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  Sunday, 23 April 2023
  1 Replies
  644 Visits
Hello, I pray everything is going very well on your path.

I've been attempting to start a path upwards, though poor, around a lot of chaotic negative energies at work, and with potentially critical health due to my heart. It is hard for me to find appropriate ways to help people in my walking travel radius, and when I started trying to meditate and transmute energy, I suppose I must have been attacked quite promptly, regardless of what the source may have been. I didn't recognize this as an attack at first but I stopped being able to sleep more than 2hours a time, often just two hours in a day in total for months, and nothing I tried actually helped--when I have erotic imagery appear during rest I ultimately panic and wake myself.

I tried telling myself to be brave and since it was my dream I could banish the thoughts if I were "present" enough to do so, but that seemed to just make me have an emission before I woke, though I did rest more that night. Have subsequently performed some fairly preliminary negative energy banishings with some success, and found the self defense materials. I am incorporating them with promising results though it's a bit early to say in totality, am at least able to return to sleep now after waking every two or three hours, and haven't remembered any erotic thoughts during slumber although there is definitely a lot of activity in my alchemical organs each waking.

I was able to successfully perform energy using techniques of various kinds including the ham sah as Samael Aun Weor describes, and have used various other techniques people recommend for purifying oneself/improving health, though I've only recently recognized intimately the sensations involved and the efficacy of these things as my health became worse. One of the things that seems quite effective is the energies entering through the mouth during eating food, visualization with breathing I've found very helpful as well, but am concerned about putting the energies from the outside world in possibly places they shouldn't be? Is there a resource that cautions people against introducing energy to certain parts of the body?

As I've become more in contact with my deeper emotions both positive and negative, though my focus has been on the positive, I've found myself overcome by grief at times at not being able to directly provide any of the bounty such as food which I have currently to others who would experience it surely just as positively or even moreso than I, and have greater need of it. I have therefore been, before blessing the food to my own nourishment for the highest good of the universe, offering the atoms of the food to the universe such that if they are better served elsewhere they may be taken from within me and used there, under the assumption that my own energy senses and control is nowhere near fine enough to use all of the energy with my senses, so there should be much that is used automatically or could be forgotten. I do still bless the food, pray for them healing certain injured parts of me, and often guide the energies to those injured parts, though. Is any of this unrecommended? Too contradictory to ask for the energy to be guided to those who need it but guide it myself as well?
1 year ago
Accepted Answer
One of the things that seems quite effective is the energies entering through the mouth during eating food, visualization with breathing I've found very helpful as well, but am concerned about putting the energies from the outside world in possibly places they shouldn't be? Is there a resource that cautions people against introducing energy to certain parts of the body?

When you eat the main thing is that the food (energy) is entering your body, and vital body. This is what is transforming it.

One of the best ways of obtaining complete nutrition with our customary food consists in PERFECTLY MASTICATING THE DELICACIES. Food partly ingested loses a great part of its nutritive value.

When drinking wine or eating meat, fish or cereals, the Gnostic Vira pronounces the mantra Krim, intensifying his imagination in such a way that the whole universe seems to overflow with the Blessed Goddess of the World. - Samael Aun Weor, The Mystery of the Golden Blossom

I do not see any issue your practice. Better still though is to let the food nourish your body, transform the energy to allow your consciousness to awaken. Use the activated state of consciousness in meditation to self-realize, remove yourself from the chains of karma. Those who are liberated are the ones who can truly can help others.
1 year ago
Accepted Answer
One of the things that seems quite effective is the energies entering through the mouth during eating food, visualization with breathing I've found very helpful as well, but am concerned about putting the energies from the outside world in possibly places they shouldn't be? Is there a resource that cautions people against introducing energy to certain parts of the body?

When you eat the main thing is that the food (energy) is entering your body, and vital body. This is what is transforming it.

One of the best ways of obtaining complete nutrition with our customary food consists in PERFECTLY MASTICATING THE DELICACIES. Food partly ingested loses a great part of its nutritive value.

When drinking wine or eating meat, fish or cereals, the Gnostic Vira pronounces the mantra Krim, intensifying his imagination in such a way that the whole universe seems to overflow with the Blessed Goddess of the World. - Samael Aun Weor, The Mystery of the Golden Blossom

I do not see any issue your practice. Better still though is to let the food nourish your body, transform the energy to allow your consciousness to awaken. Use the activated state of consciousness in meditation to self-realize, remove yourself from the chains of karma. Those who are liberated are the ones who can truly can help others.
Almustafa selected the reply #29100 as the answer for this post — 1 year ago
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