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  Wednesday, 30 December 2020
  1 Replies
  744 Visits
5 Tattvas - We are concerned that it states that 2 of the Tattva elements mentioned red meat and seafood to aid in the building of the superior 3 bodies. We read in 2 lessons that a hierophant/initiate and a elemental medic shouldn't eat meat. We were vegans for over 25 years for the reasons of not eating life with breath or spirit. Please forward this to someone with experience with the correct explanation and answers. This is one of the readings on the topic taken from the Arcanum 4 lesson "Every Hierophant of Nature is converted into a King of the Elementals. If you want to be admitted into the Elemental Paradises of Nature, then respect all life, do not kill any animal species, do not drink wine that contains alcohol; love vegetables, do not ever destroy a plant or a flower. You only need two things in life: Wisdom and Love. This is how you will attain happiness, peace and abundance. “Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.” (Matthew 5:48)"
3 years ago
Accepted Answer
We wrote an article all about your concerns:

Joyful in hope, suffering in tribulation, be thou constant in thy prayer.

Benedictis, qui venit in nomine Domini. Osanna in excelsis.

"Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest!"

3 years ago
Accepted Answer
We wrote an article all about your concerns:

Joyful in hope, suffering in tribulation, be thou constant in thy prayer.

Benedictis, qui venit in nomine Domini. Osanna in excelsis.

"Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest!"

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