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  Saturday, 18 July 2020
  2 Replies
  664 Visits
Could we elaborate on intuition, direct experience and comprehension? These three appear to be intimately related.

As Samael Aun Weor says:
The Absolute is the cause of Spirit and of matter, but it is neither Spirit nor matter. The Absolute is beyond the mind; the mind cannot understand It. Therefore, we have to intuitively understand its nature.

Using the Absolute as an example, how would these three factors of intuition, direct experience and comprehension differ from one another if one were to attempt to understand It? Direct experience is what one hopes to achieve however is it enough or do the other two; intuition and comprehension (if these are indeed different from one another) need to also be applied?

Is intuition also helpful in eliminating the defects? We always hear about how necessary comprehension is however we are also instructed to listen to our intuition about what to meditate on and how best to imagine etc so it seems almost like intuition is a divine guide from within that has some knowledge that we don't see very clearly in our early development, this also reminds me of conscience which seems as if it works in a similar sense. Would comprehension applied to intuition, conscience and to itself bear any fruits? Are they useful to be applied together? Could one seek the advice of conscience in meditation of a defect to aid in comprehension?

In all of this remorse and a feeling of repentance can come about for some of our foolish behaviours, thoughts, feelings etc what are all these to us as a consciousness and in our practice to develop as the true human being?
4 years ago
Accepted Answer
Intuition is the science of comprehending phenomena and noumena without the interference of the mind. We do this through different awakened experiences of the consciousness, whether physically or internally.

Conscience, ethical discipline, and inner judgment, are what allow the consciousness to awaken to its own reality. Without following conscience or remorse, we cannot change, meditate, or realize the fundamental nature of reality.

All of your questions are answered in the following lecture and course:

For thirty years I sought God. But when I looked carefully I found that in reality God was the seeker and I the sought. -Bayazid al-Bastami

4 years ago
Accepted Answer
Intuition is the science of comprehending phenomena and noumena without the interference of the mind. We do this through different awakened experiences of the consciousness, whether physically or internally.

Conscience, ethical discipline, and inner judgment, are what allow the consciousness to awaken to its own reality. Without following conscience or remorse, we cannot change, meditate, or realize the fundamental nature of reality.

All of your questions are answered in the following lecture and course:

For thirty years I sought God. But when I looked carefully I found that in reality God was the seeker and I the sought. -Bayazid al-Bastami

4 years ago
Thank you so very much!
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