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  Sunday, 28 November 2021
  3 Replies
  1.7K Visits
I have been reading about the negative effect that wearing tight underwear can have on sperm production. I also discovered that regular sauna use has also been shown to lower sperm production, the common factor between the "hyperthermic effect". (the same is apparently true of too much exercise).

I am just wondering, is the hyperthermic effect of activities which heat the body and kill sperm something which degrades one's sexual energy, understood esoterically? Alternatively, is it a physical expression of an esoteric process (i.e. whereby the use of the 'inner heat' or transmutation alleviates anger, lust and other negative emotions?) In other words, is the uncomfortable build-up of sexual energy in the lower centres reduced by the heating of the testes? Does transmutation similarly involve a partial heat-death of the physical sperm? I am reminded of the Taoist practice of preventing the overflowing of the Jing by using transmutation to boil it and convert it into Shen (steam)
2 years ago
Accepted Answer
Samael Aun Weor was not against exercise. What is necessary is balance. This is explained in many lectures, especially on the Four Ways: the Fakir, Monk, Yogi, and Gnostic.

Impotence results from a deficiency of sexual energy. This is why Samael Aun Weor provided remedies for impotence, to strengthen one’s sexual fire. For more information, see the article below.

Low sperm count has many causes. Some maybe the ones you mentioned. But keep in mind that these studies most likely lack a control group of people who transmute and conserve their sexual energy. What’s more important than the physical entity of semen is the sexual energy itself.

Take good care of your physical health. But remember that what’s more important than the physical sperm count is the energetic substance in our internal bodies. This is much more precious. Use runes to energize yourself daily.

For thirty years I sought God. But when I looked carefully I found that in reality God was the seeker and I the sought. -Bayazid al-Bastami

2 years ago
Transmutation strengthens the consciousness so it can work against desire.

With sexual contact between husband and wife, the creative energy is turned into energetic steam that rises within the spinal medulla. Sperm and ova are transformed into energy, which, to use conventional language, is a form of death and rebirth, guided by the power of the couple’s love.

Discomfort in the sexual organs is overcome through pranayama, sexual transmutation, and comprehension in meditation.

Sexual energy degenerates through fornication in mind (sexual fantasy), body (orgasm), and soul (subtle lustful desires), not because of one’s underwear or an occasional sauna. If these latter things concern you, then the simple solution is to avoid them.

For thirty years I sought God. But when I looked carefully I found that in reality God was the seeker and I the sought. -Bayazid al-Bastami

2 years ago
Thanks for your reply. If possible, I would like to rephrase my question for the purposes of clarity: does low sperm count/impotence on the material plane necessarily indicate a lack of potency in one's non-physical sexual energy? Is this why vigorous cardio is not promoted by VMSAW and Glorian instructors, who I understand prefer yogic-type practices and breathing exercises - since evidence shows that the extreme hyperthermic effect of cardio and sauna lowers sperm count? Is too much exercise/sauna bad from an esoteric perspective because you're basically boiling your sperm to death and thereby reducing the potency of your sexual energy, so that when you transmute it there is less of a regenerative effect? Or is the lowering of the sperm count through hyperthermia a necessary byproduct of working with the inner heat and, if practiced correctly, possibly even a kind of spiritually-sanctioned contraceptive?
2 years ago
Accepted Answer
Samael Aun Weor was not against exercise. What is necessary is balance. This is explained in many lectures, especially on the Four Ways: the Fakir, Monk, Yogi, and Gnostic.

Impotence results from a deficiency of sexual energy. This is why Samael Aun Weor provided remedies for impotence, to strengthen one’s sexual fire. For more information, see the article below.

Low sperm count has many causes. Some maybe the ones you mentioned. But keep in mind that these studies most likely lack a control group of people who transmute and conserve their sexual energy. What’s more important than the physical entity of semen is the sexual energy itself.

Take good care of your physical health. But remember that what’s more important than the physical sperm count is the energetic substance in our internal bodies. This is much more precious. Use runes to energize yourself daily.

For thirty years I sought God. But when I looked carefully I found that in reality God was the seeker and I the sought. -Bayazid al-Bastami

Almustafa selected the reply #26658 as the answer for this post — 2 years ago
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