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  Sunday, 17 April 2022
  1 Replies
  1.1K Visits

Recently on Radio Maitreya it was announced that white brotherhood gave green light for the great catastrophe to start and that everyone who can should save themselves. Also it was said that there is no point of opening new missionary schools and that instructors should leave Europe.

Could you please shed more light on this very important issue?
2 years ago
Accepted Answer
In these moments, the great White Lodge is intensely occupied with the awakening of human consciousness. The adepts struggle intensely to teach the human being to leave at will in the Astral Body. They want people to awaken; therefore, all that goes against this great law is a crime. The whole objective of the descent of Spirit into matter is to create Soul and to become self-conscious of itself. When we direct mental power towards the interior of our own intimate center, the resistance that we will find internally will cause a reaction, and the more vigorous the centripetal force that we apply, the more vigorous will be the resulting centrifugal force. Thus, we create Soul . Thus, we invigorate the embryo of the Soul , and finally one day, when we have already been born as serpent Birds, we will completely absorb and assimilate the totality of the Soul within our Astral Body.

The awakening of the consciousness is urgent. Whosoever learns to project the Astral Body at will can study at the feet of the great Masters of Wisdom. In the Astral World we find our Guru who will instruct us in the great mysteries.

We need to abandon fear to have the joy of visiting the lands of paradise. We need to abandon fear to have the joy of entering the temples of the Land of the Golden Light. There we shall sit at the feet of the great masters of the White Lodge. There we shall gain strength for the difficult path. It is necessary that we strengthen ourselves on the path; to take a break and receive direct instruction from the lips of our Guru. He, as a loving Father, always waits for us in the Astral Body to console us. The adepts are true flying serpents.

“Nothing is easier than self-deceit. For what each man wishes, that he also believes.” —Demosthenes

"Do not worry; cultivate the habit of being happy." —Samael Aun Weor

Almustafa selected the reply #27293 as the answer for this post — 2 years ago
2 years ago
Accepted Answer
In these moments, the great White Lodge is intensely occupied with the awakening of human consciousness. The adepts struggle intensely to teach the human being to leave at will in the Astral Body. They want people to awaken; therefore, all that goes against this great law is a crime. The whole objective of the descent of Spirit into matter is to create Soul and to become self-conscious of itself. When we direct mental power towards the interior of our own intimate center, the resistance that we will find internally will cause a reaction, and the more vigorous the centripetal force that we apply, the more vigorous will be the resulting centrifugal force. Thus, we create Soul . Thus, we invigorate the embryo of the Soul , and finally one day, when we have already been born as serpent Birds, we will completely absorb and assimilate the totality of the Soul within our Astral Body.

The awakening of the consciousness is urgent. Whosoever learns to project the Astral Body at will can study at the feet of the great Masters of Wisdom. In the Astral World we find our Guru who will instruct us in the great mysteries.

We need to abandon fear to have the joy of visiting the lands of paradise. We need to abandon fear to have the joy of entering the temples of the Land of the Golden Light. There we shall sit at the feet of the great masters of the White Lodge. There we shall gain strength for the difficult path. It is necessary that we strengthen ourselves on the path; to take a break and receive direct instruction from the lips of our Guru. He, as a loving Father, always waits for us in the Astral Body to console us. The adepts are true flying serpents.

“Nothing is easier than self-deceit. For what each man wishes, that he also believes.” —Demosthenes

"Do not worry; cultivate the habit of being happy." —Samael Aun Weor

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