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  Tuesday, 15 March 2022
  8 Replies
  1.8K Visits
I already asked some questions about sexual magic and how should it be practiced, tried some, thought I was making progress but eventually miserably failed.
I started with some pranayamas, that helped me a lot, even though it was confusing many times (the moving of energy from spinal to brain to the heart and the transformation wasn't clear) and simultaneously I started to practice sexual magic with my wife. And that was very hard. Because I paid attention to many things at the same time and I just ended up suppressing the energy (I felt desire during the act even though I was trying not to, and at times I had to prolong the period of sex cause I didn't want my wife to have a bad experience and didn't stop "way before the orgasm". And to make a story short after a month and a couple of days I failed. I felt lots of guilt but at the same time felt that there was no other way since I started to feel bad physically and mentally (it says in lectures that "suppression indeed results in problems etc).
So, please, is there a step by step sort of advices to sexual magic. Cause I understood that it's impossible to just start doing it right right away.
"For beginners only short periods of time recommended". I guess later on, when I feel no more desire I could lengthen the period of time. And I was told that "the main thing of the act is to eliminate the defects", and also "cultivate love, empty the mind, open the heart." But I was also told that I should practice mantras IAO and ssss during the act. I also should "pray to the Devine Mother to eliminate the defects" that I have.
And since at the beginning there is only short periods of time, it seems impossible to do all of this, or it seems that I should do only one thing (just read mantra and that's it) and the next time just pray, and the next time just feel the emptiness of the mind and the heart. Do you feel what I m saying?
Sorry for such intimate questions but it s an intimate issue.. I dont know how else to ask.
Moreover, when I tried read mantras before, my wife told me that "she feels that "I'm by my own in the act") and no longer have eye contact with her and stuff and she feels weird now with me. ..
Please help me with some advice. Maybe I should start with only pranayama for 1-2 months. And try sexual magic later?

I already asked some questions about transmutation and tried to apply what I was told. I started with pranayama exercise and simultaneously sexual magic with my wife. Pranayama exercise helped me at the beginning even though there were times when I wasn't sure I was doing it in the right way (didn't really feel the energy going from down to spine to the brain to the heart. Sometimes I really did). But the sexual magic was very hard from the beginning since I felt some desire during it even though I tried to avoid it. Long story short, after a month and few weeks I failed. Because it was more of an abstention than transmutation. I felt bad after some time emotionally and physically.
And the information I gathered was too broad. On such a short period of time (since only short moments are recommended for beginners) I couldn't "pray to Devine Mother to eliminate my defects", "read a mantra IAO, Ssss ", " cultivate love, empty the mind and the heart".
So I understood that one thing at a time should be done? Only pray and that's it. And the next time only read mantra and that's it? Or should only pranayama be performed for a month and then slowly get into sexual act?
Please help.
2 years ago
Accepted Answer
I cannot say what you must do, but only follow your inner God.

We all have to make our own choices - Samael Aun Weor gave the requirements for the path, and says that the path leads to liberation. It is up to us to decide what to do.

Who knows what the future holds? Will there be time in the future to do the work? Will you have future opportunities?

Our relationships are difficult, our karma is painful. The path is not easy. We know of difficult relationships where the couple eventually works together despite differences and difficulties, and we know of relationships that have ended.... I cannot promise you one or the other....
2 years ago
The only requirement is you follow your heart and transmute the energy.

Everything else, regarding mantras, breathing, visualizing, praying in this or that way... don't worry about that right now.

If she is not interested in transmuting, then you need to be more subtle. Most likely, do not pronounce the mantras out loud.

You have to feel, intensely, with all of your longing, with all of your heart, the LOVE you have for your wife.

Without that, you have nothing.

The love you have for your wife is the thread you must follow to your Innermost and your Divine Mother.

You must feel your connection with your wife, in an intimate, mystical, regal way. You must be overflowing with love.

You must bring the highest, rarest, most superior forces of love into your mind, your heart, and your body.
2 years ago
Thank you!
2 years ago
And by following the heart transmutation occurs? Or transmutation is essentially followed
with the flow in the spine- mind- heart?
2 years ago
Yes by following the perfumed path of love will you advance in transmutation.

Recommended reading:
2 years ago
Thank you!
2 years ago
it says in the lecture that "there is a clean way to make a child, it s pretty rare but possible. It s more of a God's choice." It also says that "it' s fine if a couple didn't know about the doctrine of transmutation before they had a child and they can practice it after. But for people who don't have children, to do this practice, is another type of sacrifice of not having a family, because all of the energy is taking for the spiritual development."
My wife, as lots of women, wants to have children. I don't want children as much as my wife but I d rather have them than not. The idea of having children doesn't seems bad. Now, I m discussing with my wife that I want to really get into Gnosis and start to transmute and get going. I already said that I failed after a month of trying but want to retry, understood my mistakes. She' s not into transmuting. At least now, maybe she will be one day. So, I have to struggle to transmute myself, and moreover, she asks me on when do we try to have children etc. When I tell her that there is this "clean way" but its God's will and "it's pretty rare but possible", she gets irritated with this answer and says that "if we are to make babies than we gotta go the "common" way, to plan them, and than have them".. She wants to know that we re gonna have them if we re into it and is scared of an idea that maybe we re not gonna have them if God is not gonna let us.
Moreover, she thinks that now I m weird with my talks about this gnosis stuff and so on.
So I guess, I have to choose between making children and get back to transmution and Gnosis later (or will I be banned by God and won't be able to try any more?) or make the sacrifice and try to have "clean" babies, and use all the energy for spiritual development accepting that I might never have children?
I think we might split up with my wife if we dont figure this issue out. But I d really don't like to.
I heard a story from my friend that is into Gnosis for couple of years now, that there was this man, who was making progress in Gnosis for 10 years but than his wife asked him to make children "unclean" way and he did and lost 10 years of work.. I m not even transmuting the right way yet, so that's my situation.
Could you recommend or comment something, please. Cause I don't know who else to ask..
I ll understand if you think that I should figure this out by my own and won't answer.

2 years ago
Accepted Answer
I cannot say what you must do, but only follow your inner God.

We all have to make our own choices - Samael Aun Weor gave the requirements for the path, and says that the path leads to liberation. It is up to us to decide what to do.

Who knows what the future holds? Will there be time in the future to do the work? Will you have future opportunities?

Our relationships are difficult, our karma is painful. The path is not easy. We know of difficult relationships where the couple eventually works together despite differences and difficulties, and we know of relationships that have ended.... I cannot promise you one or the other....
2 years ago
Thank you for your time and reply!
Almustafa selected the reply #27280 as the answer for this post — 2 years ago
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