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  Wednesday, 10 June 2020
  2 Replies
  687 Visits
From the glossary-

“alaya is considered to be a base function of consciousness, the ground consciousness or storehouse consciousness, the base consciousness of everything that exists, from which everything arises. It is said to contain the seeds or germs of experience. As a "storehouse" it is said to be karmically neutral but perpetuates habitual patterns.

"Immense is the ineffable joy of those Diamond Souls who became lost within the great Alaya of the universe. [...] Alaya is the Anima Mundi of Plato, the Super-Soul of Emerson, submitted to incessant periodical changes. Alaya is in itself eternal and immutable; however, it suffers tremendous changes during the Mahamanvantaric manifestation. The Yogacharyas from the Mahayana school state that Alaya is the personification of the Illuminating Void. It is unquestionable that Alaya is the living foundation of the seven cosmos... [...] Alaya, even being eternal and immutable in its essence, reflects itself within every object of the universe, just as the moon does in the clear and tranquil water. [...] The Cosmic Consciousness, the great Alaya of the Universe, must awaken within each human being. Nevertheless, we make emphasis of the necessity of not confusing the consciousness with the Absolute." —Samael Aun Weor, Cosmic Teachings of a Lama

To help me understand thIs karmically neutral ground consciousness or substrate consciousness, could you please point out where this would be located on the tree of life. Is this the subconscious or is it something different?
4 years ago
Accepted Answer
"Alaya means latent. At the end of Manvantara, when PrAlaya sets in, certainly the Alaya will become Laya and fall into nothing. That is to say, it is nothing; it is just like Ain-Soph. What is Ain-Soph? No-thing. It is not a thing; that is to say, it is nothing (but it is some thing unknown), the zero point (the unknown)." - Hellen P. Blavatsky

“The Theomertmalogos was altered in the dawn of the Mahamanvantara, by a contact of the Geneotriamatzikamnian type.
This signifies that the sublime Theomertmalogos suffered a certain alteration when it made contact with the primogenial manifestation of the cosmos.”

Excerpt From: Samael Aun Weor. “The Gnostic Bible: The Pistis Sophia Unveiled.” iBooks.

The Theomertmalogos is the intelligence (the none-manifested Binah), the soul of the universe. The third Sephirah, Binah is Chaiah, the soul that manifests our own particular individual cognizant intelligence.

Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah,
the Root of David, has prevailed to open the book,
and to loose the seven seals thereof. - Revelation 5: 5

4 years ago
Thank you ? :)
4 years ago
Accepted Answer
"Alaya means latent. At the end of Manvantara, when PrAlaya sets in, certainly the Alaya will become Laya and fall into nothing. That is to say, it is nothing; it is just like Ain-Soph. What is Ain-Soph? No-thing. It is not a thing; that is to say, it is nothing (but it is some thing unknown), the zero point (the unknown)." - Hellen P. Blavatsky

“The Theomertmalogos was altered in the dawn of the Mahamanvantara, by a contact of the Geneotriamatzikamnian type.
This signifies that the sublime Theomertmalogos suffered a certain alteration when it made contact with the primogenial manifestation of the cosmos.”

Excerpt From: Samael Aun Weor. “The Gnostic Bible: The Pistis Sophia Unveiled.” iBooks.

The Theomertmalogos is the intelligence (the none-manifested Binah), the soul of the universe. The third Sephirah, Binah is Chaiah, the soul that manifests our own particular individual cognizant intelligence.

Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah,
the Root of David, has prevailed to open the book,
and to loose the seven seals thereof. - Revelation 5: 5

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