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  Wednesday, 05 May 2021
  3 Replies
  1.2K Visits

I have a question in regards to that we have that pump in the spine in the channels Ida and Pingala used by the creative energy to reach the brain.
I had a vasectomy done thirty years ago do this mean that this practice do not work for me? And if so, if i had a reversed vasectomy and if it was successful, would that mean that this practice would work for me to transmutate my sexual energy?
Blessed be and thank you!
2 years ago
Accepted Answer
A reverse vasectomy can help in combination with sacred rites for rejuvenation. You should ask divinity in meditation and Dream Yoga regarding the best course of action.

Meditation will not harm you nor others due to your condition. Likewise, Second Chamber will help you, both in your current condition and especially in the healing process after a reverse vasectomy.

Whether you choose to participate in your current group should be decided by your Innermost, not by attachment to a school, the resentment of being excluded, the fear of spiritual failure, or the desire to conform. We do not know your particulars, which is why you should consult God, who has more wisdom than any instructor or group.

For thirty years I sought God. But when I looked carefully I found that in reality God was the seeker and I the sought. -Bayazid al-Bastami

3 years ago
Here are some FAQS regarding "Who Can Practice Sexual Transmutation?"
Q: Is it possible to have a Perfect Matrimony and practice sexual transmutation after a vasectomy?

Any damaged or modified organ in the body results in a change in the flow of energy. For example, if you cut your nasal passages, would your breathing be affected? If you cut your esophagus, would eating be affected? Since spiritual development depends upon sexual energy, if the sexual organs are modified, then spiritual development is also affected. The amount of the effect depends upon the extent of the modification.

We recommend against such procedures.

If someone has already had it performed, they can investigate having it reversed. If it is not possible, their only recourse is to appeal to God for assistance.

Of course, someone who has modified, limited, or even lost their sexual function still retains the ability to meditate and work on the ego, and sacrifice on behalf of others in order to help humanity. Great sacrifices and dedication to others well-being, in combination with mystical death, will create enormous benefit for everyone. This is a vitally important work, and can be pursued until a new body is acquired.

As explained in the examples above, transmutation is still possible, albeit limited and more difficult. Because in such a case the sexual energy can no longer move physically throughout the sexual organs, it also cannot be fully harnessed. Therefore, the person will have to work with more focus, patience, and subtlety. The non-physical aspects of the energy can still be utilized, but this requires more skill, attentiveness, and delicacy.

Q: Will a husband's vasectomy have a bad effect on his wife?

She is practicing Tantra with the man she loves. Therefore, they will both benefit from transmutation, since the sexual act will strengthen their marriage and their spiritual lives. Obviously, his condition will result in a limitation, yet he can still do his best. Consider it this way: does someone who had a vasectomy still have interest in sex, and capability to perform the sexual act? If so, then they should do so, in accordance with the guidelines of alchemy. In this way, they can do their best.

Let it be clear: the creation of the solar bodies is not the most important part of the work. Eliminating the ego is the most important part.

Q: I had a vasectomy in the past. Is it still advisable not to orgasm?

Yes, you must still refrain from orgasm. The creative energy is electronic, molecular, and cellular within your body. Therefore, it is not just the physical sperm, but also the hormones, and vital currents of energy which are not physical. Because of this, you can still work with tantrism, you can still work to eliminate your ego, and a great deal of spiritual development is still possible.

For thirty years I sought God. But when I looked carefully I found that in reality God was the seeker and I the sought. -Bayazid al-Bastami

Almustafa selected the reply #24962 as the answer for this post — 3 years ago
2 years ago
Hi and sorry for not responding sooner!

I have a new question or rather i am asking humbly for guidance. I am really unsure of the right path to take at the cross road i am standing in at the moment. I understand fully that the decision is fully mine but some advice from some one else like you would be more then appreciated seeing i do not have any one else to ask or talk to!

My current situation and question is based on my first initial question a year ago in regards to Vasectomy. I have read here on Glorian that one still can work on ones sexual energy but of course it is much harder, understandably, and it takes more intense work to get forward.

I am in meditation chamber in my local Gnostic group and my instructor is now wanting me to go in to the second chamber wish is great of course, i really want to learn more and work harder on my path of the great work. Here is the problem. For this to happen i need to move out of/from my current location. This in it self is not that a big a deal but due to my first question in regards to the Vasectomy i will not be able to go to second chamber my instructor will not allow that. , wish is understandable of course in regards to not being able to do the work full out with out a totally functional body and the effect that that might have on others as well. My instructor will not agree on that even though i read that one still can work on the sexual work but it will be harder. I am not arguing that he is wrong! I am just thinking that i might not even be able to continue in the meditation chamber either.

I will of course talk to him about this!

I do not want or intend to give up on the great work! I will talk to him and see if i can go a head with a reversal vasectomy and then go back to the group Later on. I know of the benefits to do this work in the group but if i cant continue not even in meditation chamber then what can i do by my self to still do the work? as i at the same time working on restoring my body to what i ones was? seeing it might take some time.

So sorry to take your time! But as i mentioned i do not have any one else to talk to, and even less any one that would understand my situation as you.

Sincere thank you and best regards

Almustafa marked this post as Unresolved — 2 years ago
2 years ago
Accepted Answer
A reverse vasectomy can help in combination with sacred rites for rejuvenation. You should ask divinity in meditation and Dream Yoga regarding the best course of action.

Meditation will not harm you nor others due to your condition. Likewise, Second Chamber will help you, both in your current condition and especially in the healing process after a reverse vasectomy.

Whether you choose to participate in your current group should be decided by your Innermost, not by attachment to a school, the resentment of being excluded, the fear of spiritual failure, or the desire to conform. We do not know your particulars, which is why you should consult God, who has more wisdom than any instructor or group.

For thirty years I sought God. But when I looked carefully I found that in reality God was the seeker and I the sought. -Bayazid al-Bastami

Almustafa selected the reply #27450 as the answer for this post — 2 years ago
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