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  Saturday, 08 August 2020
  2 Replies
  535 Visits
Traditionally I thought the names of God are as follows for instance, Jahovah, Yawhe, Elohim, Adonnai, El Shaddai, Shekhina, but when these article

[אלהים] An Hebrew term with a wide variety of meanings. In Christian translations of scripture, it is one of many words translated to the generic word “God,” but whose actual meaning depends upon the context. For example:

1. In Kabbalah, םיהלא is a name of God the relates to many levels of the Tree of Life. In the world of Atziluth, the word is related to divnities of the sephiroth Binah (Jehovah Elohim, mentioned especially in Genesis), Geburah, and Hod. In the world of Briah, it is related beings of Netzach and Hod.

2. El [אל] is “god,” Eloah [אלה] is “goddess,” therefore the plural Elohim refers to “gods and goddesses,” and is commonly used to refer to Cosmocreators or Dhyan-Choans.

3. אלה Elah or Eloah is “goddess.” Yam [ים] is “sea” or “ocean.” Therefore אלהים Elohim can be אלה-ים “the sea goddess” [i.e. Aphrodite, Stella Maris, etc.]

There are many more meanings of “Elohim.” In general, Elohim refers to high aspects of divinity.

"Each one of us has his own Interior Elohim. The Interior Elohim is the Being of our Being. The Interior Elohim is our Father-Mother. The Interior Elohim is the ray that emanates from Aelohim." - Samael Aun Weor, The Gnostic Bible: The Pistis Sophia Unveiled

Here the name Elohim, is examplified as a plural, not a singular, like it is impossible to give these name to a one individual God, but these term or name is more of a title, these name is given to a certain Rank of Gods, which means not all God's receive these name. "Is these the way of understanding the name ELOHIM?
3 years ago
Accepted Answer
The problem with English translations is that it is limited. English words have specific denotative (and perhaps a range of connotative) meanings.

Hebrew is a sacred language because it represents the symbology of the consciousness. Each Hebrew letter, and therefore compound words, nouns, people, places, things, and ideas, bear multidimensional significance, amplitude, and representations.

All of the examples you provided are just some of the ways we can break down אלהים in English. There is no single manner of interpreting Elohim, as with many other terms, actions, and characters within the Bible. This is the beauty, flexibility, and dynamism of Kabbalah.

Look for one meaning, and instead you find many occurring at once, and even complimenting each other on different levels. This is why meditation is necessary for understanding Hebrew, since there are so many different principles manifesting within a single verse of the Old Testament!

For thirty years I sought God. But when I looked carefully I found that in reality God was the seeker and I the sought. -Bayazid al-Bastami

3 years ago
Accepted Answer
The problem with English translations is that it is limited. English words have specific denotative (and perhaps a range of connotative) meanings.

Hebrew is a sacred language because it represents the symbology of the consciousness. Each Hebrew letter, and therefore compound words, nouns, people, places, things, and ideas, bear multidimensional significance, amplitude, and representations.

All of the examples you provided are just some of the ways we can break down אלהים in English. There is no single manner of interpreting Elohim, as with many other terms, actions, and characters within the Bible. This is the beauty, flexibility, and dynamism of Kabbalah.

Look for one meaning, and instead you find many occurring at once, and even complimenting each other on different levels. This is why meditation is necessary for understanding Hebrew, since there are so many different principles manifesting within a single verse of the Old Testament!

For thirty years I sought God. But when I looked carefully I found that in reality God was the seeker and I the sought. -Bayazid al-Bastami

3 years ago
Wow amazing.
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