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  Wednesday, 31 March 2021
  2 Replies
  692 Visits
Hi Instructors,

This sounds like a sociological, cultural and at the same time a spiritual question. What are some of the karmic consequences or esoteric benefits of not having a family/children. I've heard of many masters who gave up a spouse or had a spouse but didn't bear any children so as to be able to focus on their work. Are there any consequences of this or what are some of the esoteric benefits of raising children in a family.

Things I can think is providing vehicles for discarnated souls to return an continue the inner work with you as their mentor(since you're the parent).

Gratias tibi
3 years ago
Accepted Answer
"...know this, that if ye abstain from this foul intercourse [orgasm, lustful intercourse], ye become holy temples, pure, being quit of impulses and pains, seen and unseen, and ye will acquire no cares of life or of children, whose end is destruction: and if indeed ye get many children, for their sakes ye become grasping and covetous, stripping orphans and overreaching widows, and by so doing subject yourselves to grievous punishments. For the more part of children become useless oppressed of devils, some openly and some invisibly, for they become either lunatic or half withered or blind or deaf or dumb or paralytic or foolish; and if they be sound, again they will be vain, doing useless or abominable acts, for they will be caught either in adultery or murder or theft or fornication, and by all these will ye be afflicted. But if ye be persuaded and keep your souls chaste before God [through Sexual Alchemy without orgasm], there will come unto you living children whom these blemishes touch not, and ye shall be without care, leading a tranquil life without grief or anxiety, looking to receive that incorruptible and true marriage [with divinity], and ye shall be therein groomsmen entering into that bride-chamber which is full of immortality and light."

Acts of Thomas, verse 12

"If thou canst not make thine own self what thou desireth, how shalt thou be able to fashion another to thine own liking. We are ready to see others made perfect, and yet we do not amend our own shortcomings."
—Thomas à Kempis

3 years ago
Thank you
frater selected the reply #24675 as the answer for this post — 3 years ago
3 years ago
Accepted Answer
"...know this, that if ye abstain from this foul intercourse [orgasm, lustful intercourse], ye become holy temples, pure, being quit of impulses and pains, seen and unseen, and ye will acquire no cares of life or of children, whose end is destruction: and if indeed ye get many children, for their sakes ye become grasping and covetous, stripping orphans and overreaching widows, and by so doing subject yourselves to grievous punishments. For the more part of children become useless oppressed of devils, some openly and some invisibly, for they become either lunatic or half withered or blind or deaf or dumb or paralytic or foolish; and if they be sound, again they will be vain, doing useless or abominable acts, for they will be caught either in adultery or murder or theft or fornication, and by all these will ye be afflicted. But if ye be persuaded and keep your souls chaste before God [through Sexual Alchemy without orgasm], there will come unto you living children whom these blemishes touch not, and ye shall be without care, leading a tranquil life without grief or anxiety, looking to receive that incorruptible and true marriage [with divinity], and ye shall be therein groomsmen entering into that bride-chamber which is full of immortality and light."

Acts of Thomas, verse 12

"If thou canst not make thine own self what thou desireth, how shalt thou be able to fashion another to thine own liking. We are ready to see others made perfect, and yet we do not amend our own shortcomings."
—Thomas à Kempis

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