of Jesus Christ. We praise you, we bless you, we adore you, we glorify you. Thank you, Lord God, the Lamb of God. Because of your Greatness. Lord God the Son of the Father, we praise you, we bless you, we adore you, we glorify you Lamb of God the Son of the Father, we praise you, we bless you, we adore you, we glorify you Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to the sheep, and on earth peace to the sheep, we glorify you, the god of good will to man, thanks to the god of heaven.
And (during the sexual act) when I looked (within the Vav ו of our physicality, the womb of the earth), behold the four wheels (Ophanim אופנים or chakras चक्रों) by the cherubim (כרובים), one wheel (Ophan אופן or chakra चक्र) by one cherub (כרוב. the male), and another wheel (Ophan אופן or chakra चक्र) by another cherub (כרוב, the female): and the appearance of the wheels (Ophanim אופנים or chakras चक्रों) was as the color of an aquamarine stone.” - Ezekiel 10:9
“Behold (Within the Vav ו of our physicality, the earth - Elohim called the light Day, therefore), the days (of light) come, said Iod-Havah יהוה, that I will make a new covenant (Brith Chadashah ברית חדשה) with the house of Israel (in Tiphereth תפארת), and with the house of Judah (Leo, the house of the solar Christ in Geburah גבורה).” - Jeremiah 31:31
The Infinity - Omeyocan עמיוכאן
“The spheres and luminaries extend through the Teuhtlampa תאוטלאמפה. The infinite is quantitative although necessarily spherical (and unquantifiable). The spheres multiply outwardly and inwardly, both in the infinitely large and in the infinitely small. The infinite is reversible towards the navel, that is in all quantifiable points. Everything emerges from the Omeyocan, everything returns to the Omeyocan.” - Samael Aun Weor
Our Galaxy
Our Solar System
Our Planet

The אין, Nothing - اللاشيء - is the Absolute Abstract Space, which has no form, but is the origin of all forms and all the Gods (אלהים Elohim, - الآلهة - ). ברית-אש ברא - الآلهة - אלהים.

The Nothing ( - אין אלהים - اللاشيء) stands in the congregation בעדת of (Chesed) El אל, monads); he ( - اللاشيء - AElohim אאלהים) judges among the אלהים Elohim, - الآلهة -.

"I have said, Ye are אלהים Elohim, - الآلهة -; and all of you are children of the most High - اللاشيء -, AElohim אאלהים. But ye shall die like Adam אדם and fall like one of the princes. Arise, O (אלהים Elohim, - الآلهة -), judge the earth: For your inheritance is among all your (Egos אגוים) Goyim בכל־הא-גוים.” Psalm 82: 1, 6-8

Note: “In English all words that come with “A” as the prefix mean “no, non (Ain אין)” like “asymptomatic” and “apolitical.”

Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah,
the Root of David, has prevailed to open the book,
and to loose the seven seals thereof. - Revelation 5: 5

1 year ago
Study this lecture:
As for us, the Children of the Fifth Sun, they said that we will perish by fire and earthquakes. Obviously, the earthquakes are intensifying from instant to instant, from moment to moment.

Why so many earthquakes in this epoch? What is happening? The fact of the matter is that the ocean floor is cracking more and more all of the time.

A series of faults exist at the bottom of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Many of those faults are so deep that the ocean water is already in contact with the magma (liquid fire) of the interior of the Earth, thus causing steam and creating immense pressure within the fault lines so as to increase the movement of the continents. This is the secret cause of so many earthquakes that are currently destroying so many cities of the world and filling people of all nations with tears, pain, and mourning.

Therefore, that theory which states that the earthquakes are due to the simple shift of the continents or some geological layers does not convince anyone.

The crude reality of this matter is that soon the trembling in one country will be the trembling in another. The earthquakes are going to become more frequent and intense over time.

We can add to all of this calamity the tremendous nuclear explosions that the scientists are performing within the interior of this planet Earth. It is a very clear fact that a great catastrophe will occur, and should not surprise us when it does.

It is really sad that this planet is submitting itself to a long agony. The fish of the ocean are dying because we have contaminated the waters. There is no doubt that the oceans have become huge garbage cans.

The nuclear waste could cause, at any moment, a catastrophic event, since the containers that are used to house the nuclear waste are, in reality, completely useless. Therefore, at any moment, I repeat, this nuclear waste could provoke a frightful disgrace for our world.

Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah,
the Root of David, has prevailed to open the book,
and to loose the seven seals thereof. - Revelation 5: 5

Almustafa selected the reply #29227 as the answer for this post — 1 year ago
1 year ago
The following courses also elaborate upon what Lion of Judah explained, as well as address some key gnostic points within Islam and Sufism:

For thirty years I sought God. But when I looked carefully I found that in reality God was the seeker and I the sought. -Bayazid al-Bastami

1 year ago
To that end:

In order to understand why there is no contradiction between the concept of God as unity and God as Trinity, it is necessary to become better acquainted with both Kabbalah, and our own psychology, and to understand what it really means to be faithful to God.

Master Samael Aun Weor something very important regarding this subject, and he made it explicitly clear:

“I am just a signpost. Reach your own self-realization.”

When we break this down, what does this really mean? The goal of the path is to achieve self-realization, or put another away, to achieve Religare, religion, re-union. Re-union with what? With our own inner divinity. Master Samael did not want us to fall into the error of worshiping him as deity, because what he wanted for us is to reach self-realization, and that is only possible when we learn to rend cult to our own inner God. Each of us, every single consciousness is the child of a light that descends from the unity of God. Each of us is a particularity, an idiosyncratic emanation of that one light. Each of us have the capacity and the possibility of achieving self-realization. On the Tree of Life, that aspect that we associate with that spark of consciousness is called Tiphereth. But observe: the Tree of Life has many aspects. Below Tiphereth we find the different aspects relating with the actuation or agency of the consciousness in creation, such as the mind, emotion, the body. But, what about those aspects above?

Let us concentrate on the very top of the Tree of Life. Here we find three spheres, or sephiroth, with the names Kether, Chokmah and Binah. In Christianity, these three aspects are known as the Father, Son and Holy Spirit respectively. So, it is obvious that in this upper triangle, we have that concept of divinity that is called the Trinity.

Remember that each Tree of Life represents one unity; that is, each of us as consciousness, as Tiphereth have our own Trinity, our own apex of the Tree of Life. These three aspects, though representing different qualities or crystallizations of divinity, are in fact one. This is where the word trinity comes from: Tri-unity. Obviously, trying to use words to explain the qualities and unity of these three aspects is frightfully difficult, so to make it graspable, let us use an example with which we have more familiarity.

All things in creation are threefold in nature: the number three serves as the foundation of creation. For example, everything that is, is a trinity of matter, energy and consciousness. Likewise, in order for a child to be born, there must be three elements: the mother, the father and the sexual force.

“At the dawning of the great cosmic day, the First Logos, the Father, said to the Third Logos, the Holy Spirit, "Go, fertilize my spouse, the chaotic matter, the Great Mother, so that life (the consciousness of the Universe, the Son, the Second Logos) can arise; look into it." Thus, this is how the Father spoke, and the Third Logos reverently bowed, at the dawning of the aurora of creation.” - Samael Aun Weor

This same pattern is repeated in us: as intellectual animals, we are three-centered beings. That is, we have an intellectual brain centered in the head, and emotional brain centered in the heart and a motor-instinctual-sexual brain centered in the sexual organs and spinal column. Each of these brains is ruled by one of the aspects of the Trinity: Kether (Father) rules the intellectual brain, Chokmah (Son) the emotional brain and Binah (Holy Spirit) rules the motor-instinctual-sexual brain. We point to this fact to illustrate this: the intellectual brain, though obviously distinct from the heart and sex, forms one integral whole with the other brains. An intellectual brain without a heart or spinal column cannot live, likewise for each brain. Each brain relies on and facilitates the others in order to sustain life. Each brain may have a different role, serve a different function, but they are all equally indispensable. Your physical body is one, a unity, yet within it are many components. The same is true for our soul, our spirit, our divinity. The Father, Son and Holy Spirit each hold different roles and charges, yet they are one, a unity. The Trinity are not three separate deities any more than your brains belong to three separate individuals.

To rend worship to any of these three aspects of our own divinity is not to betray the unity of God; they are all aspects of the one divinity that we have within, that same divinity that Master Samael was pointing us towards with his quote.

So, if this is the case, if the Trinity of God is the same as the unity of God, what does it actually mean to betray God? What does it mean to take something before God? In order to understand this, we have to return to the concept of consciousness, and our current predicament, psychologically speaking.

The consciousness, it is true form, is an unblemished, pure, brilliant light, that is completely aligned with its inner divinity. The consciousness that is pure is undivided from its spirit, from its God. Unfortunately, this is not the case for us.

Due to both our free will, and our ignorance, we performed erroneous actions, that is actions that are not aligned with the will of God. The consequences of these erroneous actions was the corruption of that pure light of consciousness, and the redirection of that light away from divinity towards the negative psychological elements that such erroneous actions gave birth to. These negative psychological elements are what we call ego. In the Bible, one of the ways that these egos are referred to is with the term “idols.” Most people who have studied the Bible are familiar with the command to not worship idols, to not putt idols before God. Those idols that are being spoken of are not really external things or people (though these too count); what they are primarily referring to are the idols that we have created within, that all of us have fallen slave to, called desire, craving, aversion, in other words: ego. There is a phrase the Master Samael used often in his teachings, when referring to divinity: multiple perfect unity. What does this phrase mean? It is what we were speaking about before: those aspects of God that are distinct, yet not divided. The ego, however, is precisely the opposite. It is a multiple imperfect disunity. The ego is many, each ego has its own voice, its own intention and motivation, and none of them are aligned. The ego is the literal antithesis of God.

So, if we are truly concerned with the edicts of God, to not hold anything before God, what we must really be concerned with, is removing those elements from without ourselves that are contrary to the unity of God; what we must be concerned with is psychological death, and the purification of the light of our consciousness, so that we can return to the bosom of our God.

Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah,
the Root of David, has prevailed to open the book,
and to loose the seven seals thereof. - Revelation 5: 5

1 year ago
Accepted Answer
"Uncover the veil that shrouds Heavenly Spirits. Behold, every man and every woman is a star, like mysterious lamps hanging from the Firmament. God is the flame that stirs in everything, the vivifying geometry of everything. This is why the number is holy, is infinite, is eternal. There, where He resides, there is no difference; diversity is unity."
"In the beginning was the (θεό-μερτμα-λόγος) logos and the (θεό-ήλιος-λόγος) logos was with God and the (θεό-αναπνοi-λόγος) logos was God." - John 1:1 "The throat is a uterus in which the word is gestated." - Samael Aun Weor
“The covenant of fire created Elohim (ברית אש ברא אלהים) within Ath (the Schekinah שכינה) in heaven and within (the Vav ו, spinal medulla, the womb of) Ath (the Schekinah שכינה) on earth (our physicality).” - Genesis 1:1
"This is the history book of Adam. On the day that Elohim-Adam (ביום ברא אלהים-אדם) was created. In the image of Elohim was he (אדם) made." - Genesis 5:1
“For your Iod-Havah Elohim יהוה אלהים is a consuming fire, even (El אל, Chesed חסד) a zealous God.” - Deuteronomy 4: 24
Gloria in excelsis deo et in terra pax. Ta minibus bonae voluntatis gratias a gimustibi Propter magna gloriam tuam. Laudamus te, benedicimus Domine deus, Rex coelestis, Deus Pater Omnipotens Laudamus te, benedicimus glorificamus te. Gratias a gimustitabi Propter Magnam gloriam tu domine Fili uni genite Jesu Criste. Laudamus te, benedicimus, adoramus te, glorificamus te. Gratias a gimustibi Domine Deu Agnus gimustibi. Propter Magnam tuam. Domine Deus Dei Filus Patris, Laudamus te, benedicimus, adoramus te, glorificamus te Agnus Dei Filus Patris, Laudamus te, benedicimus, adoramus te, glorificamus te. Gloria in excelsis deo et in terra pax hobus, et in terra pax hobus hotis, homini deo bonae voluntatis gratias a gimustibi deo glorificamus te.

Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace. Thank you so much for your good will because of your great glory. We praise you, we bless you, Lord God, heavenly King, God the Father Almighty. We praise you, we bless you, we glorify you. Thank you for the great glory of your Lord, the only begotten Son of Jesus Christ. We praise you, we bless you, we adore you, we glorify you. Thank you, Lord God, the Lamb of God. Because of your Greatness. Lord God the Son of the Father, we praise you, we bless you, we adore you, we glorify you Lamb of God the Son of the Father, we praise you, we bless you, we adore you, we glorify you Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to the sheep, and on earth peace to the sheep, we glorify you, the god of good will to man, thanks to the god of heaven.
And (during the sexual act) when I looked (within the Vav ו of our physicality, the womb of the earth), behold the four wheels (Ophanim אופנים or chakras चक्रों) by the cherubim (כרובים), one wheel (Ophan אופן or chakra चक्र) by one cherub (כרוב. the male), and another wheel (Ophan אופן or chakra चक्र) by another cherub (כרוב, the female): and the appearance of the wheels (Ophanim אופנים or chakras चक्रों) was as the color of an aquamarine stone.” - Ezekiel 10:9
“Behold (Within the Vav ו of our physicality, the earth - Elohim called the light Day, therefore), the days (of light) come, said Iod-Havah יהוה, that I will make a new covenant (Brith Chadashah ברית חדשה) with the house of Israel (in Tiphereth תפארת), and with the house of Judah (Leo, the house of the solar Christ in Geburah גבורה).” - Jeremiah 31:31
The Infinity - Omeyocan עמיוכאן
“The spheres and luminaries extend through the Teuhtlampa תאוטלאמפה. The infinite is quantitative although necessarily spherical (and unquantifiable). The spheres multiply outwardly and inwardly, both in the infinitely large and in the infinitely small. The infinite is reversible towards the navel, that is in all quantifiable points. Everything emerges from the Omeyocan, everything returns to the Omeyocan.” - Samael Aun Weor
Our Galaxy
Our Solar System
Our Planet

The אין, Nothing - اللاشيء - is the Absolute Abstract Space, which has no form, but is the origin of all forms and all the Gods (אלהים Elohim, - الآلهة - ). ברית-אש ברא - الآلهة - אלהים.

The Nothing ( - אין אלהים - اللاشيء) stands in the congregation בעדת of (Chesed) El אל, monads); he ( - اللاشيء - AElohim אאלהים) judges among the אלהים Elohim, - الآلهة -.

"I have said, Ye are אלהים Elohim, - الآلهة -; and all of you are children of the most High - اللاشيء -, AElohim אאלהים. But ye shall die like Adam אדם and fall like one of the princes. Arise, O (אלהים Elohim, - الآلهة -), judge the earth: For your inheritance is among all your (Egos אגוים) Goyim בכל־הא-גוים.” Psalm 82: 1, 6-8

Note: “In English all words that come with “A” as the prefix mean “no, non (Ain אין)” like “asymptomatic” and “apolitical.”

Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah,
the Root of David, has prevailed to open the book,
and to loose the seven seals thereof. - Revelation 5: 5

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